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IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Development Meeting January 26 - 29, 2010 Hosted by Detroit Edison Company, Detroit MI SAE J2293 and.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Development Meeting January 26 - 29, 2010 Hosted by Detroit Edison Company, Detroit MI SAE J2293 and."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Development Meeting January , Hosted by Detroit Edison Company, Detroit MI SAE J2293 and IEEE P2030 Joint Plenary P2030 Overview and Status Tom Basso IEEE SCC21 Vice Chair and P2030 Secretary; Dick DeBlasio IEEE Standards Board Member Liaison to U.S. DOE & NIST SCC21 & P2030 Chair

2 3/27/2017 P2030 Title and Officers Title. IEEE Std P2030 Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy Technology and Information Technology Operation with the Electric Power System (EPS) and End-Use Applications and Loads. Officers. - Chair: Dick DeBlasio - Vice Chair: Tom Prevost - Co-Chairs: Sam Sciacca, Bob Grow, Jeff Katz, Stefano Galli and Bob Heile - Secretary: Tom Basso - IEEE Standards Liaison: Bill Ash 2 2

3 IEEE Std P2030 Overall Goals
Provide guidelines in understanding and defining smart grid interoperability of the EPS with end-use applications and loads Focus on integration of energy technology and information and communications technology Achieve seamless operation for electric generation, delivery, and end-use benefits to permit two way power flow with communication and control Address interconnection and intra-facing frameworks and strategies with design definitions Expand knowledge in grid architectural designs & operation to promote a more reliable and flexible electric power system.

4 Outline Background IEEE 1547 interconnection standards
3/27/2017 Outline Background IEEE; grid modernization; NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Framework IEEE 1547 interconnection standards P2030 Smart Grid Interoperability 4 4

5 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers – IEEE
IEEE - international technical professional society More than 375,000 members from 150 countries Advances the theory and application of electro-technologies and allied sciences Produces over 30% of world’s published literature in electrical engineering, computers, and controls One of the pre-eminent standards bodies

6 IEEE’s Role in Standards
The IEEE is a leading global developer of standards that underpin many of today’s essential technologies.   IEEE is a central source of standardization in both traditional (e.g., power and energy, information technology, telecommunications, transportation, medical and healthcare, etc.) and emerging fields (e.g., nanotechnology and information assurance). Standards are developed in a unique environment that builds consensus in an open process based on input from all interested parties.  Nearly 1,300 standards either completed or under development IEEE standards are recognized American National Standards (ANSI) Draws on the expertise of the IEEE's 41 societies and technical councils and its over 380,000 members in more than 110 countries. 6

7 IEEE’s Role in Standards
The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) leads IEEE’s standards activities. Draws on the expertise of the IEEE's 44 societies and technical councils. The IEEE-SA itself contains nearly 20,000 individual and corporate participants who participate in standards activities. Standards Coordinating Committees - SCCs are committees of the Standards Board, sponsor Standards Development, and address topics of interest involving more than one Society that go beyond Society scopes. Draws on the expertise of the IEEE's 41 societies and technical councils and its over 380,000 members in more than 110 countries. 7

8 IEEE Role in Grid Modernization includes Interconnection & Smart Grid Standards
Numerous IEEE standards relate to the smart grid including diverse fields of digital information and controls technology, networking, security, reliability assessment, interconnection of distributed resources including renewable energy sources to the grid, sensors, electric metering, broadband over power line, and systems engineering. The standards are developed by a variety of expert groups within IEEE. IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 (SCC21 Chaired by R. DeBlasio of NREL): SCC21 sponsors interconnection standards and the P2030 smart grid interoperability standards project.

9 IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 SCC21 Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, & Energy Storage SCC21 Oversees the development of standards in the areas of Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage, and coordinates efforts in these fields among the various IEEE Societies and other affected organizations to ensure that all standards are consistent and properly reflect the views of all applicable disciplines. SCC21 reviews all proposed IEEE standards in these fields before their submission to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval and coordinates submission to other organizations.

10 Energy Policy Act (2005) Cites and Requires Consideration of IEEE 1547 Standards and Best Practices for Interconnection. Energy Independence and Security Act (2007) Established NIST as Lead to Coordinate Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards and Protocols

11 NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards*
* Baseline standards identified – along with consideration of extensions and gaps; IEEE interconnection standards and IEEE P2030 smart grid interoperability standards development identified in NIST report. 11

12 1547 & P2030 Considerations in NIST Reports
Energy Storage Systems, e.g., IEEE 1547/2030 extensions for storage system specific requirements Distribution Grid Management Initiatives, e.g., extensions of 1547 series and/or P2030 series, including communications Voltage Regulation, Grid Support, etc., e.g., develop specifications in P1547 and/or P2030-series Management of DER, e.g. Planned island systems Static and Mobile Electric Storage, including both small and large electric storage facilities. Electric Transportation and Electric Vehicles.

