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STEEL SMITH GROUP OF COMPANIES APPRECIATIVE ENQUIRY METHOD Presented By: Nilesh Baid 08EM-024 Paras Sharma 08EM-027 Raunaq Singh 08EM-034 Suneet Sharma.

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Presentation on theme: "STEEL SMITH GROUP OF COMPANIES APPRECIATIVE ENQUIRY METHOD Presented By: Nilesh Baid 08EM-024 Paras Sharma 08EM-027 Raunaq Singh 08EM-034 Suneet Sharma."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEEL SMITH GROUP OF COMPANIES APPRECIATIVE ENQUIRY METHOD Presented By: Nilesh Baid 08EM-024 Paras Sharma 08EM-027 Raunaq Singh 08EM-034 Suneet Sharma 08EM-047 Varun Sharma 08EM-051

2 Method  To understand the basis of Appreciative Inquiry it is useful to look at the meaning of the two words in context.  Appreciation  means to recognize and value the contributions or attributes of things and people around us.  Inquiry  means to explore and discover, in the spirit of seeking to better understand, and being open to new possibilities.  When combined, this means that by appreciating what is good and valuable in the present situation, we can discover and learn about ways to effect positive change for the future.

3 Frame work- 5D Approach I Define Phase II Discovery Phase III Dream Phase IV Design Phase V Delivery Phase

4 Define Phase  Strategic HR Thrust Areas to help Manufacturing Industry i.e. Steel Smith to develop core competency via expansion.  Steel Smith is into manufacturing of Steel Forged products.

5 Discovery Phase  Past  Many bench mark are there which have laid down examples Rapid growth of the company with industry has helped itself gaining experience which is the major widening the scope of the growth of the company.  Present  What is happening in the industry(overall) now Technical Development Others  Future  Upcoming technologies in the industry for growth & development

6 Following questions would throw some light on HR perspective  When you think back to when you decided to join the company, what was the thing that most attracted you?  Tell me a story about a time when you were very enthusiastic about your work.  What do you think is most important for success at the company?  Tell me about the time you felt proudest about the company.

7 Dream Phase  Our dream is to expand in its field of operation in Vertical & Horizontal manner.  Vertical  Product Range Expansion  Diversification: Setting up refineries Power Projects Sugar Mills Hand Tools  Horizontal  Setting up Furnaces  Transportation

8 Design Phase & Delivery Phase StakeholdersInterests & ExpectationsProblems & Issues Strategic Solution Implementation Plan Customers To get complete forgings solution at the cheapest prices across. To get best quality in the market. To have on time deliveries Price Fluctuation Breakdowns R.M.Supplies RM Quality Issue Bulk Buying Regular Check Timely Evaluation Customer satisfaction survey’s. Running Product Stock Manufacturing High Stocks Keepings Employees Personal Growth Exposure Performance based Rewards Tanning/ Development Prg. Healthy/ Safe Working Motivation Habitual factors Sincerity Infrastructure Biasing Attitude Skill sets Cross culture Motivation Organizing training & development Prg. Ensure healthy work culture Performance base appraisal system Held regular tanning session Conduct continuous appraisal audit Maintain cross communication culture Rewards system for performers

9 Cont.. StakeholdersInterests & Expectations Problems & Issues Strategic Solution Implementation Plan Society Social Concern Less pollution (Air, water, Noise) Environmental Concerns Media CSR Forestation Equal Job Opportunity Provide jobs without biasing Plant more trees to compensate damage Construct Heath care unit for workers Special care for peoples living in near by areas Government Higher tax revenues Abide by the rules & regulations. Higher Tax rate Govt. Policies Corruption Transparency Proper tax payment on time.

10 Cont.. R.M. Suppliers Timely payments of suppliers. Quality Delivery Replacement.Continual Communication Maintain feedback system Continual notification regarding quality New Client Right target Profit Generation Quality Product at cheap prices Irrelevant link ups Commercial terms & condition Better research Limited credit duration Maintain information of the players in your field. Understand thoroughly the nature of the customers business & then approach accordingly. Follow your customers satisfaction policy

11 Thank You

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