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Identify Your Membership. Ways to recruit new members Clubs are always looking for ways to grow and recruit new members. There are many things club members.

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Presentation on theme: "Identify Your Membership. Ways to recruit new members Clubs are always looking for ways to grow and recruit new members. There are many things club members."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identify Your Membership

2 Ways to recruit new members Clubs are always looking for ways to grow and recruit new members. There are many things club members can do in order to attract new members. Can you think of some off the top of your head? Shout them out.

3 Here, are some viable approaches: Letters or personal contact with local businesses or Chamber of Commerce Place pamphlets in doctors’ offices, hospitals, cafeterias, libraries, etc. Design club brochure, guest information packets, new member kits Send letters to people in the news with an invitation to visit & speak to the club Print club business cards with club meeting location and time

4 Hold high-profile meetings Hold wine and cheese receptions for prospective members Honour outstanding community members with awards Build a club web site, Facebook, Twitter Use group email to promote your club

5 Ask corporations and employers to sponsor or subsidize membership Have a reward program for those who bring in new members Create more fun Invite prospect to attend 1-2 meetings to see if there is more interest Invite the media to cover well known speakers

6 Look for members in ethnic groups not represented in your club, possibly men Hold joint meetings with other groups Write letters to the newspaper about the campaigns your club is working on Publicize club successes & events in local newspapers Circulate the club newsletter widely

7 Hold recruiting events with two or more clubs Send newsletter to guests Ask every member to submit 3 prospects to the membership chair Promote Zonta! Hand out a club decal or bumper stickers. Members, wear your Zonta pins, shirt, hoodie Have a one minute elevator speech ready

8 Bring your boss or co-workers to a club meeting Make direct contact with women’s business associations Hand out invitation cards for a “Free” lunch (breakfast or dinner) Develop a strategic plan membership. It is a year- round priority and needs to be planned Select a missing classification and work on filling it

9 Contact all members who have resigned in the past 3 years Display lawn signs: “Zonta is coming”, then finish up with a newspaper article all about Zonta Ask benefactors of service or donations to speak at a meeting Article originally appeared in November 2004 issue of Membership Matters, written by Chris Offer.Membership Matters Source: Membership Matters, Vol. 4 No. 5 November 2004 The ClubRunner Newsletter Additional editing by C. Shoji

10 Ways to TARGET recruit Attracting younger members: 1) Partner with a young ladies’s club Attend meetings and interview its members 2) Cater to your Target Market Look at meeting details – location, time of day Consider meeting online, conference calls

11 3) Web Presence Where is your younger audience? Answer: online Facebook Twitter Official website

12 4) Network Word-of-mouth marketing, elevator speech Club newsletter Facebook Twitter

13 Ways to Get Qualified Potential Members to Join Your Club Power of Persuasion: show them what's in it for them. Be prepared: elevator speeches, a guest invitation card, club brochures, information about Zonta events Reflect on the primary reason you first joined: When you effectively share your story with true passion, it will become easier for you to generate interest among prospective members.

14 Listen to the prospective members: Uncover their objections or concerns. Don’t dismiss them as excuses. Do not to pester the prospective member. Educate them more and then give them a chance to further think about the idea of joining.

15 Learn from the objections: Address those concerns. Take their concerns seriously. This will portray your club to be welcoming and caring – something that the prospective member will feel proud to be a part of. Follow up with prospective members: This will make them feel desired, important and will give you an opportunity to remind them of their interest in the club. Reinforce and reiterate the benefits of joining the club. The first year is crucial to getting the new member involved, so that they stay for the long-term.

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