13 Distributed Energy Resources Interconnection
Distributed Energy Technologies Interconnection Technologies Electric Power Systems Fuel Cell PV Microturbine Wind Generator Inverter Switchgear, Relays, & Controls Functions Power Conversion Power Conditioning Power Quality Protection DER and Load Control Ancillary Services Communications Metering Microgrids Energy Storage Loads Local Loads Load Simulators Utility System PHEV; V2G 13

14 Urban distribution networks
IEEE 1547 Interconnection Standards Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting DR with EPS Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnection of DR with EPS Guide for Monitoring, Information Exchange and Control of DR Current 1547 Projects P Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of DR Island Systems with EPS P Recommended Practice for Interconnecting DR With EPS Distribution Secondary Networks P Guidelines for Interconnection of Electric Power Sources Greater Than 10 MVA to the Power Transmission Grid Urban distribution networks Microgrids P Draft Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection Identified in Report to NIST 14

15 ANSI/IEEE Standard 1547 … 4.0 Interconnection Technical Specifications and Requirements: . General Requirements . Response to Area EPS Abnormal Conditions . Power Quality . Islanding 5.0 Test Specifications and Requirements: . Interconnection Test . Production Tests . Interconnection Installation Evaluation . Commissioning Tests . Periodic Interconnection Tests 15

16 IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures … specifies the type, production, and commissioning tests that shall be performed to demonstrate that interconnection functions and equipment of a distributed resource (DR) conform to IEEE Std 1547. 5.7 Unintentional Islanding 5.8 Reverse Power 5.9 Cease to Energize Functionality and Loss of Phase 5.10 Reconnect Time 5.11 Harmonics 5.12 Flicker … 5.0 Type (Design) Tests 5.1 Temperature Stability 5.2 Response to Abnormal Voltage 5.3 Response to Abnormal Frequency 5.4 Synchronization 5.5 Interconnection Integrity 5.6 DC injection 6 - Production Tests 7 - Commissioning Tests Verification and Inspections Field Conducted type and Production Tests

17 IEEE Std (2005) … Standard for Conformance Test Procedures …specifies the type, production, and commissioning tests that shall be performed to demonstrate that interconnection functions and equipment of a distributed resource (DR) conform to IEEE Std 1547. Figure 1. Boundaries between the interconnection system, the EPS and the DR. 17

18 IEEE Std 1547.2 Application Guide to 1547
… provides technical background and application details to support the understanding of IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. Overview 2. Normative references 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 4. Interconnection Systems 4.1 Interconnection System Descriptions 4.2 Interconnection System Functions 5. Distributed Resources 6. Electric power systems (EPSs) 7. Potential effects on area and local EPS 8. Application guidance for IEEE 1547 technical specifications and requirements 9. Application guidance for interconnection test specifications and requirements Interconnection process information Annexes (Informative)

19 IEEE Std (2008)… Guide to 1547 Interconnection system (within dashed lines) Local EPS protective relaying DR unit electric generator Area EPS protective relaying power system ( g rid) DR control DR monitoring/ metering Point of common coupling Meter Power conversion, DR protective relaying, DR paralleling switch Dispatch and control Power distribution DC loads Thermal loads Power flow Thermal flow Operational control AC loads Transfer switch or paralleling switchgear DR unit (Prime movers, generator, storage Thermal unit (heat recovery, cooling, storage) … Annex A (informative) Interconnection system equipment Figure A.1 – Functional diagram of an interconnection system 19

20 IEEE Std MIC for DR … guidelines for MIC (monitoring, information exchange, and control) for DR (distributed resources) interconnected with electric power systems (EPS). … 4. General information about monitoring, information exchange and control (MIC) 4.1 Interoperability 4.2 Performance 4.3 Open Systems Approach 4.4 Extensibility 5. Data exchange guidelines based on of IEEE Std 1547 6. Business and operation processes 7. Information exchange model 8. Protocol Issues Security guidelines for DR implementation Annexes (informative) 4.5 Automatic Configuration Management 4.6 Information Modeling 4.7 Protocols

21 IEEE Std 1547.3 Guide for MIC for DR
… guidelines for monitoring, information exchange, and control (MIC) for distributed resources (DR) interconnected with electric power systems (EPS). Figure 1. Reference diagram for information exchange. 21

22 P1547.4 (Planned DER Islands) IEEE ballot Feb-Mar 2010.
E.g., DER (generation and energy storage) technologies are integrated with all others including the grid technologies to form Micro-grids (planned islands; includes – load management, voltage & VAR control, active participation, etc.)

