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1 Educational and Facilities Master Plan Update Dr. Richard McCullough President Saddleback College Dr. Glenn Roquemore President Irvine Valley College.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Educational and Facilities Master Plan Update Dr. Richard McCullough President Saddleback College Dr. Glenn Roquemore President Irvine Valley College."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Educational and Facilities Master Plan Update Dr. Richard McCullough President Saddleback College Dr. Glenn Roquemore President Irvine Valley College Dr. Robert Kopecky Provost ATEP January 22, 2008

2 2 Saddleback College - Highlights  Associate degrees and certificates awarded increased from 1,271 in 2002-03 to 1,358 in 2006-07  Annual transfers to UC and CSU increased from 1,033 in 2002-03 to 1,059 in 2005-06  Number 1 in OC for annual transfers to USC  Ranked 12 th out of 109 California Community Colleges in transfer rates; actual transfer rate exceeds expected transfer rate

3 3 Saddleback College - Highlights  Student headcount is stable and full-time equivalent students (FTES) increased  The number of high school graduates attending SC from CUSD and SVUSD has increased  From Fall 2003 to Fall 2007 Distance Education sections offered have increased by 460%  Currently working on offering an online AS degree

4 4 Saddleback College - Highlights  BGS Building closed for renovation in 2005 which reduced ASF; will reopen for Fall 2008  In accordance with the Master Plan, roofs were replaced on: PE Complex; AGB Building; and Fine Arts Complex  From the Master Plan Facilities Project Priorities List for 2006-2010, 2 of the 12 are currently completed or underway: –Demolition of Lower Campus building to make way for the Village and completion of the Village for BGS renovation –FPP for Sciences Building accepted by State Chancellor’s Office

5 5 Saddleback College - Highlights  3 of the 12 Priority Projects for 2006- 2010 are in the final planning stages: –Prepare Village for Library move and James B. Utt Library renovation –Remove SA Building and renovation of upper quad –Construct Fine Arts Restroom Complex including renovation of Fine Arts plaza

6 6 Saddleback College - Highlights  The remaining 7 Priority Projects are in discussion and planning phase: –TAS Building Slab/Renovation –BGS Building Secondary Effects: Enlarge Computer Lab Area Relocate 2 Classrooms and 3 Offices to portables near CDC Consolidate Social & Behavioral Sciences Classrooms & Offices to BGS

7 7 Saddleback College - Highlights  Renovate Locker Rooms to Classrooms (PE 100)  Loop Road Reroute and College Drive RH Turn Widening  New Transportation Building and demolition of old Transportation Building and Building “K”  Close off old College Drive East and provide sidewalk to portables  Relocate Tennis Courts

8 8 Irvine Valley College - Highlights  This plan is used to estimate enrollment increases in specific disciplines so that the need for additional classroom/lab space can be projected and prioritized  There has been modest growth in FTES since Fall 2004  The Assignable Square Footage (ASF) has remained approximately the same since the Fall 2004  Significant growth in the last two academic years has been accommodated through increased fill rates (efficiency)

9 9 Irvine Valley College - Highlights  The college has been following the Facility Master Plan and the District Five-Year Construction Plan  Significant growth is occurring in Fine Arts due to the construction of the Theatre  Significant growth is also expected in Business Sciences when the New Business Sciences and Technology Innovation Center is completed

10 10 Irvine Valley College - Highlights  The Lab Sciences in Chemistry and Biology are impacted  The college looks forward to the construction of 3 new chemistry labs and the new Life Sciences Building to accommodate this demand  The college also looks forward to the Library expansion to accommodate a Learning Resource Center.  The Learning Resource Center is badly needed to address the current Statewide emphasis on Basic Skills

11 11 ATEP - Highlights  Launched August 2007 –5 classrooms –15,000 sq. ft. –Two technology labs Design Model Making and Prototyping Optics & Photonics Apple/Windows computer lab  Green Construction/Sustainability  Courses offered through Saddleback College, Irvine Valley College and the Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (CACT)

12 12 ATEP - Highlights Programs Today TECHNOLOGY  Design Model Making & Prototyping (IVC)  Optics and Photonics (CACT) GENERAL EDUCATION  Saddleback College/Irvine Valley College  Languages  Business  Math  Sciences

13 13 ATEP - Highlights  Fall 2007 31 sections 397 students  Spring 2008 56 sections 530 students

14 14 ATEP - Highlights  Future Programs –Expand current programs offered at Saddleback and IVC Nursing Communication Arts Computer Animation/Design/Virtual Reality 3D Computerized Technology Modern Manufacturing/CAD/CAM/Robotics Network & Computer Security Photonics

15 15 ATEP - Highlights  Future Programs –Expand current programs offered at Saddleback and IVC General Education – Math, Sciences and English Fashion Design & Cosmetology Distance Learning Culinary Arts Computer Training Foreign Languages –New Programs Biotechnology Modern/Green Construction Transportation Technology

16 16 ATEP - Highlights  Short Term Plan –Hazardous materials remediation –Demolition of nearly all existing buildings on property –Signage at portal entrance –Landscape maintenance – contract to maintain property

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