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Nordonia High School Counseling Department. Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2017  You must have 21 credits to graduate from Nordonia H.S.

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1 Nordonia High School Counseling Department


3 Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2017  You must have 21 credits to graduate from Nordonia H.S.  You must pass all five parts of the Ohio Graduation Test  You must have 20 hours of Community Service  You must have met the following requirements: English4 creditsOne per year in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Math4 creditsOne credit per year in grades 9, 10, 11, and Science3 creditsOne credit per year in grades 9, 10, and 11 (Biology, Physics or Physical Science, and Chemistry or Environmental Science.) Social Studies3 creditsWorld History, U.S. History, Government and Economics. Health½ creditOne-half credit in Grade 9 Phys. Ed.½ creditOne-fourth credit per year in grades 9 & 10 Fine Arts1 creditBand, Choir or Art Electives5 credits

4 Diploma with Honors Students must fulfill all but one criterion for any of the following Diplomas with Honors (Pg. 8 of Program Booklet) Diploma with HonorsCareer-Technical Diploma with Honors ENGLISH4 Units4 Units MATHEMATICS4 Units including Algebra I, Geometry4 Units including Algebra I, Geometry Algebra II or equivalent and another Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course or a four-year sequence of courses that contain equivalent content SCIENCE4 Units including physics and chemistry4 Units including physics and chemistry SOCIAL STUDIES4 Units4 Units FOREIGN LANGUAGE3 Units including at least 2 units in each3 Units including at least 2 units in each language FINE ARTS1 UnitNot counted toward requirements CAREER-TECHNICALNot counted toward requirements4 Units of Career-Technical minimum. Program must lead to an industry recognized credential, apprenticeship, or be a part of an articulated career pathway which can lead to post secondary credit GRADE POINT AVERAGE3.5 on a 4.0 scale3.5 on a 4.0 scale ACT/SAT SCORE27 ACT / 1210 SAT27 ACT / 1210 SAT ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTNot applicableAchieve Proficiency Benchmark established for appropriate Ohio Career-Technical Competency Assessment or equivalent.

5 Course Name Changes for the 2015-2016 School Year  Key. & Word Process. Comp. App. & Key.  Key. & Comp. App. (1.0) Adv. Comp. App. (0.5)  Intro. to FunctionsQuantitative Lit. 1  Intro. to Prob. & Stats.Quantitative Lit. 2 New Courses  So You Want to Be a Writer?  Marketing I  German I (College Prep & Honors)  Recreational Sports & Games  Dance & Exercise




9 Recommendation Waiver Form

10 4.5 credits needed for promotion to grade 10 9.5 credits needed for promotion to grade 11 14 credits needed for promotion to grade 12 Grade Promotion Requirements

11 Schedule Changes/Dropping Classes  Once schedule requests have been submitted, students and parents may elect to change a student’s schedule for the next school year only before the first day of school.  After the start of the school year, changes will only be made if: 1. There is a scheduling conflict that cannot be resolved. 2. Changes necessitated by failures. 3. Satisfactory completion of a course in summer school. 4. A technical error was made in the process of scheduling the student’s requests. SCHEDULE CHANGES AFTER THE SCHOOL YEAR HAS BEGUN ARE NOT PERMITTED.

12 All students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses are required to take the national exams given at Nordonia High School in May. College credit may be granted upon successful completion of these exams. The college which the student attends awards credit. Check with your individual college on its credit granting policies. Costs for each test given are approximately $90 per test. Exam fees will be added to your fee account upon enrollment in the A.P. class. Advanced Placement Testing

13 College Credit Plus  College Credit Plus replaces Ohio’s Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program and all alternative dual enrollment programs previously governed by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3365.  The program permits college-ready students, grades 7- 12, who qualify for college admission and receive state funding to participate. The bill establishes guidelines and procedures for enrolling 7-12 grade students in the program.  The postsecondary institutions to which this option program applies are state-assisted colleges or universities.  The legislation requires school districts to inform students and their parents of this program on an annual basis. Interested students and their parents must attend a mandatory presentation every school year in February and inform the High School Guidance Department by March 30 of their intent to participate in the College Credit Plus program.  Detailed information is available in the Guidance Office.

14 Summer School  If you fail any of your academic courses, it is strongly recommended that you recover the credit over the summer.  Students have the opportunity to register for online credit recovery through our Digital Knights program. Please see Mrs. Rion for further information.

15 Reminders!  Yearbook – Application/selection process. Mr. Killian will provide the scheduling number once you receive his recommendation.  IMC – Do not register for this course unless you have a signature from Mrs. Wojtecki.  Choir – Register for Choir 7053. Your schedule will be adjusted upon selection by Mr. Pickering whether you audition for Symphonic Chorale or participate in Men’s or Women’s Chorus.  CM&R- See Mr. Witchsey for application and signature in Room 205 by February 17 th.  Student Council-Do not register for this course unless you have a signature from Mrs. Dressig.

16 To Do List! 1.Get the required signatures from your teachers 2.Obtain parent signature 3.Return :Academic Scheduling Worksheet Course Recommendation Waiver form (if applicable) TO YOUR ENGLISH TEACHER B Y FEBRUARY 18th You must have ALL required signatures and classes properly recommended! 4. Friday, February 20th - Online scheduling during English class Any changes in your schedule must be made before the start of the school year.

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