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Foundation-2010/2011 “ROTARY’S own charitable Fund” Annual giving program District & Global Grants Polio plus Plan for Eltham Rotary Eltham Team: Gary.

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1 Foundation-2010/2011 “ROTARY’S own charitable Fund” Annual giving program District & Global Grants Polio plus Plan for Eltham Rotary Eltham Team: Gary Williams & Mike Wetzler

2 Annual giving program “Every Rotarian every year”, Annual contributions to Foundation are invested for 3 years, RI target per Club is US$2000 in 2010/2011, Tax deductible, Over 3 years, contributions fund- Foundation operations, Fund administration & admin expenses, 50% credited to District (District Dedicated Funds “DDF”) after 3 years, SHARE system cuts in @ 3 yrs -50% to District Dedicated Funds(“DDF”) & 50% to World Fund,

3 District Grants (50% of SHARE) @ 30 June 2010 approx $ 65,000 in District 9790 DDF kitty, Clubs in District 9790 apply for local community & international Grants, Cash contributions by Clubs are matched @ 50c in dollar, Career enhancement-Group Study Exchange ( GSE )- provision for up to $13,000 funding of a second team in 2010/2011. District Simplified Grants ( DSG)-max 20% of DDF- apply to humanitarian efforts (health, hunger, infrastructure), Size of District Grant (DSG) determines size of any WF Matching Grants, Education- Ambassadorial Scholarships-to students who have completed 2 years of Uni./secondary college education + one year vocation with strong case for goodwill mission, Volunteer Service Grants to Rotarians & partners to plan a project or provide direct service

4 Global Grants (50% of SHARE) 50% of Annual Giving Program goes to World Fund (WF), after 3 years, for Global Grants, 100% of Permanent (mainly Corporate) funding goes to WF, New vision for Global Grants-100 Districts participating in 3 year pilot- basis will be size of Grant -effective 2013/2014, Applied to disease prevention & treatment; water & sanitation; basic education & literacy; maternal & child health projects worldwide, Matching Grant is dollar for dollar with District (“DDF”) for education, humanitarian, infrastructure projects-not building- where two Rotary Clubs co-operate, Worldwide career development- funding of one GSE team from District per year, Mike Wetzler has nominated today as Team Leader for outbound team to District 1950, Southern Germany, May 2011, Justin Justin ( Eltham CFA) & Adam Brown ( Buckleys Beer) have nominated today as Team Members to District 1950 May 2011

5 Polio Plus US$355 million grant from Gates Foundation, Rotary Intnl. challenge to raise US$200mn to eradicate polio worldwide, Year 3 of the challenge-maybe the last, Recent outbreak of polio in Russia, Every Rotary Club has been asked to contribute >US$1,000 this year.

6 Plan for Eltham Rotary Raise $6,000 for Foundation in 2010/2011, Where from? $2,000 Annual Giving – we have 50 members @ $40 /head average will get us there, $2,000 Polio Plus – the organisers (Pago & Chris) of the Food/Wine evening on 14 th October have agreed to benefit Polio Plus, $2,000 @ Conference March 2011 bike ride in whatever form that takes (sponsor Trevor & Ken?)-at this stage plan to support Malaria eradication.




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