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LibQUAL+ TM at the University of Lethbridge 2005 January 26 L. Jacobs.

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1 LibQUAL+ TM at the University of Lethbridge 2005 January 26 L. Jacobs

2 2 2005 January 26 What is LibQUAL+ TM Why LibQUAL+ TM UofL and LibQUAL+ TM Life after LibQUAL+ TM LibQUAL+ TM at the University of Lethbridge

3 L. Jacobs3 2005 January 26 UofL Enrollment Trend (UofL Facts Book, 2003-2004)

4 L. Jacobs4 2005 January 26 Library trends…in circ, ILL (UofL Facts Book, 2003-2004)

5 L. Jacobs5 2005 January 26 Library trends…in reference (UofL Facts Book, 2003-2004)

6 L. Jacobs6 2005 January 26 “suite of services used to solicit, track, understand, and act upon users’ opinions of service quality” Provided by Association of Research Libraries (ARL) What is LibQUAL+ TM

7 L. Jacobs7 2005 January 26 Web-based survey  22 core questions  A box Management of survey data Results notebook Raw data Training on understanding and using results A suite of Services?

8 L. Jacobs8 2005 January 26 “suite of services used to solicit, track, understand, and act upon users’ opinions of service quality” What is LibQUAL+ TM

9 L. Jacobs9 2005 January 26 All programs, activities, facilities, etc. of an organization, which have a bearing on users' experiences during and as a result of their interactions with the organization. Focuses on the users' personal and emotional reaction to service Definitions: Customer Service

10 L. Jacobs10 2005 January 26 the users' assessment of how good/bad, or pleasant/unpleasant their experiences are the users' subjective evaluation of “customer service” Definitions: Service Quality

11 L. Jacobs11 2005 January 26 The General premise of LibQUAL+ TM Perceptions Service “… only customers judge quality; all other judgements are essentially irrelevant” NOTE: Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry. (1999). Delivering quality service. New York: The Free Press.

12 L. Jacobs12 2005 January 26 Provides a snapshot or discrete summaries of users' evaluation of their experiences with the Library Focuses on three “dimensions” of library service:  Affect of service  Library as place  Information control What is LibQUAL+ TM

13 L. Jacobs13 2005 January 26 ServQUAL (developed by Parasuraman, ARL partnered with Texas A&M University to develop, test, and refine LibQUAL+ TM  Originally funded through U.S. Dept. of Education, Improvement in Post-Secondary Education  Since August 2003, self-sustaining through ARL Statistics and Measurements Program How was LibQUAL+ TM developed?

14 L. Jacobs14 2005 January 26 York University (Canada) University of Arizona Arizona State University of Connecticut University of Houston University of Kansas University of Minnesota University of Pennsylvania University of Washington Smithsonian Institution Northwestern Medical 76 Interviews Conducted Source: Fred Heath, University of Texas at Austin, presented at La Calidad en las Bibliotecas Conferencia Palma de Mallorca, January 13-14, 2005

15 L. Jacobs15 2005 January 26 Source: Fred Heath, University of Texas at Austin, presented at La Calidad en las Bibliotecas Conferencia Palma de Mallorca, January 13-14, 2005 LoadedPT:P1:01xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt,S:\Admin\Colleen\ServQual Interviews\TEXT Only\01xxxxxxxxx.txt (redirected: c:\zz\atlasti\fred

16 L. Jacobs16 2005 January 26 Source: Fred Heath, University of Texas at Austin, presented at La Calidad en las Bibliotecas Conferencia Palma de Mallorca, January 13-14, 2005

17 L. Jacobs17 2005 January 26 Source: Fred Heath, University of Texas at Austin, presented at La Calidad en las Bibliotecas Conferencia Palma de Mallorca, January 13-14, 2005

18 L. Jacobs18 2005 January 26 Source: Colleen Cook & Bruce Thomspson, Presented to Library Assessment and Benchmarking Institute SLA/FEDLINK, September 14, 2002

19 L. Jacobs19 2005 January 26 Source: Fred Heath, University of Texas at Austin, presented at La Calidad en las Bibliotecas Conferencia Palma de Mallorca, January 13-14, 2005 2000200120022003 41-items56-items25-items22-items Affect of Service Service Affect ReliabilityLibrary as Place ReliabilityPersonal Control Information Control Provision of Physical Collections Self-RelianceInformation Access Access to Information

20 L. Jacobs20 2005 January 26 Source: Fred Heath, University of Texas at Austin, presented at La Calidad en las Bibliotecas Conferencia Palma de Mallorca, January 13-14, 2005

21 L. Jacobs21 2005 January 26 Minimum expectation of service Desired expectation of service Perceived quality of service So what is being measured?

