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Research Problem Students in my introductory biology course struggle with the concepts of osmoregulation in the nephron and the events during an action.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Problem Students in my introductory biology course struggle with the concepts of osmoregulation in the nephron and the events during an action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Problem Students in my introductory biology course struggle with the concepts of osmoregulation in the nephron and the events during an action potential.

2 Research Question Research Question: Will having students create a sequential visual/text explanation (aka, a comic) of a physiological process improve their ability to explain that physiological processes? Research Context: First semester sophomores in Biology II My question is interesting because: Images have been critical tools used by scientists to explain scientific concepts. FallSpring First YearBiology IFrosh Bio Seminar Second YearBiology IIBiology III

3 Research Methodology First half of the semester Second half of the semester Section 1 (N=45) Test 1 5 osmo 2-tier Test 2 5 AP 2-tier NON Draw Nephron activity Draw AP activity Survey Pretest 5 osmo 5 AP 2-tier Pretest 5 osmo 5 AP 2-tier Test 2 5 AP 2-tier Draw Nephron activity NON Draw AP activity Survey Test 1 5 osmo 2-tier Section 2 (N=45)

4 Alignment of Research Question and Methodology Question: Will creating a sequential visual/text explanation (aka, a comic) of a physiological process improve student’s ability to explain physiological processes? MethodAlignment Drawing activityDone over two weekly discussion periods. A rubric will be provided and students will be required to a) distill the relevant elements for their comic explanation, b) draw those elements in their relative spatial relationships, c) organize the elements in the appropriate order and d) draw the comic. Student work in the first session will be collected and returned during the next session with formative comments. Crossover designIsolates the impact of the drawing activity on specific content. Pre-testTwo-tiered questions allow me to establish a baseline for student knowledge for the physiological processes in question. Embedded Post-testQuestions from the pretest embedded on the class tests allow me to assess changes in student understanding with and without the drawing activity. SurveyAfter they have been assessed, a survey will allow me to gauge whether the students felt the drawing process was useful, fun, etc.

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