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1 CDA6938 Special Topic: Research in Computer and Network Security (spring’07) Class Overview.

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1 1 CDA6938 Special Topic: Research in Computer and Network Security (spring’07) Class Overview

2 2 Tuesday/Thursday 4:30pm – 5:45pm Office Hour: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Eng3-335,, Class webpage: 

3 3 Why Am I Teaching This Course? Computer and Network Security is important  A broad research/application issue  Impact on many important applications  Become more important as we rely heavily on computer and the Internet Helpful to your study and future career:  If you plan to conduct security research related work  If you plan to conduct any research-related work  Help you to learn basic steps in conducting research  How to: Read paper? Find hole in paper? Find topic to do? Make presentation? Conduct collaborated research?

4 4 A “Seminar” Course Focus on cybersecurity-related research Study research papers, publications Students must have active roles:  Present papers in class  Be active in class discussion, ask questions!  Count in your grade! Not an introductory class on computer security  No lab experiments  No introduction on security appliance or cryptography However, you are not required to have much knowledge of computer security beforehand

5 5 Prerequisite You must have knowledge of computer networking!  TCP/IP, packet, Internet (addr., DNS, routing…) Basic knowledge on:  Probability (most research work uses this!)  Software (stack, system call…)  Operating system

6 6 Class Grading Policy Class presentations: 20% Homework (paper review/summary): 10% In-class participation/discussion: 20% Final term project: 50%  Two students as a group Will use +/- grading system

7 7 Topics Covered in Class Focus mainly on wired Internet security  Internet worm, Internet security measurement  Honeypot, Spam, Denial-of-Service, Intrusion Detection  Network attack techniques  Host-based computer security  Software security, OS security Will also cover:  Wireless security  Sensor network security issues  Wireless LAN security More papers to be added in the following two weeks

8 8 Term Project Two students form a group to do term project together  A research oriented term project  Project report follows the same format as a paper for publish  Learn how to conduct research and write paper Form the group and decide the title 6-8 weeks later

9 9 Example of Term Project Simple:  Survey of the state-of-art research work in a topic  Repeat and realize algorithm/experiments in a published paper Middle:  Minor improvement of algorithms in published papers Advanced:  Present a novel idea with support from simulation or real experiments  E.g., success in using an idea from another area to a new topic in computer security  Has potential to be developed as a published paper

10 10 What I know and Do not know I know most research in Internet security  Especially on Internet worm, botnet, modeling I have some knowledge in:  Intrusion detection, software security  Wireless security Hence the course will evolve as we go on  I will also learn from this course

11 11 Class Format Papers are grouped according to topics As we move to a new topic, usually I will present a brief introduction In each class, two students present two papers  Presentation: 25 min  Discussion: 10 min  My summary: 5 min (at the end if time allows)  Point out what you do right, wrong  Help you improve your paper reading, presentation skill

12 12 Next I will give two presentations in this week  “Internet malware modeling and defense”  “Modeling and Measuring Botnet” Objective:  Give you an example on paper presentation  Show how to ask questions in reading a paper  Show how to find points to do further research by yourself Come ready to ask questions and discuss  Remember, class discussion counts 20% of grade!

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