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4 Weeks Test Review Celebrate Freedom & the West and Gilded Age.

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Presentation on theme: "4 Weeks Test Review Celebrate Freedom & the West and Gilded Age."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 Weeks Test Review Celebrate Freedom & the West and Gilded Age

2 Bulls Eye Game Rules You will work as a team in order to get the correct answer. One group member will step to the front of the classroom once the group has made their final choice. The group or groups with the right answer will get 1 shot at the bulls eye. DO NOT AT ANY MOMENT POINT THE NERF TOY AT ANYONE OR ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE BULLS EYE. THE TEAMS WILL EARN THE NUMBER OF POINTS INDICATED BY THE NERF DART.

3 100 75 50 35 20 10

4 What is the Declaration of Independence A.The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. B.Gave reasons for the colonies to break away from Britain. C.Gave reasons for the colonies to break away from Spain.

5 Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence was written to give reasons for the colonies to break away from Britain. “All men are created equal” was one of the founding principles that was used when making the suffrage amendments.

6 100 75 50 35 20 10

7 What is John Hancock Known for? A.The first to sign the U.S. Constitution. B.Wrote the Declaration of Independence. C.First to sign Declaration of Independence and is the most recognizable signature.

8 John Hancock First to sign Declaration of Independence and is the most recognizable signature.

9 100 75 50 35 20 10

10 What is the meaning of E Pluribus Unum? A.(Out of many 13) 13 colonies writing the declaration of independence B.(Out of many one) symbolizes the unity of the 13 colonies C.New currency brought about by the Declaration of Independence.

11 E Pluribus Unum E Pluribus Unum- (Out of many one) symbolizes the unity of the 13 colonies

12 100 75 50 35 20 10

13 Who is Alexis De Tocqueville? A.Irish gentleman, who came to the U.S. to identify 3 values of successful Americans. B.American who studies the 5 values crucial to Great Britain's success C.French gentleman, who came to the US and identified values crucial to America’s success as a constitutional republic.

14 Alexis De Tocqueville Came to the US and identified values crucial to America’s success as a constitutional republic. Egalitarianism is based on a belief that all people are equal and should enjoy equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities, which is something that lacked in Europe because of the social classes that people were born into and couldn’t change. Laissez- faire—hands off approach to government. This allowed big businesses to grow and invest without the government interfering.

15 100 75 50 35 20 10

16 What is the Dawes Act? A.Was used to make new land for white settlers in the west. The land that the government was giving away had previously belonged to the American Indians. B.Population in the west increased because it gave land to white settlers at no cost. C.Forced Native Americans into slavery.

17 Dawes & Homestead Act Dawes Act was used to make new land for white settlers in the west. The land that the government was giving away had previously belonged to the American Indians. Population in the west increased because of the Homestead Act which gave land to white settlers at no cost.

18 100 75 50 35 20 10

19 What did the Transcontinental Railroad do for America during the 1800’s? A.The Transcontinental Railroad assisted in the growth of Immigrants. B.The Transcontinental Railroad increased the number of immigrants from Mexico. C.The Transcontinental Railroad helped increase markets and facilitated the growth of the West.

20 Transcontinental Railroad The Transcontinental Railroad helped increase markets and facilitated the growth of the West.

21 100 75 50 35 20 10

22 Why did Immigrants move to the U.S.? A.Immigrants wanted to work unskilled jobs B.Immigrants wanted to work for Andrew Carnegie, who like them was a past immigrant. C.Immigrants wanted to pursue the American Dream.

23 Immigration Immigrants moved to the United States to pursue the American Dream.

24 100 75 50 35 20 10

25 What is Andrew Carnegie Known For? A.Carnegie did some positive things for the US because of the philanthropic activities he did for the community. B.Carnegie used new production techniques which led to the growth of the American steel industry. C.All of the Above.

26 What is Andrew Carnegie Known For? Carnegie did some positive things for the US because of the philanthropic activities he did for the community. Carnegie used new production techniques which led to the growth of the American steel industry.

27 100 75 50 35 20 10

28 What does this picture mean? Be able to explain it in detail.

29 Industrialization Skilled craftsmen were often replaced by unskilled machine operators because of all of the industrialization that was happening during the Gilded Age.

30 American Indians The American Indians were forced to Assimilate (adopt the ways of another culture; to fully become part of a different society) The Indians felt resentment towards Americans because they felt like they were losing their identities. Indians were forced to Americanize (cause someone to have American characteristics) the Indians learned how to do so in schools where they learned about the American dream that most immigrants & Indians sought out.

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