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Doctoral Development Programme Ian Douglas Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Doctoral Development Programme Ian Douglas Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doctoral Development Programme Ian Douglas Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health

2 Agenda Overview of DDP and Rationale Training Needs Analysis –Examples –Gaining the “training” Assessment e-Portfolio Role of the supervisor Questions

3 Principles of the DDP Replacement of the current (RTP) –Innovative but rigid –Module choice “because they have to..”; least painful For all research students –PhD, MPhil, FT and PT (inc. Joint location etc.), Student specific – based on a Training Needs Analysis Not credit bearing Based on 4 skill sets:- –Generic skills to become a high-level professional –Subject specific advanced training –Craft skills (may be subject specific) –Broad scholarship and wider engagement within the full community of scholars


5 Implementation requirements Expected outcome: High Level Professional Training must be: –Relevant –Student-specific (individual) The DDP aims to avoid –Teaching students what they already know –Encouraging the belief that students are trained to be academics only (or data/paper machines) –Being too prescriptive –Being too bureaucratic

6 From a student’s perspective

7 Cross-sessional students DDP starts when they arrive, just as the RTP does TNA and induction should be as for main intake students

8 TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS Skills and experiences that a PGR student should obtain by the end of their higher degree studies For each applicable skill, student indicates the extent of their experience and ability by placing an “X” in the most appropriate box 1 = I have no knowledge or experience of this 2 = I have some knowledge, but no experience of this 3 = I have done this only occasionally 4 = I do this regularly, but require more experience to become proficient 5 = I have extensive knowledge and experience of this 6 = I consider myself highly proficient at this and could train others in the area

9 Extent of experience/ability Evidence/CommentsTraining Needs Skills123456 Generic skills to become a high level professional in any field Ability to convert a research topic into a testable hypothesis Identify, gather, critically appraise and synthesise research literature, identifying gaps and prioritising research in those gaps Ability to critically evaluate own work Ability to keep good records of own research Ability to describe your research in writing, in a clear and concise manner Demonstration of good scientific practice including understanding of plagiarism, why it is important and how to avoid it. Understand the meaning and importance of research ethics Successfully present and defend your research to peers in verbal presentations Ability to manage the research process – time management skills; working with and respecting colleagues. Successfully present and defend your research to peers in verbal presentations Acceptable presentation of technical information (1-2) Can select an appropriate form and level of delivery for a given audience (3-4) Can integrate presentational techniques and the information to be presented for maximum impact (5- 6) Successfully present and defend own research to peers in verbal presentations x Acceptable presentation of technical information (1-2) Can select an appropriate form and level of delivery for a given audience (3-4) Can report information in a structured and interesting way that is easy to understand. Can integrate presentational techniques for maximum impact (5-6) Training in presentation (attend Presentation skills unit GSC6060; Faculty skills unit)

10 Role of Supervisors in TNA Discussion of evidence the student has for their self rating –Identify training needs –Person appointed to oversee development (e.g. 2 nd supervisor/personal tutor) Agree a development plan –Signed by student and supervisory team –Content of development plan is flexible; may contain compulsory units; RTP modules, training courses, experiential items etc –Can change and adapt to new requirements

11 Acquiring the “training” Students automatically registered for Shell modules e.g. (year 1) –FCM611: Generic research skills I –FCM612: Broad scholarship and engagement skills I –FCM613: Subject specific skills I –FCM614: Research craft skills I Students also automatically registered for any compulsory modules Online registration for modules

12 Shell modules FCM601 Generic research skills Literature Review and critical appraisal MED6950; HAR6035; HAR6029; Research Skills seminars How To Be An Effective Researcher HCS6001; DEN601 Referencing skills and use of referencing software Research skills seminars Plagiarism and How to Avoid it New module Searching the internet GS6200; GSC6000Quantitative and/or qualitative methods HAR6071/6081; HAR 6010/6090 Ethics and Governance New module + DEN601; HAR6000; GHU6007; HAR6250 Scientific Method and Experimental Design New module

13 (1) Generic skills PhD experience… R&IS seminars External courses “RTP” modules

14 (2) Subject-specific advanced training Level 4, Masters modules External courses –e.g. for EU-funded students (summer schools etc.)

