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TEKS 4.8C The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system. : -collect and analyze.

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Presentation on theme: "TEKS 4.8C The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system. : -collect and analyze."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEKS 4.8C The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system. : -collect and analyze data to identify sequences and predict patterns of change in shadows, tides, seasons, and the observable appearance of the Moon over time

2 Question 1 NASA scientists, in their quest for knowledge about our Solar System, look at many factors when designing space vehicles. The space missions being planned will send unmanned space probes far into our galaxy for long periods of time through unknown territory. The vehicles must be sturdy to withstand the space environment.

3 One very important consideration is A. t he inconsistent rotation of the Moon and a possible collision with the space probe. B. t he increasing force of the Sun’s gravity as the space probe moves toward Neptune. C. t he damage that could be caused in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. D. t he intense heat of space travel in the outer reaches of our Milky Way galaxy.

4 Analysis of Question 1 Analysis of Question 1 Choice A -The Moon’s rotation is a known pattern of rotation. An incorrect answer. An incorrect answer. Choice B -The gravitational pull of the Sun will decrease as the space probe moves further out in the solar system. An incorrect answer.

5 Analysis of Question 1 Choice C-A high concentration of asteroids is found in a belt between Mars and Jupiter. Damage from asteroids hitting the space probe is a consideration for long distance space galaxy travel. The correct choice. Choice C-A high concentration of asteroids is found in a belt between Mars and Jupiter. Damage from asteroids hitting the space probe is a consideration for long distance space galaxy travel. The correct choice. Choice D-The affect of the Sun’s thermal energy (heat) decreases as space probes move farther away from the center of our solar system. An incorrect choice.

6 Question 2 Students and teachers at U R Great Elementary School have been looking forward to school field day. The whole school will participate in outdoor activities. The sunrise is beautiful, but breezy. Quickly, the win d increases in intensity, large gray clouds begin to move in, and thunder can be heard in the distance. There is a sharp drop in temperature as students arrive at school, and small raindrops fall. The teachers begin to ask, “What about our field day plans?”

7 What do you think? A. Field day should go on as scheduled considering lightning has not been observed. B. Field day should not go on considering thunder has been heard, but no lightning seen. C. Field day should go on considering thunder has been heard, but no lightning seen. D. Field day should go on since it is spring and the correct season for field day.

8 Analysis of Question 2 Choice A-There are serious safety issues with outside activities when lightning is a possibility.An incorrect choice. Choice B-Unfortunately for everyone, the developing weather pattern indicates that field day should be postponed. It looks like a storm is coming. Thunder has been heard in the distance indicating the possibility of a lightning strike. The correct choice.

9 Analysis of Question 2 Choice C-Lightning occurs before thunder is heard, but still might not be observed. An incorrect choice. Choice D-The important factor in carrying out field day is the daily weather. The seasonal patterns indicate a ‘big picture’ of climate (average temperatures, precipitation) and amount and intensity of sunlight. An incorrect choice.

10 Question 3 In January, a group of fifth grade Texas students is planning a science investigation. They want to do an investigation that involves putting different objects on light (photo) sensitive paper, recording the times, and looking at the shadows that are left after the paper is exposed to natural sunlight. The other students are excited about this and decide that they can meet at about 6:00 pm to carry out the investigation.

11 The materials that they have gathered together include a stopwatch, various household objects (a spoon, a pencil, some indoor plant leaves, a piece of clear plastic) and photo sensitive paper. Is their experiment ‘bound for success’ or ‘doomed for failure’?

12 What’s your best analysis? A. ‘Bound for success’ since they have all the materials that they need and seem to be working cooperatively. B. ‘Doomed for failure’ because they forgot to include a science notebook and get parent permission. C. ‘Doomed for failure’ because the investigation time may not have been researched adequately. D. ‘Bound for success’ since students did the designing, materials collection, and used a renewable resource.

13 Analysis of Question 3 Choice A-They have thought about the important materials that they need, and may also find others that they want to use. They do seem to be working together for scientific success, but...this is an incorrect choice. Read on! Choice B-Parent permission is important and having a way to record observations and collect data is also very important to investigation success and analysis. But, this is also an incorrect choice...continue to read on!

14 Choice C-Unfortunately, their investigation is ‘doomed for failure’. Did you notice that the students are planning the investigation for January in Texas? When is sunset in January in Texas? This is the correct choice. Choice D-The students do receive compliments for their originality and cooperativeness in using a natural energy source for their experiment. They just forgot about one detail. An incorrect choice. Go back and read the explanation for Choice C.

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