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Inner Planets. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets get a lot of heat and light because they are close to the Sun. They.

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Presentation on theme: "Inner Planets. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets get a lot of heat and light because they are close to the Sun. They."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inner Planets

2 The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets get a lot of heat and light because they are close to the Sun. They are small and made of solid rock materials. Their surfaces have mountains and craters.

3 Mercury Closest planet to the Sun Very hot during day and cold during night Orbits the Sun once every 88 Earth days The planet is named after the Roman god Mercury, the messenger to the gods.RomangodMercury

4 Mercury Stats Temperature:  Day:  Night: Number of Moons:  none Length of Day:  59 Earth Days

5 Venus Second planet form the Sun Covered by thick clouds of gas The planet is named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty After the Moon, it is the brightest natural object in the night sky Venus reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset, for which reason it has been referred to by ancient cultures as the Morning Star or Evening Star.

6 Venus Stats Temperature:  900 DEGREES Number of Moons:  none Length of Day:  243 Earth Days Length of Year:  225 Earth Days

7 Earth Third planet from the Sun Only planet with known human life Referred to as the Blue Planet Earth formed about 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within one billion years. About 71% of the surface is covered by salt water oceans, with the remainder consisting of continents and islands which together have many lakes and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere

8 Earth Stats Temperature:  59 degrees Number of Moons:  1 Length of Day:  24 hours Length of Year:  About 365 years

9 Mars Fourth planet from the Sun Surface has craters, mountains, and volcanoes The second smallest planet in the Solar System Named after the Roman God of War, it is often described as the "Red Planet” Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon

10 Mars Stats Temperature:  -81 degrees Number of Moons:  2 Length of Day:  24 ½ hours Length of Year:  687 Earth Days

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