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Understanding How to Find Meaning Parables and Riddles.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding How to Find Meaning Parables and Riddles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding How to Find Meaning Parables and Riddles

2 Matthew 13:11-17(quoted Isaiah 6:8-10) Psalm 78: 1-2

3 Parable “to draw out as a bow” Riddles “the answer unites the two”

4 3 Laws of Dreams 1 st Law – Each dream from the Lord is a fitly spoken word

5 3 Laws of Dreams 2 nd Law – Each Parable and Riddle speaks of something in my life

6 3 Laws of Dreams 3 rd Law – Symbols you see meaning, Parables and riddles you don’t

7 3 Laws of Dreams 1 st Law – fitly word 2 nd Law – speaks of something 3 rd Law – symbols are different than parables

8 Parables Parables require viewing things differently, otherwise, you will get no connection Mentally blocked – spiritual must be cultivated Need to go beyond your carnal mind, logic, linear, your understanding

9 4 Parts 1. Determine 2. Find metaphors 3. Appropriate 4. Revisit

10 Drawing it Out 1. Write dream down 2. Identify items 3. Define what those mean to you 4. Take definition and ask: “Is there something in my life this describes?”

11 Facts about Parables Parable is His Perspective

12 This That

13 Facts about Parables Sometimes, timing is not right Writing it down is the only way to preserve it Dreams will shock you with accuracy

14 This Answer is in the Child “This” is the mother “Characteristic”is the child

15 This Meaning is in the characteristics

16 This Characteristics point/speak of something in your life

17 This That characteristics

18 The Key The key is in the characteristics. Those characteristics point/speak to something in your own life.

19 The Key In symbols, we see some meaning In parables, we don’t. Parables must be personally drawn out

20 Parables and Riddles Don’t be discouraged if you have no immediate meaning in a dream. This just means it is a parable or riddle. Drawing out a parable takes exerting on your behalf.

21 Parables and Riddles If it is a parable, there is deeper meaning than just casual glance. God has just fed you deep and rich food. God is training you in visual language

22 Parables and Riddles A parable and riddle is you “seeing what the Father is showing” John 5:19

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