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Alpha Decay parent nucleus daughter nucleus Atomic number: -2 mass number: -4.

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2 Alpha Decay parent nucleus daughter nucleus Atomic number: -2 mass number: -4

3 Beta Decay w How does electron emit from nucleus?

4 Beta decay Atomic number: +1 mass number: no change

5 Gamma w Waves are emitted from the nucleus w atomic number and mass number no change

6 Random Decay w The process of disintegration is random w The no. of radioactive nuclei decreases No. of radioactive nuclei time Decay curve

7 Half Life The half life is the time for half of the radioactive nuclei to decay. No. of radioactive nuclei time

8 Half Life w Radon-220 52s w Sodium-2415 hours w Iodine-1318 days w Carbon-145600 years w Uranium-235700000000 years

9 Activity w When the no. of radioactive nuclei decreases, the rate of radiation emission also decreases. w Activity = no. of disintegration per second w unit : Bq (becquerel)

10 Use of Radioisotope w Radiotherapy w Tracer w Sterilisation w Thickness gauge w Smoke detector w Carbon dating

11 Radiotherapy w Kill cancer cells w Circular treatment w Use gamma: high penetrating power

12 Tracer w Inject radioactive source into body w Let the body absorb the radioactive source w Detect the radiation outside body e.g. Iodine-131 to detect thyroid gland Sodium-24 to detect blood clot w Use gamma or beta: penetrate through body w Short half life: several hours to several days

13 Sterilisation w Use radiation to kill bacteria in food w Sterilize syringes w Use gamma ray: high penetrating power

14 Thickness Gauge w Check thickness of materials w Use beta ray w If too thin, more beta particle penetrate through and the count rate increase w If too thick, less beta particle penetrate through and the count rate decrease

15 Smoke Detector w Radioactive source produces ions in both chamber w two equal current produced w If there is fire, more ions enter the open chamber. Two current not equal. w Alarm on.

16 Carbon-14 Dating w Every living things contain C-12 and C-14 with specific ratio. w When living things died, C-14 decays and become less and less. w Ratio of C-12 and C-14 can be used in archaeological dating.

17 Use of Radioisotope w Radiotherapy w Tracer w Sterilization w Thickness gauge w Smoke detector w Carbon dating w Nuclear energy

18 Nuclear Fission w When neutron bombard uranium nucleus, it splits into smaller parts. w Energy is released in the process. w This is called fission. w 1kg uranium releases 100000000000000J

19 Chain Reaction w The neutrons emitting in the fission can cause more uranium nucleus to have fission. w Chain reaction takes place very quickly if the mass is larger than the critical mass. w Huge amount of energy will be released.

20 Atomic Bomb vs Nuclear Reactor w Atomic Bomb: uncontrolled fission w Nuclear reactor: controlled fission fission heat up water hot water boils secondary water steam turns turbine of generator

21 Nuclear Reactor

22 w Fuel element: uranium rod w moderator: keep neutron at suitable speed of fission (slow speed) w control rod absorb neutrons control rate of reaction

23 Safety of Nuclear Reactor w Thick reactor building w Thick steel reactor w Control rod w Use pressurized water to avoid boiling w Monitor nearby surrounding’s background radiation.

24 Fusion w When two light nuclei join together to form heavy nucleus, energy is released. w This is called fusion. w 1kg of hydrogen gives 600000000000000J.

25 Fusion’s Adv. And Disadv. w Advantage: many fuel less pollution more energy released w Disadvantage: requires very high temperature (like the Sun) difficult to find container w Uncontrolled fusion: hydrogen bomb Start by atomic bomb

26 Nuclear Energy Debate w Pros Solve world’s energy problem Cheaper than coal or oil Less pollution than coal or oil w Cons Unacceptable hazard if exploded Many nuclear waste Lead to nuclear weapon, nuclear war Other better energy resources available

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