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Step 3 – Slaying the Fear Dragons The refusal game allows us to put a stop to the things that we do not want to influence, control, or participate in our.

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Presentation on theme: "Step 3 – Slaying the Fear Dragons The refusal game allows us to put a stop to the things that we do not want to influence, control, or participate in our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step 3 – Slaying the Fear Dragons The refusal game allows us to put a stop to the things that we do not want to influence, control, or participate in our life or life-style. Page 49

2 Games for Slaying Fear 4. The retiring old movies game 5. “Emotions are just signals” game 6. Acceptance game – embracing life 7. Gloriously fallible game 8. Dragon slaying game 9. Meta-stating negative emotions 10. The permission game Page 49

3 Game #4 Phobia Cure 1. Think about the memory as witnessing it from a movie theater. 2. Identifying the driving qualities. 3. Go to projection booth and watch yourself watch yourself. 4. Play out the movie. 5. Step into the end and rewind. 6. Cycle through five times or more. 7. Test the results. Page 50-52

4 Figure 3:1 Fast Phobia Cure Page 53

5 Figure 3:2 Neuro-Semantics of Emotions Page 54

6 Figure 3:3 The Structure of Emotions Page 55

7 Game #5 “Emotions are Just Signals” Game 1. Recognize that “emotions” are just signals. 2. Access a “witnessing” state. 3. Recognize the contextual cues of the world that evoke the response. 4. Say to yourself, “It is just an emotion.” Pages 54-56

8 “Emotions” are just Signals C 5. Design engineer a new meta-stating structure. 6. Meta-state the negative emotion with a powerful resource. 7. Quality control the permission and add needed resources. 8. Put into your future and install. Page 56

9 Exercise (Summary): Emotions are just “signals.” 1. Recognize that “emotions” are just signals. 2. Access a “witnessing” state. 3. Recognize the contextual cues of the world that evoke the response. 4. Say to yourself, “It is just an emotion.” 5. Design engineer a new meta-stating structure. 6. Meta-state the negative emotion with a powerful resource. 7. Quality control the permission and add needed resources. 8. Put into your future and install. Pages 54-56

10 Figure 3:4 Texturing Fear from a Higher State of Mind Page 57

11 Figure 3:5 Meta-Stating Self Page 58

12 Game Description C 1. For primary level thoughts and feelings as immediate frames, welcome them fully. 2. For meta-level thoughts and feelings, welcome these meta-frames in order to see if you want to set these as frames. Page 59

13 Game #6 The Embracing Life Game 1. Access the Three Resource States Acceptance Appreciation Awe/Esteem 2. Anchor each state with a sliding anchor. 3. Apply each to a “sense of self.” 4. Apply each to any negative thoughts. 5. Future Pace. Page 59-60

14 Game #7 The Glorious Fallibility Game Instead of bringing negative thoughts against self C Acceptance about your frustration Curiosity about your frustration Anticipating what good will come Calmness/Relaxation about frustration Loving self and others – considerate frustration Page 61

15 How to Play Glorious Fallibility 1. Check for a sense of internal permission. 2. Access awareness of the powers in your Power Zones. 3. Access and apply “Self-esteeming” that fully accept your fallibility – Acceptance, Appreciation and Awe to fallible responses. 4. Step in a fully experience. Page 61-62

16 Game #8 Figure 3:6 – Dragon Slaying Page 63

17 Game #8 “Dragon Slaying” We cannot truly or fully succeed until we take care of our internal “dragons.” These “internal conflicts” tear us up and sabotage our success. That is why we need to slay or tame our dragons. Page 64

18 5 Basic Steps 1. Name the Dragon. 2. Embrace the Dragon. 3. Analyze the Dragon. 4. Starve or interrupt the Dragon. 5. Meta-state the Dragon. Page 64

19 #1 Flush Out the Dragon Name the Dragon Flush out the Dragon. Throw your linguistic net over that ol’ dragon. Turn your laser beam headlight on it so that comes out from the darkness. What mind-body state do you not have a good relationship to? See list on page 64. Page 64

20 What mind-body states do you not have a good relationship with? Stress, tension Anxiety Fearful Self-contempt Bitterness Resentment Self-pity Anger Guilt about anger Pessimism Worrisome Over-serious Self-contempt Depressive Living in the past Competitive Page 64

21 What areas have you turned your psychic energy against yourself? What have you tabooed in your life? What states, feelings, experiences, etc. Do you become intolerant about? What states do you not allow yourself to experience? What states do you forbid yourself or others? Explore Self-Expectations on page 64. Page 65

22 #2 Welcome and Embrace your Dragons. Think of something small and simple that you accept, but that you may not particularly like. Do you have permission to experience this emotion, thought, awareness, experience, etc.? How does this settle? Who took permission away from you? Does this taboo enhance your life? Page 67

23 # 3 Slay the Dragon. Tear the dragon apart linguistically ─ Language drives most of our Meta-States. We create languaged frames about our emotions and experiences and thereby construct meaning. Too often we construct disempowering meaning as we over generalize, delete and distort important understandings. Meta-Model questioning unglues the dis- empowering meanings. Page 68

24 Tear the Dragon Apart Linguistically. Use Meta-Model questions to challenge your dragons: What do you call this dragon? How do you know to call it by this term? When did you learn to think this way? Who taught you to experience this dragon? Does it enhance & empower your life? What are you presupposing in order for it to work this way? Page 68

25 #4 Starve and/or Interrupt the Dragon Dragons have to be fed to be sustained. What fuels Dragons metabolism? The components of mind-body states: IR’s and language. Eliminate the self-talk. Do a “pattern interrupt.” Page 69

26 #5 Meta-State the Dragon. Use the pattern of access, amplify and apply. Meta-State your dragon with “NO!” Cast a Meta-State Spell to bring forth your inner “Prince” or “Princess.” Page 69

27 Game #9 Meta-Stating Negative Emotions 1. Identify negative emotion. 2. Check your permission level. 3. Design engineer a new Meta-State structure. 4. Meta-State the negative emotion. 5. Quality control & add needed reframes. 6. Put into your future and install. Page 71

28 Game #10 Permission Game 1. Description of the Game: Check out your level of permission. Repeatedly test until you have clarity. 2. Quality control your sense of permission. 3. Integrate value objections into the permission. 4. Accept and release (or refuse) invalid objections. Page 71

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