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Mountain View High School Counseling Department Presents Sophomore Class Guide to Registration for School Year 10-11.

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Presentation on theme: "Mountain View High School Counseling Department Presents Sophomore Class Guide to Registration for School Year 10-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mountain View High School Counseling Department Presents Sophomore Class Guide to Registration for School Year 10-11

2 Introductions Carol Bastian – Counselor Coordinator Mariela Ho - Counselor David Marroquin – Counselor Marti McGuirk – Counselor Linda Schortz - Counselor Laurel Brock - College and Career Coordinator Funded by MVLA Foundation Carol Johnson– Counseling Admin- Assistant Carmen Mercado—Bilingual Liaison Rose Russo - Registrar

3 Counselor Availability Before/after school Brunch/lunch E-mail: Guaranteed one appointment each yr. Appointments on request Carol Johnson : 940-4614

4 Individual Appointment Schedule Sept-OctSeniors Nov-DecJuniors Feb-MarSophomores Apr-MayFrosh

5 A to G Requirements A—History/Soc/SocialSci B—English C—Mathematics D—Lab Science E—World Lang F—Visual/Performing Arts G—College Prep Elective 20 credits 40 credits 30 req; 40 rec 20 req; 30-40 rec 20 req; 30 rec 10 specific No D’s or F’s accepted on transcripts— students must re-take course to be eligible.

6 A-G Requirements A.History/ Social Science- 2 years required World History 1 year U.S. History/Civics 1 year B.English- 4 years required College preparatory English-4 years C.Mathematics-3 years required/ 4 years recommended. Algebra 1 1 year (required) Geometry1 year (required) Algebra II1 year (required) 4 th year (recommended) D.Laboratory Science-2 years required/ 3 years recommended. Biology 1 year (required) Chemistry or Physics 1 year (required)

7 A-G Requirements E.Language other than English- 2 years required/ 3 years recommended Must be in the same language. F. Visual and Performing Arts- 1 year required Including dance, drama/theatre, music and/or visual art. G. Electives- 1 year required 15 Units (1 unit= one year long course)

8 MV Graduation Requirements Social Studies 3.5 years/ 35 credits English 4 years/ 40 credits Mathematics 2 years/ 20 credits Science 2 years/ 20 credits World Language Fine Arts2 years/ 20 credits Practical Arts Physical Education 2 years/ 20 credits Health 1 sem/ 5 credits Electives60 credits Total = 220 credits + High School Exit Exam

9 What are AP & Honors Classes? Honors Classes – High school level courses that provide the greatest challenge and preparation for college. All honors & AP classes are weighted locally. Universities will calculate applicants GPAs according to their formula. AP (Advanced Placement) Classes – Nationally normed college curriculum offered in a high school setting. Students are expected to take AP exam. The cost is $86.

10 Process of Registration Complete on-line registration Receive letter listing requested courses [May] Two weeks to make changes Master schedule built based on requests Final schedule with periods and teachers provided prior to start of school Changes may be made without penalty ONLY if there is room to move to another class for the 1 st 6 weeks of school.

11 Math Options Algebra/Geometry Geometry/Geometry H Algebra II/Algebra II H Trigonometry/Math Ana/ Trig/Math Ana Honors 2-yr class for students who have not taken Algebra or have not taken or passed Geometry Students passing Algebra Students passing both Algebra and Geometry Students passing Algebra II or Algebra II Honors

12 Science options Physics Physics C AP Chemistry Honors or AP Biology Honors or AP 4 hours of homework a week Overview of all physics topics 6 hours of homework per week Concurrent enrollment in Calculus Mechanics focus More time needed for homework and curriculum covered more quickly

13 English and Social Studies American Lit Survey Explore historical influences on literature and American heritage US History Emphasis on the 20 th century and relating to current events American Lit Honors Define the American literary voice Year-long intensive research project US History AP Colonial period to the present College course Research paper

14 Other Electives World Languages Visual/Performing Art [Fine Art] : all MVHS art courses may not meet the “F” A-G requirement Practical and Fine Art Technology Take in sequence Spanish, French, Japanese, Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Choir, Jazz Dance, Acting, Stagecraft, Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Auxiliary, Commercial Art Pre-Engineering, Engineering I and II Architectural Design

15 Electives Continued Physical Education Rally Yearbook Journalism Stu government 10 credits 9 th grade/ pass fitness exam 10 credits 10 th grade OR 5 credits each sport/limit 10 cr. Sophomore band will no longer count for PE credit Elective credit only All grades welcome

16 ROP and New Courses Broadcasting Construction— requires two class periods ROP Courses Auto Tech at LAHS Students will produce radio & TV programs for delivery to MVHS. Students will receive industry certifications in masonry Must be 16 to enroll and have own transportation

17 Alternative Programs Middle College Must be 16 Freestyle Academy Focus on digital media, film, commercial art, photography and design Must be junior or senior Attend Foothill for high school and elective courses Project based learning Credits for English and electives Build creative portfolio

18 Naviance Family Connection Web-based resource that supports career and college planning Specific to MVHS Allows your counselor and the College & Career Center to communicate with you via e-mail

19 Complete “my game plan”. Game Plan Click “save changes and I am finished”.

20 Go through this search to select colleges. Click “pick” and then click “add to my colleges”. College Search 959085

21 Family Connections Visit the website often! Explore on your own: college search, college compare, resume, game plan Schedule college representatives visits Complete Milestones as directed. Receive important messages from counselors Consider an appropriate email address. For technical questions contact: Laurel Brock in the College and Career Center

22 Extracurricular Activities Clubs Sports MVHS Ambassadors Community Service Opportunities: Students are responsible for recording and providing proof of hours to colleges, if colleges ask.

23 College Prep Tips 4 years of high school growth and self-discovery! Colleges want students with diverse interests and experiences. Embrace intellectual challenges and explore possibilities. CAUTION: Suspension, discipline problems, criminal activity Only Cs or better are accepted / retake Ds and Fs Maintain good relationships with faculty/counselor. Colleges want to see students take more challenging classes; do not plan “easy” years

24 College & Career Center Scholarship Information College Exploration College Representatives Visits Employment / Volunteer Opportunities Summer Enrichment Opportunities Financial Aid CSF [California Scholarship Federation]

25 What to Do Now? Keep grades up! Get involved at MVHS: clubs, sports, music drama Take on new challenges, explore interests Volunteer ! Get a JOB! Take Community College Courses Become familiar with Family Connection

26 Q & A

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