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Outlook for 1952 How and when did Truman become President? – FDR died; April 1945 After winning in 1948, could Truman have run in 1952? Feb. 27, 1951—22.

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Presentation on theme: "Outlook for 1952 How and when did Truman become President? – FDR died; April 1945 After winning in 1948, could Truman have run in 1952? Feb. 27, 1951—22."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outlook for 1952 How and when did Truman become President? – FDR died; April 1945 After winning in 1948, could Truman have run in 1952? Feb. 27, 1951—22 nd Amendment—no person shall serve more than two terms as President – Two years or more of previous President’s term counts – Clause allowed Truman to run in 1952

2 Why Eisenhower? From the end of World War II, the U.S. experienced economic growth, but the economy was a secondary thought to many Americans. Why was Dwight Eisenhower a sure thing in 1952 given the atmosphere of the U.S.? Who was the V-P? What was the V-P candidate known for before the election that may have helped in 1952?

3 Presidents of the 1950s President _______ (Dem) served as President from 1945 to 1952 President _________ (Rep) served as President from 1952 to 1960

4 Election in 1952 Republican Dwight Eisenhower vs. Democrat Adlai Stevenson Eisenhower’s campaign focus: Korea, communism, and corruption Richard Nixon, VP candidate, worked to expose corruption Ike/Nixon won with 55% of the vote and a Republican Congress Ike’s Cabinet was filled with business leaders and wealthy corporate lawyers


6 T-P-S: Eisenhower Discuss the conservative agenda of Eisenhower. How did the activist side of Eisenhower promoted American prosperity and the interests of business?

7 The Eisenhower Years (1952-1960) Conservatism Thought gov’t was too strong and powerful Helped big business by cutting gov’t regulation of business affairs Cut gov’t aid to public housing and businesses Cut aid to TVA and Reconstruction Finance Corporation that lent money to banks and other large businesses (New Deal programs)

8 Activism Asked Congress to pass the Federal Highway Act Authorized building of St. Lawrence Seaway Extended Social Security and unemployment More money towards education—specifically to train scientists Increased minimum wage

9 White-collar vs. Blue-collar In the 1950s, the amount of ________-collar jobs increased while _________-collar jobs decreased.



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