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Minimal Electroweak Scale Cosmology and the LHC M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Wisconsin-Madison NPAC Theoretical.

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Presentation on theme: "Minimal Electroweak Scale Cosmology and the LHC M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Wisconsin-Madison NPAC Theoretical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minimal Electroweak Scale Cosmology and the LHC M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Wisconsin-Madison NPAC Theoretical Nuclear, Particle, Astrophysics & Cosmology Berkeley, March 2009

2 Outline I.Intro & Motivation II.Baryogenesis & EWPT III.Three minimal models & their LHC phenomenology Real Singlet xSM Complex SingletcxSM Real Triplet  SM V. Barger, P. Fileviez Perez, H. Patel, P. Langacker, M. McCaskey, D. O.Connell, S. Profumo, G. Shaugnessy, K. Wang, M. Wise Minimal TeV-scale SM extensions Can help explain the origin of matter (visible and dark) Can be discovered at the LHC Can be probed in cosmologically relevant parameter space at colliders

3 Cosmology at the HEP & NP Interface Nature of DM & its interactions Origin of the BAU Two puzzles: Additional problems: Gauge hierarchy EWPO & m H (little hierarchy) Origin of m Indirect & direct detection Collider E Collider: EWPT & spectrum EDM: CPV

4 Non-minimal Solutions (SUSY) Nature of DM & its interactions Origin of the BAU Gauge hierarchy EWPO & m H Origin of m “Minimal” : 105 new parameters        Additional complications: Why is  ~ M weak ? Why little flavor & CPV ? Origin of params in L soft ? M SUSY < TeV (hierarchy) Bino-Higgsino-like LSP (DM) Light RH stop ( m < 125 GeV) M 1 ~     

5 Minimal Solutions (non-SUSY) Nature of DM & its interactions Origin of the BAU Gauge hierarchy EWPO & m H Origin of m      Extra ScalarsExtra Fermions     

6 Set aside hierarchy problem (for now) To what extent can minimal scenarios for new electroweak scale physics help explain the abundance of matter (visible & dark) ? How can they be probed at the LHC ? This Talk

7 Highlight for This Talk: Scalars Gauge Interactions No Gauge Interactions Simplest: 1 new dof Next Simplest: 2 new dof Focus: Key parameters for cosmo & LHC pheno Complex Singlet (cxSM): DM, BAU, and m H / EWPO H-S Mixing, Reduced BRs, &  SI Real Singlet (xSM): DM or BAU-m H / EWPO BAU: H-S Mixing & Reduced BRs DM: Reduced BRs &  SI Simplest: 3 new dof (2HDM: 4 new dof) Real Triplet  SM)  DM or BAU (EWPT) DM: Charged track &  SI BAU:  or bb  ;  Br(H!  )

8 Baryogenesis: Ingredients Anomalous B-violating processesPrevent washout by inverse processes Sakharov Criteria B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 SM Sphalerons:  SM CKM CPV:  SM EWPT:  EDMs LHC: Scalars

9 Electroweak Phase Transition & Higgs 1st order2nd order LEP EWWG Increasing m h m h >114.4 GeV or ~ 90 GeV (SUSY) Computed E SM : m H < 70 GeV Need So that  sphaleron is not too fast E MSSM ~ 10 E pert SM : m H < 120 GeV Stop loops in V Eff Light RH stop w/ special Non-doublet Higgs (w / wo SUSY) MixingDecay

10 The Simplest Extension Model Independent Parameters: v 0, x 0, 0, a 1, a 2, b 3, b 4 H-S Mixing H 1 ! H 2 H 2 Mass matrix Stable S (dark matter?) Tree-level Z 2 symmetry: a 1 =b 3 =0 to prevent s-h mixing and one-loop s hh x 0 =0 to prevent h-s mixing xSM EWPT:  Signal Reduction Factor ProductionDecay sin 2  Simplest extension of the SM scalar sector: add one real scalar S Goal: identify generic features of minimal models with new scalars having a strong, 1 st order EWPT and/or DM Determine low-energy phenomenology (Higgs studies, precision ewk) Address CPV with a different mechanism

11 Finite Temperature Potential What is the pattern of symmetry breaking ? What are conditions on the couplings in V(H,S) so that /T > 1 at T C ? Cylindrical Co-ordinates Compute V eff (  T ) Minimize w.r.t  Find T C Evaluate v(T C )/T C ~ cos  (T C )  (T C )/T C

12 V EFF (T) & EWSB Potential Key Parameters Analytic Numerical Strong first order EWPT: SM Strong first order EWPT Increase  Large e < 0 Reduce Nonzero V 0 a 1 <0, a 2 either sign Light: all models Black: LEP allowed a 1 =b 3 = 0, a 2 < 0

13 Symmetry Breaking Two Cases for at high T: V min = 0 V min = V 0 < 0

14 LHC Phenomenology Signatures EWPO compatible m 2 > 2 m 1 m 1 > 2 m 2 LHC: reduced BR(h SM) Signal Reduction Factor ProductionDecay CMS 30 fb -1  SM-like Singlet-like SM-like SM-like w/ H 2 ->H 1 H 1 or Singlet-like ~ EWB Viable Light: all models Black: LEP allowed Scan: EWPT-viable model parameters LHC exotic final states: 4b-jets,  + 2 b-jets… EWPO comp w/ a 1 =0=b 3 LHC: reduced BR(h SM) Probing   : WBF H ! ZZ! 4 l H ! WW! 2j l Early LHC discovery possible Determine  as low as ~ 0.5

15 Complex Singlet: EWB & DM Barger, Langacker, McCaskey, R-M, Shaugnessy: 0811.0393 [hep-ph] Key features for EWPT & DM: (1)Softly broken global U(1) (2)Closes under renormalization (3)SSB leading to two fields: S that mixes w/ h and A is stable (DM) Controls  CDM & EWPT No domain walls DM mass No CPV for T < T EW : Stable A Spontaneous CPV for T ~ T EW ?

