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PlanningPresentations. “Cheshire Puss,” said Alice “would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you.

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Presentation on theme: "PlanningPresentations. “Cheshire Puss,” said Alice “would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you."— Presentation transcript:

1 PlanningPresentations

2 “Cheshire Puss,” said Alice “would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the cat. “I don’t much care where...”said Alice.

3 Professional Presentations • Conduct Audience Analysis • Define Goals/Outcomes • Research Content of Message • Organize Presentaton • Select Media Steps for Planning Presentations

4 Professional Presentations Audience characteristics What are they capable of doing? What do they already know? What are their needs and interests? What are their relevant attitudes? What is their meeting or listenting style? Leech, Thomas,How to Prepare, Stage, & Deliver Winning Presentations Conduct Audience Analysis

5 Professional Presentations • Inform • Instruct/Train • Motivate/Inspire • Entertain What is the Basic Purpose? Define Goals & Outcomes Define End Products (Outcomes)

6 Professional Presentations Outcome Statements A precise, unambiguous statement of what the audience is expected to do as a result of the presentation.

7 Professional Presentations Reasons for Using Outcome Statements • Communicate outcomes to audience • Keep planning and production decisions on target • Use as basis for evaluation

8 Professional Presentations Components of Outcome Statements • AUDIENCE – Who is expected to exhibit performance? • BEHAVIOR – What is observable behavior of learner? • CONDITIONS under which performance will be observed. • DEGREE – level of performance or standards used to judge outcome.

9 Professional Presentations Components of Outcome Statements • AUDIENCE – Who is expected to exhibit performance? • BEHAVIOR – What is observable behavior of learner? • CONDITIONS under which performance will be observed. • DEGREE – level of performance or standards used to judge outcome.

10 Professional Presentations The Domains of Outcome Statements • COGNITIVE – knowledge • AFFECTIVE – feelings • PSYCHOMOTOR – manipulation • INTERPERSONAL

11 Professional Presentations Cognitive Domain • Knowledge – Recall, Define, Recognize • Comprehension – Translate, Interpret, Summarize • Application – Using ideas and information • Creation – Analyzing, Synthesizing components of a system

12 Professional Presentations Affective Domain • Receiving – Awareness, Attention • Responding – Participate, React • Valuing – Display positive atttiude, interest • Characterization – Internalizing value system, develop lifestyle

13 Professional Presentations • Imitation – Repeat action when shown • Manipulation – Perform independently • Percision – Perform with accuracy • Articulation – Perform subconsciously, efficiently coordinating skills Psychomotor Domain

14 Professional Presentations • Seeking/Giving Information • Proposing • Disagreeing • Summarizing • Building and Supporting • Shutting Out/Bringing In Interpersonal Domain

15 Professional Presentations The Domains of Outcome Statements COGNITIVEAFFECTIVE PSYCHOMOTOR INTERPERSONAL

16 1. The residents of the Morse Residential Care Center will select the correct items on a given grocery list with 90% accuracy when taken to the grocery store. 2. After attending the Listening Skills workshop, the employees will increase the amount of information recall by 25% when given oral instruction by supervisors. Identify the (A)udience, (B)ehavior, (C)ondition, and (D)egree for each of the following:

17 3. The Cub Scouts of Den 2 will complete a bird feeder in 30 minutes when given the tools and pre-cut parts. 4. Ten percent of the audience will volunteer to assist with the telephone survey after attending the presentation on the goals and works of the Community Action Committee. Identify the (A)udience, (B)ehavior, (C)ondition, and (D)egree for each of the following:

18 5. Management personnel will correctly demonstrate use of emergency safety equipment to new employees during the orientation program. Identify the (A)udience, (B)ehavior, (C)ondition, and (D)egree for each of the following:

19 1. Attendance at the City Council meeting will increase by 10% after the presentations to various community organizations have been completed. 2. The City Park employees will state the steps in reporting vandalism to park property. Indicate the domain, (C)ognitive, (P)sychomotor, (A)ffective, or (I)nterpersonal for each:

20 3. The auto mechanic trainee will operate the engine diagnostic computer with no reference to the manual. 4. The bank tellers will rate the new procedures at least above average on an assessment questionnaire after using them for three months. Indicate the domain, (C)ognitive, (P)sychomotor, (A)ffective, or (I)nterpersonal for each:

21 5. The members of the Apex Health Club will develop an exercise routine to meet their individual needs after attending the three workshops. Indicate the domain, (C)ognitive, (P)sychomotor, (A)ffective, or (I)nterpersonal for each:

22 Professional Presentations Read various sources Doing Content Research

23 Professional Presentations Review media materials

24 Professional Presentations Experience the subject first hand

25 Professional Presentations Interview those involved and experts

26 Professional Presentations Record verbal, audio and visual details

27 Professional Presentations Organize information as you go

28 Professional Presentations Opening Opening Body Body Close Close Organizing the Presentation

29 Professional Presentations Hook Hook Line Line Sinker Sinker Miira, Thomas K., “Speak Smart: The Art of Public Speaking” Organizing the Presentation

30 Professional Presentations Tell them what you’re going to tell themTell them what you’re going to tell them Tell themTell them Tell them what you told themTell them what you told them Organizing the Presentation

31 Professional Presentations 1. Establish rapport 2. Catch attention 3. Motivate 4. Background/Purpose 5. Preview OPENING (Hook)

32 Professional Presentations BODY (Line) • An order or patttern for presentation of the key points • Include cueing (clueing) devices and transitions • Factors Influencing the order

33 Professional Presentations CLOSE (Sinker) • Reiterate main points • Conclusions/recommendations • Ask for specific action • Close with a punch • Transition to the next phase

34 Professional Presentations Organizational Tools • Brainstorming and sorting • Visual Outlining (e.g. flow chart) • Cards and Stick-ons • Outlining • Storyboard • Delivery scripts and speaker notes

35 Professional Presentations Titles • Play on words • Satire • Variations on an axiom • Tie to current topic • Figures of speech • Slang TITLE TOPIC

36 Professional Presentations Select Media

37 Professional Presentations Print Medium • Handout Pages • Brochure • Pamphlet • Workbook

38 Professional Presentations Overhead Transparencies Transparencies

39 Professional Presentations 35mm Slides

40 Professional Presentations Flip Charts Posters Flip Charts Posters

41 Professional Presentations Electronic Presentation Media

42 Professional Presentations Audio Media

43 Professional Presentations Slide/Tape

44 Motion Media

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