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Team Members Amanda ChaffinProducer Jason HardmanCreative Designer Priyesh DixitEngine Designer Hunter HaleContent Designer Subhir RaoA.I. Designer.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Members Amanda ChaffinProducer Jason HardmanCreative Designer Priyesh DixitEngine Designer Hunter HaleContent Designer Subhir RaoA.I. Designer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Team Members Amanda ChaffinProducer Jason HardmanCreative Designer Priyesh DixitEngine Designer Hunter HaleContent Designer Subhir RaoA.I. Designer

3 Well, in reality, it’s more like this... Job TitleSurgeon1 st Assist2 nd Assist Producer AmandaJasonPriyesh Designer JasonSubhirHunter Engine PriyeshHunterJason Content HunterSubhirAmanda Level Design SubhirAmandaJason Sound JasonAmandaPriyesh Effects HunterJasonPriyesh Physics JasonPriyeshAmanda AI SubhirPriyeshHunter Documentation AmandaJasonSubhir Interface AmandaHunterJason Quality Assurance HunterEveryone else Website Design Amanda

4 Concept Two types of beings: Terrasoul – physically based creature Astrasoul – energy based creature Combined into one: Oversoul – hybrid Terrasoul and Astrasoul Provides mutually beneficial relationship

5 Story Save the Oversouls from imminent death using the power of the Elemental Orbs Elemental Orbs are collected to give player new abilities Tesseract (worm hole) to different worlds to gain new Elemental abilities. All worlds connected through gate world, Shinsusa

6 Characters WynafellSerex

7 Gameplay First and third-person action RPG Switch between three game play modes: Astramode = Energy Terramode = Physical (Default) Overmode = Both Find the Keystone at the end of each level Collect all Keystones to save your world

8 Controls - Xbox 360

9 Controls - Windows XP Mouse: Camera –Left click: Select/Attack –Right click: Spell cast –Middle click: Zoom –Scroll wheel: Element Selection Keyboard: –WSAD: Move –E: Use –Space bar: Jump –Left control: Crouch –Escape: Cancel –F1 through F4: Element Selection

10 Level Design Central World: Shinsusa Temple –Contains time portal to all worlds –Can always return to Shinsusa

11 The Lure Why our game rocks: –Novel game concepts and story –Combination of innovative puzzles and action –Cutting edge game technology Target rating: T for Teen Age group: 14-30 RPG, Adventure and FPS players More strategy, less hack-n-slash

12 Key Technologies Various shader effects Procedural textures and music Dynamic environments Physics in shaders

13 Comparable Concepts Similar –Kameo Elements of Power (Xbox360) –Megaman (series) –Full Metal Alchemist Influential –Soul Reaver –Final Fantasy series (and movie) –Prey –A Wrinkle in Time –Stargate SG1 Avoided (bad) games –Final Fantasy X-2 –Pools of Radiance –E.T. The Extraterrestrial

14 ? Questions ?

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