15 (3) Subject-specific craft skills Computer courses –E.g. statistics (at appropriate level) Use of common equipment –Lab techniques course and experience… Experimental design –e.g. Epidemiological research design (HAR619)

16 (4) Broad scholarship and wider engagement within the full community of scholars Conference attendance and presentation Continuing professional development –Might involve requirements of learned societies Wider dissemination, public understanding

17 “Tailor made” - dip-in-and-out Possibility to take only relevant parts of modules –Negotiate such cases on an ad hoc basis [Syllabus for units should be made available] –Not expected to apply very often

18 Assessment Not everything requires assessment! Level 4, M.Sc. Modules –Assessed as before Library modules etc. –Online tests should be available Level of achievement required –Aim for competent in all, proficient in 2/3 Assessment and progress –Annual Progress Reports (2 nd supervisor) –As part of existing upgrade process - student must present evidence of development (e.g portfolio) –Periodically at supervisory meetings

19 e-Portfolio Record of experience and skills –Reflective log of activity Maintained by the student To be able to be seen by Supervisory team and the PG Tutor Supporting evidence recorded in an online database operated by R&IS –A print out of appropriate development activity given at graduation

20 Summary of DDP in the PhD Process

21 Role of Supervisors

22 Doctoral Development Programme: Guidance for supervisors: ment_team/guidance.html ment_team/guidance.html

23 Careers Service Support for Postgraduate Researchers and Research Staff Kevin Mahoney Jane Simm Careers Service

24 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications Specialist support for PGRs and research staff Available to students in all years of study and to research staff on fixed-term contracts Careers seminars at NCGRC – RTP/DDP accredited Sheffield University Gradschool Individual careers advice for research students One-off events focusing on specific employers or sectors Promoting PGRS/CRS to employers outside academia

25 Career Seminars 2010/2011 Developing Skills for Employment Careers in Academia Careers Outside Academia Networking for Careers Success Applications Workshop CV Workshop Interview Workshop Understanding Yourself (MBTI) 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications

26 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications Sheffield University Gradschool (SUGS) Two held in 2010 (May and July) One scheduled to take place in 2011 (April or May) Open to PGRs from all faculties, full-time and part-time, in year 2 and above of their research Held on University premises (Halifax Hall) with a tutor team drawn from across the University’s professional service departments The website is at:

27 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications Content of the Gradschool Skills development activities (communication, creative thinking, presentation, etc.) Careers sessions (CV writing, interview technique) Case studies and group discussions

28 Comments from 2010 participants “Highly recommended! Even though it caught me at a difficult time I am pleased that I did it.” “It changed my view of myself for the better. Life changing.” “This is a fantastic programme that should be extended to all students” “I’m glad I took this opportunity: it has given me a better perspective on my PhD.” “Good fun and helped me to develop people skills which don’t form part of the PhD experience.” 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications

29 Working with employers Guide to recruiting researchers (available on-line at ( Participation in surveys of employers (see the most recent one at: practice/113331/Survey-of-employer- practice.html) Targeted emailing of vacancy information Employer-led skills development sessions 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications

30 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications Additional support Dedicated pages on Careers Service website Careers Service ‘What’s On’ Programme Access to Careers Information Centre, including careers adviser and information staff

31 Specialist Careers Advisers for PGRs and Research Staff Kevin Mahoney (Engineering: Medicine, Dentistry and Health: Social Sciences) Jane Simm (Arts and Humanities: Science) 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications

32 17/09/2015© The University of Sheffield / Department of Marketing and Communications General contact information for the Careers Service For general advice and information: Careers Service office – 388 Glossop Road, on the corner of Glossop Road and Durham Road, next to the Students’ Union (tel. 0114 222 0910) Website –

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