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The simple system for sustainable success Goal Mapping Success is learning how to steer the natural changes of life towards the things that you desire.

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Presentation on theme: "The simple system for sustainable success Goal Mapping Success is learning how to steer the natural changes of life towards the things that you desire."— Presentation transcript:

1 The simple system for sustainable success Goal Mapping Success is learning how to steer the natural changes of life towards the things that you desire Brian Mayne

2 Some Goal Mapping Fans

3 Swedish Goal Mapping Students

4 Katalin Konya – World Champion

5 The Winds of Change The world is changing faster then ever before People fear uncertain change Change is like the wind that blows – we cannot direct it nor stop it, but we can adjust the set of our sails Goals are our beacons of light to help us stay focused on while riding the winds of change

6 My Learning Journey



9 Disco Daze

10 If you think you can… “Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right.” - Henry Ford

11 The Power of Positive Thinking We each have a hundred billion brain-cells

12 The Power of Positive Thinking Thinking positive helps make connections

13 Goal Setting Goals help you stay Positive The Power of Positive Thinking

14 The Effectiveness of Whole-Brain Thinking

15 Right-brain map using pictures Left-brain map using words

16 The Seven Steps of Goal Mapping 1.Dream = what do you want 2.Order = which goal is the priority 3.Draw = create right-brain imagery 4.Why = identify your motivating reasons 5.When = over what period of time 6.How = what actions will be needed 7.Who = whose help will you require

17 Help Lift 7 Million Lives Be a life lifter Give the gift of a little lift My Mission

18 The DAC Factor

19 The Bike of Ability Your ability Who we are being Direction, goals and purpose Knowledge and skills Getting along with people Drive Attitude Confidence

20 The Winning Edge 20% of what you do makes 80% of the difference in your life What’s the 20% that gives you 80% in:your wellbeing? your relationships? your career?

21 Ascending the Lift Ladder 7. Involve to Evolve 6. Maintain a Positive Focus 5. Become Fully Response-Able 4. Be On Purpose 3. Find Balance 2. Develop Possibility Consciousness 1. Raise Your Awareness

22 1: Raise Your Awareness Opinions, attitudes, actions and (ultimately) results all spring from our paradigm What is your current paradigm: 1. Your self…………………… 2. Your life…………………… 3. The world…………………… 4. Success…………………… 5. Failure…………………… What is your desired paradigm: Your self ……………………..... Your life ……………………...... The world ……………………... Success ……………………...... Failure ……………………........

23 2: Develop Possibility Consciousness The Map of Meaning Experience DefineNavigate Belief Paradigm Picture The world Filter Subconscious Command Conscious Awareness Paradigm Filter

24 We do not see the world as it really is – we see the world as we are A distorted paradigm creates distorted attitudes and actions Setting a compelling goal helps create a positive paradigm of possibility 2: Develop Possibility Consciousness

25 3: Find Balance Success is balance and balance is success Life balance is not static, it is active and dynamic Score yourself between 1 and 10 in each area: Mental …… Emotional …… Physical …… Financial …… Social …… Spiritual …… 6 8 5 7 5 7 X X X X X X

26 3: Find Balance LeadershipManagement EmotionLogic PicturesWords

27 4: Be On Purpose Having a sense of purpose for your life is like fuel for an engine Motivation, goals and purpose are different points on the same continuum Purpose is like a path Goals are the milestones Motivation is the reason to make the journey I believe my main motivation strategy is to move …………………………………………………..…..

28 4: Be On Purpose Ego drivenHeart led Fear based Love centred Move away from painMove toward pleasure

29 5: Become Fully Response-Able Self Thought Feeling Action Habits Results Re-Act

30 5: Become Fully Response-Able Conditioned Habit

31 5: Become Fully Response-Able Self Thought Feeling Action Habits Results Re-Act Motivating Purpose Feedback Design Aligned Conscious

32 6: Maintain a Positive Focus Conscious Subconscious Master of the Lamp Genie Your subconscious is always seeking a target Your subconscious does not make value judgements In the absence of a goal, your subconscious will automatically select your dominant thought Command your subconscious genie for success by setting a compelling goal

33 7: Involve to Evolve 7. Involve to Evolve 6. Maintain a Positive Focus 5. Become Fully Response-Able 4. Be On Purpose 3. Find Balance 2. Develop Possibility Consciousness 1. Raise Your Awareness

34 The Seven Fundamental Laws of Creation 1. Believe in your self and your goal 2. Goals are purely personal 3. Set a balance of goals 4. Live in the moment 5. State your goals in the present tense 6. State your goals in positive tense 7. Allow for lag-time

35 The Seven Empowering Questions 1.If you won £1 million pounds on the lottery, what would you do differently in your life? 2.If you only had six months to live, but would live that time in perfect health, what would you do differently with your time? 3. What have you always wanted to do, but have maybe been afraid to attempt? 4. If you could be granted any one skill or ability, what would you choose? 5. What gives you your greatest feeling of pleasure and satisfaction? 6. What legacy would you like to leave; how do you want to be remembered? 7. If you knew you were guaranteed to succeed, what one great achievement would you dare to dream for yourself ?

36 Creating Your Goal Map

37 Step 1: Dream Make a list of all the things you truly desire Use short statements that capture the essence of your goals My goals: 1.…………………………………. 2.…………………………………. 3.…………………………………. 4.…………………………………. 5.…………………………………. 6.…………………………………. 7.…………………………………. New home Dream holiday Career advancement Private education Community contribution Healthy lifestyle I feel good about myself

38 Step 2: Order My goals: 1.…………………………………. 2.…………………………………. 3.…………………………………. 4.…………………………………. 5.…………………………………. 6.…………………………………. 7.…………………………………. New home Dream holiday Career advancement Private education Community contribution Healthy lifestyle I feel good about myself

39 Step 3: Draw

40 Step 4: Why

41 Step 5: When Choose an achievement date for your main goal Place today’s date at the base of your Goal Map

42 Step 6: How

43 Step 7: Who Whose help will you need to achieve your goals? Friends? Family? Teachers? Colleagues?

44 Extra Steps Add detail to your Goal Map by extending any aspect

45 The Goal Mapping Ritual Sign it: Make a commitment See it: Visualise each morning Say it: Speak the affirmations Share it: Family, Friends, Colleagues Templates/Events - Follow on Twitter - Brian_Mayne Connect on Facebook – Goal Mapping Group Join on LinkIn – Brian Mayne

46 Example Goal Map By Jess Davis Vodafone

47 Example Goal Map By James Manford

48 Example Goal Map By the Microsoft Team

49 Lifting Lives in the Nordic Countries Be the Change Help Lift a Life each day.

50 Example Goal Map By Brian Mayne To do list: 1. ………………………………. 2. ………………………………. 3. ………………………………. 4. ………………………………. 5. ………………………………. 6. ………………………………. 7. ………………………………. 8. ………………………………. 9. ………………………………. 10. ……………………………….




54 Step 4: Why



57 In Essence Think your best thoughts Feel your best feelings Take your best actions Live your best life

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