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Action Adventure Mock feedback General comments Time management: 90 minutes; 4 questions; Equal marks = 22.5 minutes per question Make it easy for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Action Adventure Mock feedback General comments Time management: 90 minutes; 4 questions; Equal marks = 22.5 minutes per question Make it easy for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Adventure Mock feedback General comments Time management: 90 minutes; 4 questions; Equal marks = 22.5 minutes per question Make it easy for the examiner: signposting, use of question numbers; sub-headings etc Refer to the demands of the brief Respond in-role Cover all bullet points in a question Great film ideas – all thoughtful, creative and totally different!

2 Responding in role Directly addressing Mick Codis and acknowledging you’d love to be part of Action Studios e.g. Dear Mick, thank you for this fantastic opportunity… Frequent references to the requirements set out in the letter e.g. you mention the need to offer our audience a modern twist… Selling your idea and yourself e.g. I believe my film idea is perfect for Action Studios’ debut and will put the production company on the map alongside ‘the big 6’… Ensuring you refer to Action Studios as the production company for your film e.g. their logo on your poster, referenced in your billing block etc

3 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1a: the theory Audiences evolve over time, along with society. Representations need to reflect this New technologies create visual effects which suit the genre perfectly Consider changing representations of women (and of men) Lara Croft is a strong, independent heroine, but she also has sex appeal – mostly male audience Refer to Uses and Gratifications as a theory – Blulmer and Katz (diversion, surveillance, personal identity, personal relationships)

4 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1a: the theory Refer to a range of film examples: the more recent, the better Not enough to just discuss ‘bond girls’ – refer to specific films and characters Key word in the question is conventional. Offer an answer to the question: yes/ no/ partly Refer to sub-genres of AA – variety Don’t abbreviate to ‘action films’ – not the same Carrier waves

5 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1a: the theory Use as much terminology as possible e.g. romantic sub- plot Make reference to AA films having big budgets 3D Competitive market Conventions are fluid How they target audiences – involve them and make them active Viral campaigns – immersive Consider the future of AA – where do you think the genre is headed?

6 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1a: the theory Not ALL conventions need to change e.g. a conventional narrative can be presented in a new way e.g. Avatar Binary oppositions Need to show understanding of what the conventions are before being able to answer the question posed Todorov’s narrative theory

7 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1a: the theory Cross-platforms and cross-media fertilisation If discussing profits made, you need to know a ballpark box office figure Mulvey – Male Gaze theory Changing representations can broaden target audience Make it clear which bullet point you are discussing e.g. through use of sub-headings Quality of response is important as you only have 22 minutes Avoid over-generalisations

8 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1b: the pitch Importance of responding in role – sell the film idea: be persuasive Identify the sub-genre of your film Identify your intended target audience as specifically as possible Discuss uses and gratifications – why will the film appeal to the target audience Offer justifications for decisions made

9 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1b: the pitch Acknowledge previous films your chosen actors/ directors are known for – show understanding of & research into the genre Bonus points to Becky for being the only person (including me!) to spot that Action Studios had to be the production company if you were treating it as a simulation and following the brief! You could refer to Warner Bros/ Universal/ paramount etc as the distribution company

10 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1b: the pitch Cover all bullet points: could use as sub-headings to ensure they are all discussed and to help the examiner out Could present narrative in the 5 stages of Todorov’s theory (even if it doesn’t end in a resolution) Plot synopsis doesn’t need to be intricately detailed – not really time for that Spell actors and directors’ names correctly

11 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 1b: the pitch If your film is British make a thing of this as it is unconventional and could be your ‘modern twist’ There needs to be realism regarding the ages of the actors tying in with the ages of characters they are playing – Angelina Jolie does not look 25; Lucy Liu does not look 18; Johnny Depp would not pass as a schoolboy! Names needed – can’t say ‘same director as …’ Consider 3D for own film You may wish to consider budget

12 Recapping classifications 12A is a cinema-specific classification that means a film that would be released as a 12 on DVD can be viewed by children under 12 if supervised by an adult A 12A film is not recommended for children under 8, but ultimately it is up to the supervising parent to decide Target audience needs to reflect classification – if your film is a 15, then the target audience would not be aged 13-20

13 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 2a: the poster Colour, or reference to colour is needed Background needs considering – unlikely to simply be blank How many film posters are just main characters standing face-on to camera? Consider action poses Show it links to a campaign Show ‘modern twist’ Show it targets a technologically aware audience who want to be active not passive QR codes/ web address/ FB & twitter icons/ app

14 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 2a: the poster Quotes should be from relevant publications Billing block needs acknowledging, but no need to write out contents Question doesn’t specify theatrical or teaser poster, so either is fine as long as it’s acknowledged in 2b Teaser wouldn’t specify release date Release dates should be Fridays Rating is unlikely to be on poster Production & Distribution company logos needed (tie in with 1a) – ensure Action Studios logo is one there

15 Poster examples: look at conventions



18 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 2b: the campaign Needs to be more than just the film’s website Make the campaign immersive Active audience – get them involved Refer to existing campaigns that are similar e.g. Dark Knight/ Inception Refer to brief Refer to enigma codes created Can use sketches e.g. of homepage layout/ iPhone app

19 Action Adventure Mock feedback Question 2b: the campaign Avoid the QR code simply taking people to the normal film website – needs to offer something more e.g. exclusive content Consider computer/ console games Blogs and vlogs during filming Cast & crew interviews Reviews e.g. Empire Live webchat with lead actors Teasers e.g. photos on set during production Competitions e.g. to win tickets to premiere Gimmicks e.g. Paul exclusive screening to people called Paul! Related merchandise

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