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Welcome to the Parent Informational Meeting Incoming 6 th graders 2014-2015 January 30, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Parent Informational Meeting Incoming 6 th graders 2014-2015 January 30, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Parent Informational Meeting Incoming 6 th graders 2014-2015 January 30, 2014


3 Welcome Message Welcome Message Dominique Cunningham Mistress of Ceremony Student Government President

4 Presentation of Colors: Presentation of Colors: Honor Guard Officer William Pleasants Pledge of Allegiance: Brandon Rios Student Government Vice President Star Spangled Banner : Flute Duet Celya Walker & Arielle Hernandez Vocal Performance: Cameron Wheeler

5 Opening Remarks Mr. Kenneth Bass Central Campus Principal

6 Dramatic Performace Behavioral Expectations Director: Ms. Nancy Altimore

7 Behavioral Expectations Dress Code Requirements Appropriate Fitted and Tucked-in Uniform Required ID w/Breakaway Lanyard Dress Down Day Attire Note: NO Hats, Mohawks, Boots, Skinny Leg or Baggy Pants, or Sunglasses Common Behavioral Infractions to AVOID Disorderly Behavior/Horseplaying Electronics and Phones Public Displays of Affection (PDA) Cheating/Copying Another’s Assignments Cafeteria/Bathroom Behavior Threats/Bullying/Spreading Rumors Class A and B Weapons/Lasers Medicines or other Prohibited Items Profanity or Inappropriate Comments Zero Tolerance for “BULLYING”!!!

8 Course Selection Course Selection Ms. Kimberly C. Pizzo Assistant Principal

9 6 th Grade Course Selection Materials Course Selection Card Curriculum Guide ◦ Access Via (  Articulation Documents Survival Guide Summer Reading List ◦ Must read two books ◦ Must complete the book review for each book to submit to Language Arts Teacher School Supply List Sports Form (Optional)- Notarized and Copy of Insurance Card

10 6 th Grade Course Selection Materials Course Selection Card  Required Courses Math (Course1, Adv. Course 1 or GEM Pre-Algebra 6) Language Arts (Advanced or Regular) Science (Advanced required application) World History Reading (Advanced, Regular or Intensive(NO Elective)) NOTE: Course Waiver on the back of card if space is available.  Selection of 3 Elective Choices (Order of Preference)  Band I (Must sign PE Waiver)  Wheel (PE (18 wks)/Art (9wks)/Research (9wks)  Competitive Physical Education Annual Must be signed by 5 th Grade PE Teacher (Space Limited)

11 Deadline for Required Materials Due Thursday, February 6, 2014 to 5 th Grade Teacher  Green Course Selection Card  Signed by parent and student  PE Waiver if taking Band I  Signed Academic Waiver if requesting Adv. Class(es)-Only if space permits will waivers be granted.  Sports Form (Optional)-Signed, Notarized with a copy of Medical Insurance Card

12 SUMMER 2014  Summer Reading Requirement  Two(2) Books (From a selection of 6)  2 Book Reviews Due to Language Arts Teacher on Monday, August 18, 2014 (First Day of School-Graded)  List and forms available on the Central Site  Bring basic supplies on first day of school (i.e., paper, pencils, pens, folder, backpack and homeroom & math teacher donations)

13 SUMMER 2014 6 th Grade Orientation Camp Thursday, August 7, 2014 9:00am-12:00pm Central Campus Cafeteria (Students Only) Class Rotation Simulation with Teachers, Scavenger Hunt Campus Orientation, Raffles, Pizza Lunch and Fun with Friends NOTE: Schedules and Agendas will be issued on First Day of School Parents will have access to Transportation (Buses), Chartwells, Before/Aftercare, and PTSA from 11:30am-12:30pm Student ID’s and Lanyard (Complimentary) will be provided the 2 nd week of school NOTE: Replacements-ID’s $5.00/Lanyards $3.00

14 FIRST DAY Middle School-6 th Grade Monday, August 18, 2013 Your child is in good and safe hands!! DO NOT WORRY

15 Dance Team Dance Team Ms. Latrice Hubert & Ms. Maria Alfaro Dance Coaches

16 Student Support Services Jill Bear, Guidance Director

17 Reasons to see the Counselor: Academic Help/Promotion Academic Help/Promotion Organizational Skills Organizational Skills Conflict Mediation Conflict Mediation Being bullied Being bullied To help with Connections To help with Connections Want to talk to a Peer Counselor Want to talk to a Peer Counselor Students may fill out a request to see the counselor or parents may contact the guidance secretary for an appointment or simply send an e-mail to Students may fill out a request to see the counselor or parents may contact the guidance secretary for an appointment or simply send an e-mail to

18 What do I need to do to get promoted to the high school? Students must successfully pass: 3 years of Math 3 years of Social Studies 3 years of Language Arts 3 years of Science Successfully complete career component Completion of civics class/EOC Exam

19 How Do I Pass a Class? In order to pass a class, students need to acquire 4 points in that subject over the course of the year. A = 4 points B = 3 points C = 2 points D = 1 point F = 0 points Students must pass 4 out of the 6 classes in order to go to the next grade.

20 Grading Scale A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59 0’s SINK YOUR GRADE!!!!

21 How Do I Get Promoted to the Next Grade?? Students must pass 4 out of the 6 classes in order to go to the next grade. If student fails one or two core classes, student may go to the next grade, but must make up those classes before being promoted to the high school. If student fails any three classes, student is retained in the same grade.

