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Coaching: The Art and Science “In all things, success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." Confucius.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching: The Art and Science “In all things, success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." Confucius."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching: The Art and Science “In all things, success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." Confucius

2 Growth and Development read pages 61-82 Part A Reference Manual in Module: Planning a Practice

3 Participant Development Model Stages of LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) Reference Manual Part B pages 44-49(Balyi) 1.Active Start (Age 0-6) 2.Fundamentals (Age 6-8/9) 3.Learning to Train (Age 8-11/9-12) 4.Training to Train (Age 11-15/12-16) 5.Training to Compete (15 to 21+/16-23+) 6.Training to Win (19 and older) 7.Active for Life (enter at any age)

4 Growth and Development Specific needs of sport vs specific needs of individual Skill and training requirements of sport must be adapted to the needs of the level of athlete being coached Skills, drills, technique and conditioning procedures will vary depending on the age, ability and growth of the athlete

5 Growth and Development Awareness of basic growth and development issues unisex sport, puberty, chronological vs developmental age Weight/size groupings vs age groupings Birth dates of rep athletes Familiarity with LTAD & Growth/Development Phases Kinder Phase –(3-5 years of age) Instructional Phase –( 6 to 11 years of age) Transitional Phase –( 11to 15 years of age) Competitive Phase –(15 years of age on)

6 Kinder Phase (3-5) Kindergym Variety of motor experiences Simple game type activities Praise and complement generously Avoid structured activity requiring attention, repetitions Comparing Emphasizing result/performance

7 Instructional Phase (6-11) Time period when individuals begin to participate in various sports and activities, develop basic motor patterns and learn to interact with their peers Unisex sport.

8 Instructional Phase (6-11) Acquire physical, cognitive and social skills necessary for games (beehives) Start to understand the idea, function and arbitrary nature of rules Improve perceptual motor skills Learn to interact with peers Start formulating a self concept


10 Instructional Phase (6-11) Best programs (Nelson, 1992) minimize performance results/competition de-emphasize specialization/winning emphasize basic motor skill development Run Jump Kick Catch Throw

11 Transitional Phase (12-15) Time period when individual begins to make transition from the world of child to that of adult, undergoing major physical, social, cognitive and emotional changes that affect all aspects of life including sport participation

12 Transitional Phase (12-15) Develop social, cognitive, language and motor skills necessary for individual and group participation Adapt to physical/physiological changes affecting their body Establish senses of independence and identification Begin to participate in competitive sport

13 Early vs Late Maturers Young superstars may not be best athletes as adults Children do not have specialized physiological capacities Thomas (1990) suggests success in sport for children attributed to physical development –Early maturers occupy starting positions –Rep teams and month of birth Docherty (1982) late maturers by virtue of longer growth period tend to attain average adult height slightly greater than early maturers

14 Early vs Late Maturers Dilemma - 1 Early maturers (before the age of 12) have a definite advantage in prepubescent competitive sport Do you cut the late maturer?

15 Early vs Late Maturers Dilemma - 2 When late matures develop their growth spurt (between 13 and 16), may become stronger and more athletically developed Early maturers who experience success in prepubescence may have difficulty coping with less success later in life

16 Competitive Phase (15 +) Period during which an individual is progressing into the adult world of sport. The full game is played and competition is more frequent and challenging

17 Competitive Phase (15 +) Reach full skeletal maturity and final height Communication and social skills improve Independence

18 Growth and Development: Coaching Principles 1.Keep fun in sport Reward effort Encourage social activities Emphasize pleasure in learning new skills 2. Design training and competition appropriately 3. Keep competition in perspective. Trying to win is important, but learning how to cope with disappointment of losing is critical in the big picture 4.Develop a foundation of solid technique, then work on sport’s basic physical characteristics 5. Guard against overspecialization Encourage participation in a wide range of sports and activities within each sport

19 Specialization



22 Growth and Development: Specialization To become a successful high performance athlete, it is important to specialize! Difficult to determine exact age young athletes should specialize. Consider the following with regard to specialization:



25 Specialization Considerations - 1 Bompa (1983): need to establish a general base develop multi sport skills Benton (1980) physically ready to participate in repetitive training thus avoiding chronic injuries –Swimmer’s shoulder –Tennis elbow –Jumper’s knee –Stress fractures



28 Specialization Considerations - 2 Levin (1985) general conditioning for sport almost completed Character, talent and inclination suggest chances for success are good Smith (1975) expose to variety of sports and then have child decide Need opportunities provided by parents, coaches and administrators




32 Making it in Hockey (Parcels, 1998) 24,000 active athletes “1975” year strongest ever – scouts drafted by OHL teams played at least 1 OHL game finished full OHL eligibility drafted by NHL signed NHL contracts played at least 1 NHL game active in NHL (1997-98) 24,000 active athletes “1975” year strongest ever – scouts 262 94 63 38 23 18 9

33 Making it in Hockey (Parcels, 1998) 24,000 active athletes “1975” year strongest ever – scouts obtained NCAA Division I scholarship 14 obtained NCAA Division II – III scholarship 22 signed NHL contract 3 graduated from their academic programs 13 What really are the chances of making it?



36 NCCP Core Competencies Problem-solving Develop an initial practice plan and modify Determine appropriate structure for practice Design activities that develop both technical skills and athletic abilities Valuing Appreciate how a structured and organized practice promotes learning Appreciate need to consider potential risk factors Appreciate importance of an Emergency Action Plan Ensure activities respect growth and development characteristics

37 NCCP Core Competencies Critical Thinking Compare current knowledge, skills, attitudes with info in Reference Manual Leadership Where appropriate, develop rationale to challenge status quo re: training activities Develop strategies to manage time and resources, given the need for safety and LTAD Interaction Work with other coaches to develop EAP Work with other coaches to design activities to develop both technical skills and athletic abilities

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