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ALBUQUERQUE TVI BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRAM Program Director: Bill Palmisano, Ph.D. Team Member: Jenna Johnson Mentor: Joy McMillan, Ph.D. Madison Area Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "ALBUQUERQUE TVI BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRAM Program Director: Bill Palmisano, Ph.D. Team Member: Jenna Johnson Mentor: Joy McMillan, Ph.D. Madison Area Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALBUQUERQUE TVI BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRAM Program Director: Bill Palmisano, Ph.D. Team Member: Jenna Johnson Mentor: Joy McMillan, Ph.D. Madison Area Technical College, WI MentorLinks


3 BIOTECHNOLOGY DEGREE ENG 101l 3 credits Recommended Course Sequence for Full-time students Degree requirement = 63 credits CHEM 111/112L or CHEM 121/121L 3 credits/1credit BIO 121/121L or BIO 123/124L 4 credits CHEM 212 4 credits BIO 239l/239L 3credit/1credit BIOT 164A 2 credits BIOT 164B 1 credit BIOT 263/263L 4 credits MATH 119 or MATH 120l 4 credits BIOT 274/247L 3 credits BIOT 164C 1 credit BIOT 264/264L 5 credits MATH 145 3 credits BIOT 265/265L 5 credits PHIL 245Ml 3 credits BIOT 164D 1 credit Prerequisites Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4 BIO 219/219L 4 credits BIO 221/222 4 credits Computer Courses) (see list) 3 to 4 credits Computer Requirement CIS 121 CIS 150 CIS 155 3 credits or CSCI 101 or BA 150 or CP 176 4 credits Term 5 BIOT 298 12 credit Petition in Spring Selection is based on the date of declaration of BIOT as a major and All Arts and Sciences courses completed with a grad of “C” or better. (TVI GPA 2.0 or higher)

4 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS BIOT 164A- Biotechnology Seminar I (2credits) Explores current issues and topics related to biotechnology. Development of productive learning techniques and establishment of a learning community will be covered. Review, discussion and presentation of the social, medical and ethical considerations of biotechnology. BIOT 164B- Biotechnology Seminar II (1 credit) Continues topics presented in BIOT 164A. Current issues and topics related to biotechnology will be explored. Current literature will be read, reviewed and discussed. BIOT 164C- Biotechnology Seminar III (1 credit) Continues topics presented in BIOT 164B. Current issues and topics related to biotechnology will be explored. Current literature will be read, reviewed and discussed. BIOT 164D- Biotechnology Seminar IV (1 credit) Continues topics presented in BIOT 164C. Current issues and topics related to biotechnology will be explored. Current literature will be read, reviewed and discussed. Class visits to various laboratory sites. BIOT 263/263L-Biotechnology Laboratory Techniques I (4 credits) Presents theory and techniques of volumetric, gravimetric, chromatographic and spectrophotometric analysis, laboratory safety, documentation, and GLP (good laboratory practices) are emphasized. BIOT 264/264L- Biotechnology Laboratory Techniques II (5 credits) Provides experience with various research/manufacturing tools and protocols used to characterize and manipulate nucleic acids. Techniques include tissue culture, PCR, RT-PCR, gel electrophoresis, hybridizations (southern and northern), cloning and sequencing. BIOT 265/265L-Biotechnology Laboratory Techniques III (5 credits) Applies concepts and techniques begun in 264/264L to the characterization of proteins. Techniques include protein isolation, denaturing and nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, 2-D gel analysis, recombinant protein purification, and column chromatography. BIOT 274L- Bioinformatics and Proteomics (3 credits) Introduces the data management systems associated with DNA and protein information gathering, organization, and retrieval. Extensive use of Internet resources, search protocols, and data analysis. BIOT 296- Biotechnology Topics (1-6 credits) Explore various topics of interest in the field of Biotechnology BIOT298-Internship (12 credits) Provides an internship with a research or manufacturing laboratory. Internship locations vary based upon availability and student interests. This course will provide students with actual work experience prior to graduation.





9 EQUIPMENT Low Pressure Chromatography DNA Sequencer/Genetic Analyzer UV Spectrophotometers Centrifuges

10 EQUIPMENT DNA Thermalcyclers Gel Documentation System Inverted Microscopes Microplate Reader Isoelectric Focusing Unit

11 INTERNSHIP PROVIDERS Lovelace Respiratory Research InstituteTriCore Reference Laboratories TheranostechUNM Heath Sciences Center


13 FUTURE PROGRAM GOALS Establish additional internship sites Increase student enrollment Develop articulation with local 4 yr institutions Continue to refine curriculum

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