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Published byNicholas Greer Modified over 9 years ago
Requirements-based Testing SYSTTEXT 1 Testing against the requirements Extracting test cases from requirements Use cases and test cases Grammar types implying test cases A requirement text Objects identified in the requiremnt text Actions on objects in the requirement text States of objects in the requirement text Conditions in the requirement text Action oriented test cases Conditional test cases State based test cases 2 3 6 7 5 4 8 9 10 15 Functional test cases (1) Functional test cases (2) Test Case Table Boundary analysis test cases Non functional requirements Non functional test cases Properties of a test case Test case description (1) Test case description (2) Test Database From Requirements to Test Scripts Generated Test Script 16 17 20 21 19 18 22 23 11 13 14 12 24
Testing against the requirements SYSTTEXT-1 User Interface Application System Database
Extracting Test Cases from Requirements SYSTTEXT-2 Test Cases Functional Non-Functional Objects Actions States Conditions Requirements Text
Use Cases and test Cases SYSTTEXT-3 One Use Case can have one or more Test case Normally, there are at least 2 Test Cases Positive outcome Negative outcome Cash Withdrawal Not enough cash Account overdrawn Cash delivered Wrong PIN Number Invalid Card Use Case = Test Cases
Grammar Types implying Test Cases SYSTTEXT-4 Actions upon objects: The customer account should be deleted. The invoice should be sent within 30 days. Object states: The customer account is overdrawn. The customer is an employee. Conditions If the account is overdrawn a notice should be sent. Whenever someone fails to pay within 30 days, a reminder should be sent. Customer accounts should be deleted, if they are overdrawn more than 3 months. In case of a system crash, the recovery routine should be started.
A Requirements Text For an Order Entry System SYSTTEXT-5 The order entry system to be developed should process orders coming in from customers. Whenever an order comes in, the person placing the order should be checked if he is a known customer and if his credibility is adequate. Orders will only be processed for existing customers with adequate credit rating. Each order can contain up to 10 order positions. Each filled order position will contain the number, name and amount of the article desired. For each order it should first be checked if the article is on stock. If not, that position will skipped. If the article is on stock, it should be checked if the amount on stock is sufficient to cover the order. If not, a back order should be created for this position. Otherwise, the order position should be fulfilled and the amount on stock reduced by the amount ordered. In this case, both a dispatch order and a billing position are to be generated. When the amount on stock is reduced, the new amount on stock is to be checked against the minimum amount on stock. If it is less than the minimum amount, a supply order should be automatically generated and sent to the supplier with the lowest supplier price for that article. The billing positions are to be collected at the end of each week to be ordered by customer. The amounts of the ordered articles are to be multiplied by the current price of the article and the charge for each article computed. The charges for all articles ordered should then be totaled to give the total charge to the customer.
Objects Identified in the Order Entry Requirement Text SYSTTEXT-6 1.Order_Entry_System 2.Orders 3.Customers 4.Persons_placing_orders 5.Credibility/Credit_Rating 6.Order_Positions 7.Number_of_Article 8.Name_of_Article 9.Amount_of_Article 10.Amount_on_Stock 11.Back_Order 12.Dispatch_Order 13.Billing_Position 14.Minimum_Amount_on_Stock 15.Supply_Order 16.Supplier 17.Supplier_Price 18.Current_Price_of_Article 19.Total_Charge 20.Value_Added_Tax 21.Article_Type 22.Bills 23.Days
