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Associated production of the Higgs boson and a single top quark in the littlest Higgs model at Large Hadron Collier Shuo Yang.

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Presentation on theme: "Associated production of the Higgs boson and a single top quark in the littlest Higgs model at Large Hadron Collier Shuo Yang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Associated production of the Higgs boson and a single top quark in the littlest Higgs model at Large Hadron Collier Shuo Yang

2 Promblems in SM No fundamental scalars observed in nature No explanation of dynamics responsible for EWSB Hierarachy Problem Trivality Problem Neutrino mass Dark matter................................

3 Possible Solutions SUSY Technicolor: TC2,top seesaw Extra Dimensions: flat, wraped Higgsless Model Little Higgs ……

4 LHC May Tell Us what is the nature !

5 Little higgs models Motivation: hierarchy problem Basic Idea: higgs is a goldstone boson Mechanism: collective symmetry breaking Littlest Higgs Model SU(5) SO(5) [ SU(2)X U(1) ] SU(2)X U(1) 2

6 Collective symmetry breaking If there is only g 2. the original SU(5) is explicitly broken to SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1), where the SU(3) acts on the first three indices. In this limit, The Higgs doublet h shifts under part of the SU(3), and so it is forbidden from picking up a potential. The same symmetry argument applies when only g 1 is turned on. The fact tells us that even when all couplings are turned on, the Higgs does not receive quadratically divergent contributions to its mass-squared at one loop

7 The cancellation can also be understood in terms of the Lagrangian in gauge boson mass eignstates.


9 We find that in a large part of the parameter space the cross section of th production in s- channel and t-channel production can deviate largely from the SM prediction.

10 th production signal and background Our signal is Backgrounds


12 We find that in a large part of the parameter space the cross section of th production in s-channel and t- channel production can deviate largely from the SM prediction. Different from the case in SM, in LH model both the cross sections in s-channel and t-channel are larger than that in W-associated process in a large part of the parameter space. We also consider the signal 4b + l + pt +1jet and backgrounds for the th production. It is found that with 75fb inverse of integrated luminosity, in the parameter space of C=0.8 and f 5 can be achieved



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