23 Smart Grid: The Integration of Power, Communications, and Information Technologies
Photovoltaic systems Central Generating Station Step-Up Transformer Distribution Substation Receiving Commercial Industrial Gas Turbine Diesel Engine Cogeneration Fuel cell Micro- turbine Wind Power Residential Storage 1.Power System Infrastructure Control Center Operators, Planners & Engineers 2. Communications and Information Infrastructure

24 IEEE Unifies Power, Communications and IT:
Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Project P2030 Communications Technologies {exchange processes for information}* Information {data, facts, and knowledge}* Power Engineering Technologies [electric power system, end use applications and loads] P * {Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary}

25 IEEE P2030 Development (Includes Three Task Forces)
TF1: Power Engineering Technology Co-Leaders: Sam Sciacca and Tom Prevost Recorder: Tom Basso TF2: Information Technology Bob Grow and Jeff Katz Recorder: Mike Coddington TF3: Communications Technology Stefano Galli and Bob Heile Recorder: Connie Komomua 1st Meeting June 2009:Intel Corp., Santa Clara, CA 2nd Meeting Oct. 2009: IBM, Tarrytown NY) 3rd Meeting Jan. 2010: Detroit Edison Co., Detroit MI 4th Meeting May 2010: IEEE, Santa Clara

26 Interoperability Smart Grid Concepts
DeBlasio Interoperability Smart Grid Concepts Distribution System Communications and Information Technology Information Flow, Data Management, Monitor & Control Substations DE Resources Interconnection Bulk Power Combined Heat & Power Load Management sensors (Also, larger DER on transmission) Systems Approach Interconnection & Interfaces Technical Standards Advanced Technologies Systems Integration Transmission System EV Recip. Generator Photovoltaics Micro Turbine Storage Fuel Cell

27 IEEE P2030 Overall Goals Provide guidelines in understanding and defining smart grid interoperability of the electric power system with end-use applications and loads Focus on integration of energy technology and information and communications technology Achieve seamless operation for electric generation, delivery, and end-use benefits to permit two way power flow with communication and control Address interconnection and intra-facing frameworks and strategies with design definitions Expand knowledge in grid architectural designs and operation to promote a more reliable and flexible electric power system

28 P2030 Draft Outline (Oct 2009) Table of Contents
1. Overview 1.1 Scope (P2030 PAR) 1.2 Purpose (P2030 PAR) 1.3 Stakeholders 1.4 Document Overview 2. Normative references (IEEE required text; list to be established) 3. Definitions (IEEE required text; list to be established)

29 P2030 Draft Outline (Oct 2009) Table of Contents (cont)
4. Electricity delivery legacy infrastructure background 4.1 Technical aspects 4.2 Business aspects 4.3 Regulatory aspects 5. Smart grid background: system engineering approach 6. Smart grid functional performance attributes and evaluation criteria 7. Interoperability characteristics, design criteria, operations, and end-use applications 8. Interoperability configurations and topologies

30 P2030 Draft Outline (Oct 2009) Table of Contents (cont)
09. Power systems intraoperability (TF1)* 10. Information systems intraoperability (TF2)* 11. Communications systems intraoperability (TF3)* 12. Electric power & delivery system integrated operation 13. Smart grid interoperability and legacy technologies coordination Annex A (informative) Bibliography * Developing these TF chapters is focus of Jan meeting.

31 Fostering Technological Innovation For The Benefit Of Humanity
and Excellence For The Benefit Of Humanity Thank You

32 P2030 Title, Scope, and Purpose
3/27/2017 P2030 Title, Scope, and Purpose Title: IEEE Std P2030 Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy Technology and Information Technology Operation with the Electric Power System (EPS) and End-Use Applications and Loads. - Chair: Dick DeBlasio - Vice Chair: Tom Prevost - Co-Chairs: Sam Sciacca, Bob Grow, Jeff Katz, Stefano Galli and Bob Heile - Secretary: Tom Basso - IEEE Standards Liaison: Bill Ash 32 32

33 P2030 Title, Scope, and Purpose
3/27/2017 P2030 Title, Scope, and Purpose Scope: This document provides guidelines for smart grid interoperability. This guide provides a knowledge base addressing terminology, characteristics, functional performance and evaluation criteria, and the application of engineering principles for smart grid interoperability of the electric power system with end-use applications and loads. The guide discusses alternate approaches to good practices for the smart grid. 33 33

34 P2030 Title, Scope, and Purpose
3/27/2017 P2030 Title, Scope, and Purpose Purpose: This standard provides guidelines in understanding and defining smart grid interoperability of the electric power system with end-use applications and loads. Integration of energy technology and information and communications technology is necessary to achieve seamless operation for electric generation, delivery, and end-use benefits to permit two way power flow with communication and control. Interconnection and intra-facing frameworks and strategies with design definitions are addressed in this standard, providing guidance in expanding the current knowledge base. This expanded knowledge base is needed as a key element in grid architectural designs and operation to promote a more reliable and flexible electric power system. 34 34

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