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The types of bullying that occurs in schools around the country or the world can be verbal, non verbal, physical, racial or cyber bullying.

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2 The types of bullying that occurs in schools around the country or the world can be verbal, non verbal, physical, racial or cyber bullying.

3 Verbal bullying is speaking to a person in a way that is unkind and hurtful to that person. e.g. teasing, name calling, spreading rumours, whispering. Non verbal bullying is a for of bullying that excludes or embarrasses another person

4 Physical bullying is a type of bullying that involves harmful actions against another persons body. Ex. Hitting kicking and punching.

5 Racial bullying involves making fun of another persons colour of skin, religion or country they come from.

6 Cyber bullying involves bullying people over the internet, phone or any other form of technology.

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