22 L. Jacobs22 2005 January 26 Source: Fred Heath, University of Texas at Austin, presented at La Calidad en las Bibliotecas Conferencia Palma de Mallorca, January 13-14, 2005

23 L. Jacobs23 2005 January 26 The Gap Analysis … Source: Colleen Cook and Bruce Thompson, Presented at the LibQUAL+(TM) International Workshop, at The Whitworth Conference Center at the Royal Military College of Science, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, UK, 1/20/2005 - 1/21/2005.

24 L. Jacobs24 2005 January 26 NOTE: Martha Kyrillidou, “22 items and a box”, A webcast introduction to LibQUAL+TM, January 11, 2005. Key to the Bar Charts

25 L. Jacobs25 2005 January 26 ARL has found: About 40% of respondents provide open-ended comments which can be linked to demographic data and quantitative data Users tend to elaborate on their responses to the quantitative scales – basis for followup Users feel the need to be constructive in their criticism and provide suggestions for action And a Box …

26 L. Jacobs26 2005 January 26 Five “local” questions  Selected from 108 questions used in previous years (Document delivery (1), promotion (1), information literacy (3)) Overall satisfaction questions Library usage patterns (i.e., in person, via website, use of non-library gateways) Demographic information (e.g., age, sex, discipline, constituency group) Additional info collected …

27 L. Jacobs27 2005 January 26 Goals of LibQUAL+ TM : Foster a culture of excellence in providing library service Help libraries better understand user perceptions of library service quality Collect and interpret library user feedback systematically over time Why LibQUAL+ TM … what are we trying to accomplish?

28 L. Jacobs28 2005 January 26 Goals of LibQUAL+ TM (cont’d): Provide libraries with comparable assessment information from peer institutions Identify best practices in library service Enhance library staff members’ analytical skills for interpreting and acting on data Why LibQUAL+ TM … what are we trying to accomplish?

29 L. Jacobs29 2005 January 26 Assess whether we are meeting user expectations … identify:  what are we doing well; what can we improve on  what we need to focus on fixing  what we need to learn more about re: expectations Compare our performance to other libraries (i.e., establish best practices)  Identify new services and how we might improve existing services Benefit to ANY Library …

30 L. Jacobs30 2005 January 26 Establish a baseline assessment of users’ perceptions of our services Provide direction about where to focus our efforts and resources Provide a foundation for developing performance indicators for library services ????? Benefit to THIS Library …

31 L. Jacobs31 2005 January 26 WHO? Focus on university population  All faculty  All graduate students  Sample of undergraduate students (1500/~7500 or ~20%)  All staff  All library staff UofL and LibQUAL+ TM

32 L. Jacobs32 2005 January 26 WHEN? Survey will run from February 28 to March 19 Letter of invitation from University Librarian (Feb.28) Weekly followup reminders UofL and LibQUAL+ TM

33 L. Jacobs33 2005 January 26 Promotion (PR Committee): Posters Screensavers The Melorist - Three Lines Free The Legend Website (under construction) Incentive (five $100 UofL Bookstore certificates) UofL and LibQUAL+ TM …

34 L. Jacobs34 2005 January 26 TIMELINE: 2004 Sep: register 2004 Oct: cleared by HSRC 2004 Nov: UofL Branding 2004 Dec – 2005 Jan: customization & testing; sampling 2005 Feb-Mar: run survey 2005 Apr-Jun: raw data; incentive awards 2005 May: analysis (ARL) 2005 Jun: receive results notebook 2005 July and onwards: followup UofL and LibQUAL+ TM …

35 L. Jacobs35 2005 January 26 In the short term … What we learn will determine how we proceed …  Focus groups?  Targeted surveys?  Outcomes assessment? Life after LibQUAL+ TM ?

36 L. Jacobs36 2005 January 26 In the long term … LibQUAL+ TM is rarely (if ever) a one-shot deal for libraries. How do you know if you have improved if you don’t continue to measure? Recommended MINIMUM frequency for repeating LibQUAL+ TM is 3 years … if you want to stay ahead of evolving user needs (Colleen Cook, Boston, 2005-01-17) Life after LibQUAL+ TM ?

37 L. Jacobs37 2005 January 26 UofL website: LibQUAL+ TM project website: email: phone: 329-2008 office: L1140 If there are questions … your own or from a user

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