Actions on Objects in the Order Entry Requirement Text SYSTTEXT-7 1.Process orders 2.Check persons placing orders 3.Chack article on stock 4.Check amount on stock 5.Create back order 6.Fulfill order position 7.Reduce amount on stock 8.Generate dispatch order 9.Generate billing position 10.Check new amount on stock 11.Generate supply order 12.Send supply order 13.Collect billing positions 14.Multiply amounts 15.Compute charge 16.Total charges 17.Augment total charge 18.Pay bills
States of Objects in the Order Entry Requirement Text SYSTTEXT-8 1.Orders coming in 2.Customer is known/not known 3.Credibility is adequate/not adequate 4.Customer exists/does not exist 5.Orders with up to 10 order positions 6.Order position fulfilled/not fulfilled 7.Article desired 8.Article is on stock/not on stock 9.Amount on stock is sufficient/not sufficient 10.Supplier with lowest price/not with lowest price 11.Positions ordered by customer 12.Pay within 30 days
Conditions in the Order Entry Requirement Text SYSTTEXT-9 1.Whenever an order comes in 2.If he is a known customer 3.If his credibility is adequate 4.For each order position 5.If the article is on stock 6.If the amount on stock is sufficient 7.If not (sufficient) 8.Otherwise, fulfill order 9.In this case (order fulfilled) 10.When the amount on stock is reduced 11.If it (amount on stock) is less than minimum amount
Action Oriented Test Cases SYSTTEXT-10 1.Process orders← submit 1:n orders Check persons placing orders← submit order from unknown customer Check article on stock← order article not on stock Check amount on stock← set Order.Position.Amount > Article.Amount Create back order← order article with amount > amount on stock Fulfill order position← order article with amount < amount on stock Reduce amount on stock← order article with amount < amount on stock Generate dispatch order← order article with amount < amount on stock Generate billing position← order article with amount < amount on stock Check new amount on stock← order article with amount < amount on stock Generate supply order← amount on stock < minimum amount on stock Send supply order← amount on stock < minimum amount on stock & supplier found with the lowest price Collect billing position← set time to trigger billing process Multiply amounts← have a customer with >0 billing positions Compute charges← have a customer with >0 billing positions Total charges← have a customer with >0 billing positions Augment total charge← set value added tax rate Pay bills← create billing positions for n customers
Conditional Test Cases SYSTTEXT-11 2.Whenever an order comes in← submit order submit no order If he is a known customer← customer is known customer is not known If his credibility is adequate← adequate not adequate For each order position← submit order with > 1 positions If the article is on stock← Order.Position.Art_Nr = Article.Art_Nr Order.Position.Art_Nr != Article.Art_Nr If the amount on stock is sufficient← Order.Position.Amount < Article.Amount If not sufficient← Order.Position.Amount => Article.Amount Otherwise, fulfill order In this case (order fulfilled) When the amount on stock is reduced← Order.Position.Amount < Article.Amount If it (amount on stock) is less than← Article.Amount < Minimum.Amount minimum amount
State Based Test Cases SYSTTEXT-12 6.Orders coming in← submit 1:n order Customer is known/not known← Order.Cust_Nr ! e Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) exist /not exist Order.Cust_Nr ! є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) Credibility is adequate/not adequate← Customer.Credit => #Adequate Customer.Credit < #Adequate Order with up to 10 order positions← Order.Position (1:10) Order with more than 10 positions← Order.Position (11) Order position is fulfilled/not fulfilled← Order.Position_Nr > 0 Order.Position_Nr = 0 Article on stock/not on stock← Order.Position.Art_Nr є Set(Article.Art_Nr) Order.Position.Art_Nr ! є Set(Article.Art_Nr) Amount on stock is sufficient/not sufficient← Order.Position.Art_Nr -> Article.Amount > Order.Amount Order.Position.Art_Nr -> Article.Amount <= Order.Amount Supplier with lowest price ← Article.Art_Nr є Set(Supplier.Art_Nr) & Article.Art_Nr -> Supplier.Price = min(Supplier.Price) Position ordered by customer ← Order.Position.Art_Nr = Article.Art.Nr Payment within 30 days ← Bill.Due.Date = Bill.Date + 30
