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Senior Moments - the path to gaining SFHEA at UWS Dr David A Ross, Director of the Centre for Academic Practice and Learning Development, University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Moments - the path to gaining SFHEA at UWS Dr David A Ross, Director of the Centre for Academic Practice and Learning Development, University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Moments - the path to gaining SFHEA at UWS Dr David A Ross, Director of the Centre for Academic Practice and Learning Development, University of the West of Scotland with thanks to Louisa Sheward, Moira Lewitt and Adrian Egglestone Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

2 The Importance of Professional Development in HE The increasing need (BIS, 2011 White Paper) to demonstrate the quality of our teaching (to….all stakeholders, students, HESA, KIS) HEA Professional Standards Framework Will help focus on staff professionalism and accreditation Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

3 White Paper: Students at the Heart of the System (2011, p.9), Department of Business Innovation and Skills ‘We encourage higher education institutions to publish anonymised information for prospective and existing students about the teaching qualifications, fellowships and expertise of their teaching staff at all levels.’ Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

4 Professional Development at UWS PgCert in Learning and Teaching in HE since 2002 – leads to NMC and HEA ( Associate and Fellow) accreditation New UWS Fellowship Scheme (Levels 1-4 of PSF) accredited by HEA in November 2012, in operation since February 2013 Now developing comprehensive CPD Framework for UWS Academic and related staff (may include associate colleges abroad) Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

5 UWS CPD Framework UWS Fellowship Scheme CPD Needs Activity The Bigger Picture at UWS UWS PDR Process HEA UKPSF Descriptor 1 Descriptor 2 Descriptor 3 Descriptor 4 Identify Review Record Do Evaluate Objectives

6 UWS LTAS (2013) Value 6 - We resource continuous staff development in learning, teaching and assessment by reward, recognition and support for HEA Fellowship achievement Achievement 6 - Accreditation of eligible staff by HEA will increase to 400 (by 2015) and continue to grow towards 100%. Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

7 Professional Development… for new staff Accredited by the Higher Education Academy and Nursing and Midwifery Council Non-Credit, Formal, Informal – 3-Day Induction to Teaching, Learning and Assessment – 3 Day Introduction to TLA for PhD Students Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

8 Continuous Professional Development Framework…experienced staff – Alternative routes – Particularly relevant for experienced staff – Linked to the PDR process – Accredited by Higher Education Academy against United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

9 UWS Fellowship Scheme The UWS Fellowship Scheme is for experienced staff who teach and/or support student learning. Is accredited by the Higher Education Academy, and offers the opportunity to gain HEA Fellowship at four levels: Associate, Fellow, Senior and Principal Is based on the United Kingdom Professional Standard Framework (UKPSF) (2011) The UWS Fellowship Scheme is a means to recognise what you may already be doing!

10 Status (1) January 2014: – 265 staff accredited – Associate (24), – Fellow (235) – Senior Fellow (6) Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

11 Targets! 400 (all Levels) by 2015 100% achievement in UWS Fellowship Scheme by 2017 GULP! Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

12 Targets!! Start2013-142014-152015-162016-17 Totals at each Level Associate24201025 104 Fellowship2355520100 510 Senior and Principal 6201025 86 Total expansion Na9540150 Na Overall cumulative Total 265360400550700 Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

13 UWS Fellowship Scheme Support – CAPLeD all the way through – Detailed handbook – Introductory Workshop (Compulsory) – 3 optional workshops: Peer Observation, Reflective Writing and Academic Leadership and Mentoring) – Mentored guidance throughout – Feedback on drafts Accreditation – Internal panel with an external representative Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

14 Senior Fellow: Descriptor 3 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning. Individuals should be able to provide evidence of: Successful engagement across all five Areas of Activity; I.Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge; II.A commitment to all the Professional Values; III.Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity; IV.Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice; V.Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching, learning, assessment, scholarship and, as appropriate, related academic or professional practices; VI.Successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams) in relation to teaching and learning. Examples of Staff Groups a. Experienced staff able to demonstrate, impact and influence through, for example, responsibility for leading, managing or organising programmes, subjects and/or disciplinary areas b. Experienced subject mentors and staff who support those new to teaching c. Experienced staff with departmental and/or wider teaching and learning support advisory responsibilities within an institution

15 UKPSF: Descriptors Senior Fellow…sustained record of effectiveness in organisation, leadership, mentoring Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

16 Application for Senior Fellow Attend UWS Fellowship Scheme Introduction Workshop Engage in relevant CPD Activities Complete a 6000 word (approx.) Account of Professional Practice (APP) as a teacher and/or supporter of student learning. This should: Complete a Peer teaching observation by and of a colleague of your choice. Appropriately map the evidence provided within the application against the UKPSF. Submit two references to support your application. One must be provided by a current employee of the University of the West of Scotland. References must be able to comment on the applicant’s professional practice. Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

17 Evaluation of First Cohort 23 started – 8 completed by August 2013 Approx 35 hours to complete an application Feeling of a lot of work (busy people, lack of support from Schools and Departments?) Value of workshops, handbook, mentoring and feedback on drafts recognised Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

18 Status (2) We have seen a range of quality in applications – Under-estimating time to apply – “Statements” versus evidence and reflection – Reluctance to use “I” Responding well to feedback (reflective writing, reducing appendices) SF and PF in particular resulting in need for extensive feedback Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

19 Questions Staff: enhancing teaching day conference, 27 February, Edinburgh Napier University

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