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The gravity group: Missing pics: Michael Horbatsch, Alex Dietz, Cody Arceneaux…

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1 The gravity group: Missing pics: Michael Horbatsch, Alex Dietz, Cody Arceneaux…


3 Black holes and compact binaries: astrophysics and high-energy physics Emanuele Berti, University of Mississippi/Caltech University of Mississippi, 9/7/2010

4 Work at Ole Miss (since Jan 2009): 30+ papers 1)Black hole perturbation theory and quasinormal modes Main applications: a) Astrophysics (tests of the no-hair theorem) b) Gauge-gravity duality 110-page review (arXiv:0905.2975, with Cardoso & Starinets) Critical phenomena: Lyapunov exponents Quantum mechanical scattering: Breit-Wigner resonances Green’s functions techniques: quasinormal mode excitation 2)Numerical relativity and relativistic black hole collisions Head-on collisions (E<14%, no naked singularities; PRL) Grazing collisions (E 0.95; PRL) Astrophysical rotating BHs are not particle accelerators (PRL) Semianalytic study: zero-frequency limit, point particles Superkicks for ultrarelativistic collisions

5 Work at Ole Miss (since Jan 2009): 30+ papers 3)Black hole astrophysics Spin-orbit resonances: implications for recoil distribution Compact binary rates for advanced detectors – workshop! eLISA Science Taskforce Massive black hole cosmic history Eccentric binaries 4)Astrophysical tests of strong-field gravity Stars in extended gravity theories, spontaneous scalarization Gravastars and superspinars Graviton mass bounds with compact binaries Massive scalar fields: a) Tests in the Solar System/with gravitational waves b) Superradiance and floating orbits (PRL) c) Bosenovas and limits on the photon mass

6 Support: As PI or Co-PI: NSF Grant PHY-0900735 ($150k, 2009-2012) NSF CAREER Grant PHY-1055103 ($460k, 2011-2016) NSF Grant PHY-090003 (2009-2012, 6.5million CPU hours) with U.Sperhake (Cambridge), V.Cardoso (Lisbon), F.Pretorius (Princeton) European Union FP7 IRSES (318k euros, 2012-2016) ”International Research Staff Exchange Scheme”; E.Berti (UM), V.Cardoso (Lisbon), L.Crispino (Belém), L.Gualtieri (Rome), C.Herdeiro (Aveiro), U.Sperhake (Cambridge) Pending: GAANN proposal to fund 4/5 graduate students every year As collaborator: SFB Project on Advanced LIGO/Virgo Rates (10k euros, 2012) CERN/FP/123593/2011 FCT PTDC/FIS/098025/2008 FCT PTDC/CTE-AST/098032/2008

7 People at Ole Miss

8 Starting September 2012: Michael Horbatsch (postdoc), Davide Gerosa (Master student in Milan)

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