The Functional Test Cases (1) SYSTTEXT-13 1.Order in which Order.Cust_Nr !є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) → unknown customer 2.Order in which Order.Cust_Nr є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) & Customer.Credit < #Adequate → credit not adequate 3.Order in which Order.Cust_Nr є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) & Customer.Credit => #Adequate & Order.Position_Nr = 0 → null positions Order in which Order.Cust_Nr є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) & Customer.Credit => #Adequate & Order.Position_Nr > 0 & Order.Position.Art_Nr !€ Set(Article.Art_Nr) → article not on stock Order in which Order.Cust_Nr є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) & Customer.Credit => #Adequate & Order.Position_Nr > 0 & Order.Position.Art_Nr є Set(Article.Art_Nr) & Order.Position.Amount > Article.Amount → create back order
The Functional Test Cases (2) SYSTTEXT-14 6.Order in which Order.Cust_Nr є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) & Customer.Credit => #Adequate & Order.Position_Nr > 0 & Order.Position.Art_Nr є Set(Article.Art_Nr) & Order.Position.Amount < Article.Amount & (Article.Amount – Order.Position.Amount) > Minimum_Amount 7.Order in which Order.Cust_Nr є Set(Customer.Cust_Nr) & Customer.Credit => #Adequate & Order.Position_Nr > 0 & Order.Position.Art_Nr є Set(Article.Art_Nr) & Order.Position.Amount < Article.Amount & (Article.Amount – Order.Position.Amount) Supplier.Price = min(Supplier.Price) 8.Order in which Order.Position.Art_Nr є Set(Article.Art_Nr) & Order.Position.Amount < Article.Amount & (Article.Amount- Order.Position.Amount) < Minimum_Amount & Art_Nr -> Supplier.Price > min(Supplier.Price)
Test Case Table TEXT-14 TEXT-15SYST
Additional Functional Test Cases With Boundary Analysis SYSTTEXT-16 1.Order.Position_Nr = 0, 1, 10, 11 2.Order.Position.Amount Article.Amount 3.Art_Nr -> Supplier.Price min(Supplier.Price) 4.Nr_Billing_Positions max(Bill.Position_Nr)
Non-Functional Requirements SYSTTEXT-17 The order entry system must be able to handle at least 1000 customer web pages at one time. A customer order must be processed within 2 seconds. The article database may contain up to 10.000 articles. The system should be able to produce as many as 25.000 bills in one billing run. A billing run should not take more than 2 hours. If the system crashes it should be back up and in operation within 15 minutes. Database backups should take place every 4 hours. Customers should be checked both by number and by password. Passwords should be rejected after 3 tries, customer number should be rejected after 2 tries.
Non-Functional Test Cases SYSTTEXT-18 1.999 customer orders at one time 2.>1000 customer orders at one time 3.response time per order < 2 sec. 4.response time per order >2 sec. 5.9.999 article records 6.> 10.000 article records 7.24.999 bills in one billing 8.>25.000 bills in one billing time of billing < 2 hours time of billing >2 hours 11.If system crash, recovery < 15 minutes 12.If > 4 hours, database secured 13.Submit 3 passwords where 3rd password is correct 14.Submit 3 passwords where all 3 are incorrect 15.Submit 2 customer number where 2nd number is correct 16.Submit 2 customer number where both are incorrect
Properties of a Test Case SYSTTEXT-19 A Test Case: serves a purpose refers to a Testobject has a precondition state has a postcondition state has a set of required input parameters has a set of expected results has a unique identifier has a given environment tests a use case has a status has a date of execution
Test Case Description (1) SYSTTEXT-20 Test Case – ID: IC- Order.4 Test Case – Purpose: to test article not on stock Test Object:Customer – Order Precondition:Order.Position.Art.Nr. ! € set (Article.Art.Nr) Postcondition:Response = „Article not available” Article.Amounts = Last.Amounts Inputs:Order.Cust.Nr = 200100 Customer.Credit =’A’ Order.Position.Nr = 2 Order.Position.Art.Nr.=9999 Results: Text-Msg = „ Article not available” Environment: MS- Internet Windows – XP Usecase – tested: Customer.order.processing Status: tested Date: 25. 8. 2005.