16 Complex Singlet: EWB & DM Barger, Langacker, McCaskey, R-M, Shaugnessy  2 controls  CDM & EWPT M H1 = 120 GeV, M H2 =250 GeV, x 0 =100 GeV

17 Complex Singlet: Direct Detection Barger, Langacker, McCaskey, R-M, Shaugnessy Two component case (x 0 =0) Little sensitivity of scaled  SI to  

18 Complex Singlet: LHC Discovery Barger, Langacker, McCaskey, R-M, Shaugnessy Traditional search: CMSInvisible search: ATLAS Single component case (x 0 = 0) EWPT

19 VBF: Invisible Search I Central Jet Veto H ! W + W - !  jj : ideally only W decay products in central region (Chehime & Zeppenfeld ‘93)  H ! W + W - ! l + l -  : central region minijet from SM bcknd,  separation from dilepton pair (Barger, Phillips, Zeppenfeld ‘94)

20 VBF: Invisible Search II p T (H) distribution  Look for azimuthal shape change of primary jets (Eboli & Zeppenfeld ‘00) Large p T (invisible decay) Dijet azimuthal distribution  Cahn et al ‘87

21 Complex Singlet: LHC Discovery Barger, Langacker, McCaskey, R-M, Shaugnessy Traditional search: CMSInvisible search: ATLAS Single component case (x 0 = 0) EWPT Combined search

22 Real Triplet       ~ ( 1, 3, 0 ) H 1 -> H 2 H 2 H-  Mixing Independent Parameters: v 0, x 0, 0, a 1, a 2, b 4 Fileviez-Perez, Patel, Wang, R-M: 0811.3957 [hep-ph]

23 Real Triplet : Key Features  Gauge interactions  Large     ! W + W - : Need M  ~ 2 TeV for full  CDM  parameter Small x 0 (T=0) : Small mixing & EWPO impact “Fermiophobic” 1st order EWPT ? Spectrum Four scalars : H 1 ~ SM-like; H 2 ~ triplet-like; H +, H - Couplings & 2  BRs H 1 H + H - & H 2 W + W - : Strong a 2 -dependence ! Sensitivity of BR(H j !  )

24 Real Triplet : Production Pair production dominant Assoc production     suppressed Below WZ Threshold Promising for LHC Promising for ILC Above WZ Threshold

25 Real Triplet : H + Decays Charged: decay length Secondary vertex Tiny x 0 : pure gauge DM Limit: x 0 =0 & c  = 5.06 cm

26 Real Triplet : DM Search Basic signature: Charged track disappearing after ~ 5 cm SM Background: QCD jZ and jW w/ Z !  & W!l Trigger: Monojet (ISR) + large E T Cuts: large E T hard jet One 5cm track Cirelli et al: M  = 500 GeV:    CDM ~ 0.1

27 Real Triplet : Charged BRs I Charged: x 0 dependence Pure gauge x 0 suppressed

28 Real Triplet : Charged BRs II Charged: x 0 dependence Below WZ Threshold Above WZ Threshold Pure gauge x 0 supressed

29 Real Triplet : General Search I Cuts: min p T (  )> 25 GeV max p T (  )> 50 GeV |  | 0.4 Basic signature:  (large x 0 ) or  b b (small x 0 ) | M  - M H2 | < 5 GeV Identification: For bb: b-tagging, p T (b)> 15 GeV, |  (b)| < 3.0 For  soft  from hadronic decay ! Leptonic decay w/ 5 GeV 20 GeV, edge of M T

30 Real Triplet : General Search II Basic signature:  or  b b a 2 = 1, 0, -1 : Small x 0 : Large x 0 : a 2 -dependence of H 2 W + W - coupling

31 Real Triplet : Couplings H 2 WW Coupling H 1 H + H - Coupling:  (H 1 !  ) depends on a 2 via H + H - loops  (H 2 !  ) depends on a 2 via W + W - loops

32 Real Triplet : Neutral BRs Neutral: differences with SM Higgs & a 2 dependence Different ratio of WW and ZZ,  BRs

33 Real Triplet : H 1 Decays Neutral SM-like Higgs: H + loops and BR ( H 1 !  ) X 0 =0: DM caseX 0 >0: EWPT case

34 Real Triplet : Summary Parameters relevant for EWPT: x 0, a 1, a 2 H + mass & decays: x 0, a 1 H 1,2 WW coupling via  : a 2 DM Search: ~ 50 events for    CDM ~ 0.1 (M  ~ 500 GeV); study BR(H 1 !  )

35 Summary Gauge Interactions No Gauge Interactions Simplest: 1 new dof Next Simplest: 2 new dof Complex Singlet (cxSM): DM, BAU, and m H / EWPO H-S Mixing, Reduced BRs, &  SI Real Singlet (xSM): DM or BAU-m H / EWPO BAU: H-S Mixing & Reduced BRs DM: Reduced BRs &  SI Simplest: 3 new dof (2HDM: 4 new dof) Real Triplet  SM)  DM or BAU (EWPT) DM: Charged track &  SI BAU:  or bb  ;  Br(H!  ) Minimal TeV-scale SM extensions Can help explain the origin of matter (visible and dark) Can be discovered at the LHC Can be probed in cosmologically relevant parameter space at colliders

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