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The Journey through High School. Prepare, be flexible, communicate, have fun.

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Presentation on theme: "The Journey through High School. Prepare, be flexible, communicate, have fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Journey through High School

2 Prepare, be flexible, communicate, have fun

3 Class of 2013 + Credit(s) English4 Math4 Science (Lab Bio) 3 Social Studies3 Physical Education1 Computers½ Electives4 ½ Voc Ed/Fine Arts (any combination) 2 Total Credits Required Standardized Testing English4 Math (through Pre-Calculus or equivalent) 4 Science3 Social Studies2 Foreign Language (2 years of the same language) 2 Fine Arts1 Total Credits Required16 Gilbert Public Schools GraduationRequirements Arizona University Entrance Requirements 22

4  Get good grades  Get involved  Establish relationships with your teachers and counselor  Take classes that interest you  Start researching colleges: admission requirements, majors, cost, etc.  Start building your resume  Community Service- over the four years

5  Communicate with your Guidance Counselor  Keep up your grades  Take the PLAN test (pre-ACT test) during the fall semester  Continue extracurricular involvement  Continue researching/visiting colleges: out of state requirements  Continue updating your resume  PARCC Testing

6  Communication with Counselor  Take the PSAT test in October  Start attending college information sessions held in career center  Keep up grades  Update Resume: AZCIS program  Scholarships  Attend college prep exam seminars or prepare on own: ZAPS  Spring semester take ACT test or SAT test  Attend regional college fair/financial aide info

7  Talk with your Counselor and start to solidify your plans  Visit college reps in career center  Visit colleges  Start application process: early fall to Universities  January 1 st fill out your FAFSA  Meet with counselor second semester to go over final details  Continue scholarship search  Acceptance letters, final details  Feb-March application for Community Colleges

8 Enjoy the Journey

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