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Number Sense and Place Value By Jessica Rodriguez.

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1 Number Sense and Place Value By Jessica Rodriguez

2 What is Number Sense? An understanding of numbers and their relationships (Van de Walle, 2007) A flexibility in thinking about numbers, including their size representations, and effects with operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) (Van de Walle, 2007).

3 What is Number Sense? Understanding Numbers Five is more than three and less than ten. When I add, the number increases. When I subtract, the number decreases. Flexible Thinking The number 6 is two groups of three. It is also three groups of two. If 10+5= 15, then 9+5= 14 because 9 is one less than 10.

4 Developing Number Sense… Children need many, varied opportunities to work with numbers. Use hands-on counters and representations of numbers Use real-world opportunities to teach number sense

5 Question: Brainstorm some real-world math activities for children developing number sense… Example: counting oranges at the grocery store.

6 More, Less, and the Same Amount

7 Question: How can we develop an understanding of quantity (more, less, and the same)?

8 Virtual Field Trip… Let’s take a trip to “Count Us In!” Open a new Internet window and go to t.htm t.htm Explore some of the games offered at this website. We will meet back in 5 minutes…

9 Virtual Field Trip Question… Share a game or activity you found at this website…

10 Question: Why are visual representations (beans, counters, blocks, etc.) so important in developing an understanding of numbers?

11 Flexible Thinking… A number has many representations… Let’s take the number 9. It can be a set of 9… It can also be… A set of five and four A set of 2 and 7 12-3 One away from ten And on…

12 Part-Part-Whole Activities Use counters to find as many ways as you can make the number 10. Examples: ● ● ● ● ●

13 Missing Part Activities Use counters to find the missing part. You have 3 counters, you get some more. You have a total of 10. How many did you get? Examples: ● ● ● + ____ = 10 ● ● ● ● ●

14 Virtual Field Trip… Let’s take a trip to “Ten Frame” Open a new Internet window and go to yDetail.aspx?ID=75 yDetail.aspx?ID=75 Play the game for a few minutes. We will meet back in 3 minutes…

15 Virtual Field Trip Question… How does a ten frame help develop flexible thinking with the quantity 10?

16 What is Place Value? The basis of how our numbers are written and spoken. Each number has a value that is based on its place (hundreds place, tens place, ones, place, etc.) Our system is a base-ten system; each place is a multiple of ten.

17 Place Value Is Number Groupings… TensOnes

18 Examples of Base Ten Models for Numbers 2519

19 Base Ten Manipulatives Groupable base ten models: ones that the children can put together into groups of ten and take apart, like beans or connecting cubes. Pregrouped base ten models: ones that are already grouped for the students and the students cannot take apart.

20 Virtual Field Trip… Let’s take a trip to “Base Ten Blocks” Open a new Internet window and go to _g_1_t_1.html?from=category_g_1_t_1.html Explore the activity for a few minutes. In order to make the number, you have to click on the blue blocks at the top of the chart. We will meet back in 4 minutes…

21 Virtual Field Trip Question… How does this type of activity support understanding of place value?

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