Test Case Description (2) SYSTTEXT-21 TestCase ID: IC-Order-7 Test Case – Purpose: to test a fulfilled order Test-Object: Customer – Order Precondition: Ordered Article is on stock. Article. Amount is > Order.Position.Amount (Article. Amount - Order. Position.Amount ) > minimum – Amount Postcondition:Article.Amount = a Pre.Article.Amount – Order.Position.Amount No supply order Inputs: Order.Cust-Nr = 200100 Customer.Credit = ’A’ Order.Position-Nr = 2 Order.Position.Art – Nr = 4711 Order.Position.Amount = 3 Article.Amount = 10 Minimum – Amount = 7 Results: Text-Msg= „Article order fulfilled” Environment: MS – Internet, Windows – XP Usecase tested: Customer.Order.Processing Status: tested Date: 29. 8. 2005.
Test Database Master Table SYSTTEXT-22 Test a withdrawal from an accountAccountWithdrawalData1101704Regr Test a deposit to an accountAccountDepositReq1101604Tech Test the opening of an accountAccountOpen_AccountReq1101504Func Test Case DescriptionTest_ObjectUse_CaseSourcePosNumberType
From Requirements via Test Cases to Test Scripts SYSTTEXT-23 Text Analysis Test Cases Repository Loader Test Case DB Repository Unloader Test Scripts Test Tester enhances & refines Test Cases Tester executes Test Cases Text Analyzer generates Test Cases Test Script Generator generates Test Scripts for Test Automation
DLG-AUFTR/HOR_Öffnen { Filename = "\GEOS_EU.200\A_ORDER\DLG\GAOAUFTR.93C"; Funktionsbeschreibung = "H1"; Aktion = "OPEN"; Modul = "GAOAUFTR"; }; Edit EB_EF_ENTRYFIELD { Controlbeschreibung = ""; Aktion = "EING"; MandantSpez = "nein"; Eingabe = "61230551302"; MK = "nein"; Inaktiv = "nein"; ReadOnly = "nein"; Domainentest = ""; Domain = ""; Default = ""; Mussfeld = ""; Parameter = ""; }; ComboBox EB_KB_KEYBOX { Controlbeschreibung = ""; Aktion = "AUSW"; MandantSpez = "nein"; Eingabe = "Derivat"; MK = "nein"; Inaktiv = "nein"; ReadOnly = "nein"; Domainentest = ""; Domain = ""; Default = ""; SVZAnzahl = "0"; Mussfeld = ""; Parameter = ""; }; Edit EB_EF_ENTRYFIELD4 { Controlbeschreibung = ""; Aktion = "EING"; MandantSpez = "nein"; Eingabe = "CODAX5800MÄR02"; MK = "nein"; Inaktiv = "nein"; ReadOnly = "nein"; Domainentest = ""; Domain = ""; Default = ""; Mussfeld = ""; Parameter = ""; }; Funktionenmenü ~Kaufen... { Controlbeschreibung = ""; Aktion = "KLCK"; MandantSpez = "nein"; Eingabe = ""; MK = "nein"; Inaktiv = "nein"; ReadOnly = "nein"; Domainentest = ""; Domain = ""; Default = ""; Mussfeld = ""; Parameter = ""; }; Generated Test Script TEXT-24 SYST
Inputs to a Text Analyzer SYSTREQT-22 Text Document Object List Pre Processor Text Processor Object Scanner Text Parser Filter Parameters -Files - Names
Function of a Text Analyzer SYSTREQT-23 TextAnal Text Analyzer Scan Objects Parse Text Create Entity Tables Generate Outputs Text Criteria Object List Sections Sentences Words Section Tab Object Tab Action Tab State Tab Condition Tab Object Model Test Cases Rule Violations Metrics Repository Entries
Outputs from a Text Analyzer SYSTREQT-24 Text Processor TxtAnal Text Pre Processor TxtScan Object List Object Model Test Cases Rule Violations Spec Metrics Repository Entries Objects - Use Cases - Actions - States - Rules Text Excel XML Format Rules Rupp Rules Size Quantity Complexity Sections - Use Cases - Objects - Actions - States - Rules
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