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State of the College Address Charles E. Wilson, Jr. College of Arts & LettersAugust 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the College Address Charles E. Wilson, Jr. College of Arts & LettersAugust 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the College Address Charles E. Wilson, Jr. College of Arts & LettersAugust 20, 2014

2 Pillars of Strategic Plan Academic Programs Promotion of Teaching Promotion of Graduate Education Promotion of Research and Creative Scholarship Use of Technology

3 Pillars of Strategic Plan Community Engagement and Reward InternationalizationInterdisciplinarityFacilities Branding and Marketing

4 University Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Goals building a national and international reputation from first point of contact through graduation and beyond through academic, athletic & social activities, and human resource development through social, intellectual, and cultural activities to catalyze economic development

5 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Niche Majors / Minors --International Studies and Foreign Languages --Music Technology Niche Certificates Gaming and Social Change

6 Promotion of TEACHING Collaborative Development of New Courses Alumni – Student Mentoring

7 Promotion of GRADUATE EDUCATION Aggressive Outreach to Local Colleges Aggressive Outreach at Select National Conferences

8 Promotion of Promotion of Research and Creative Scholarship Aggressive Grant- Writing Workshops (faculty led) Support for Cross- Disciplinary Grant Proposals

9 Online and Hybrid Program Development Digital Scholarship Support Use(s) of Technology

10 Integration with Research and Teaching Enhanced Arts Programming Problem-Solving and Entrepreneurism

11 More International Students Curricular Enhancements World Cultures Major (e.g.) World Cultures Major (e.g.)

12 Cluster Hires / Joint Positions Gaming and Social Change Hub

13 Facilities University Master Plan

14 Branding and Marketing Website Upgrade (University) Better Social Media Presence Promotion of Faculty Accomplishments

15  Avi Santo – Chair  James Baesler  Robyn Bluhm  Michael Clemons  Kenneth Fitzgerald  Andrew Gordus  Qiu Jin Hailstork  Louisa Igloria  James Kosnik  Michele Mitchell  Andrew Sewick  Don Smith Long-Range Planning Committee

16 State of the College Address College of Arts and Letters

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