22 Pass or Fail?? Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Math C DF F Rdng DDD D Science FFF B World Hist. FFF F Band B BB B L.A. DDD D


24 PASS OR FAIL?? Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Math DD D F Reading C C D D L.A C F F D Band A A A A Science C C C C World History B F D C


26 How do I “recover” a class? Instead of an elective, student will have to take the class the next school year. Student can attempt to recover the class during the summer through Florida Virtual School, which is VERY CHALLENGING!

27 What is Connections? Meets monthly for about 30 minutes. Non Academic time to discuss issues important to helping students with social issues or concerns. Adult mentor

28 We can all put an end to bullying by…... NOT STANDING BY…. BUT STANDING TOGETHER!!!


30 See you in middle school! We look forward to having you and your children with us!

31 Expression Monologue: Brianna Alvarez & Vanessa Moreau EAGLES TO JAGS Expression Monologue: Brianna Alvarez & Vanessa Moreau EAGLES TO JAGS Club Sponsor & Director: Ms. Latrice Hubert

32 Central Campus

33 East Campus East Campus







40 GEM Entrance Requirements  A minimum score of 241 on the 5 th grade FCAT  Teacher Recommendation Course Sequence 6 th – PreAlgebra 7 th – Algebra I Honors 8 th – Geometry Honors ADVANCED Entrance Requirements  A minimum score of 231 on the 5 th grade FCAT  Teacher Recommendation Course Sequence 6 th – Courses I, II, III 7 th – PreAlgebra 8 th – Algebra I Honors INTENSIVE  Level I students  Two teachers  Math Coach assistance  Same courses as Regular REGULAR Course Sequence 6 th – Course I 7 th – Course II 8 th – Course III Department Chair Mr. Vincent Verdile

41 Ms. Piper Spencer Science Department Head 6 th Grade Courses:  Earth/Space Science  Advanced Earth/Space Science (FCAT Math and Reading Scores and Application required for placement-Waivers not accepted) Additional Information:  Science Fair  Science Olympiad

42 Nancy Altimore, Language Arts Dept. Head Courses available for 6 th graders:  Regular Language Arts  Advanced Language Arts Additional Information:  McDougall- Littel textbooks are used for all grade levels (Pending Language Arts Textbook Adoption 2014)  Summer reading requirements:  2 Books from List and Book Review Completion Due for each on Monday, August 18, 2014

43 Chorus Musical Performance McKenzie Forrester, Kaylin Hernandez & Ashley Duenas Directed by: Stacy Corzo

44 Reading - Ms. Elena Carey-Walker Department Head and Reading Coach

45 6 th READING COURSES ALL 6 th Graders Required to take Reading Advanced (Level 5 FCAT) Regular (Level 4 & 3 FCAT) Intensive (Level 2 & 1 FCAT) ◦ Required to take two periods of Reading ◦ NO ELECTIVE OPTION ◦ State Mandated Curriculum: Treasures Reading Program Supported by Renaissance Accelerated Reader and Pearson Success Maker

46 Mr. Darrin Schwartz, Social Studies Department Head \ Social Studies Courses: 6 th grade: World History 7 th grade: Civics (Required for HS Promotion Must Pass EOC Exam) 8 th grade: American History (Career Component Required for HS Promotion)

47 Flute Duet Performances by: Celya Walker & Arielle Hernandez Directed by: Ms. Edie Shendell-Frankel, Band Director

48 Edith Shendell-Frankel- Electives Courses available for 6 th graders:  PE Annual (Competitive Sports)-  5 th Grade PE Teacher Recommendation Required  Beginning Band (PE WAIVER Required))  WHEEL  9 Weeks Art  9 Weeks Research/Computers  18 Weeks PE Additional Information: See Curriculum Guide for Elective Offerings  Many more electives available in 7 th and 8 th

49 Exceptional Student Education Contact information for the Exceptional Student Education program: Dr. Shelley Yeckes- Director ◦ Suzette Duenas – ESE Support Facilitator ◦ Jean McGrath- ESE Support Facilitator ◦

50 ESE Service Delivery Model All students will be enrolled in general education classrooms and will participate in a full inclusion model. Student placement in the general education classes are correlated with student performance on the FCAT exams. ESE Support Facilitators provide facilitation in the general education classroom for math, reading, and language arts.

51 ESE Support Services Tutorial services are provided by the Exceptional Student Education program for academic support before on Wednesdays. Support services to improve organizational skills are provided by the Exceptional Student Education program.

52 ESE Individual Education Plans The IEPS of all incoming students are carefully reviewed by the ESE Department. General education teachers are provided with IEP information regarding instructional goals and accommodation s.

53 P.P.C.M.S. Cheerleaders Ms. Latrice Hubert & Ms. Maria Alfaro Coaches

54 Athletics: Anthony Kelly Athletics Director Athletics: Anthony Kelly Athletics Director

55 COMPETITIVE SPORTS Boys and Girls are eligible for all sports Basketball (FALL) Soccer (Winter) Track (SPRING) Cheerleading (ANNUAL) Dance Team (ANNUAL) TBA by SBBC Flag Football & Volleyball

56 PTSA President: Eleatia Lindo PTSA President: Eleatia Lindo

57 Closing Remarks: Closing Remarks: Brandon Rios, Student Government Vice President Join us for our Informational Booths


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