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The Yalta Conference Division of Germany and Europe After World War II.

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2 The Yalta Conference

3 Division of Germany and Europe After World War II

4 The Potsdam Conference: Beginning of the Cold War

5 The Truman Doctrine The “containment” of communism primary goal Takes three basic formats: economic assistance to allies (the Marshall Plan) military assistance to pro-democracy/anti- communist movements (Berlin, Korea) military alliances (NATO)

6 Berlin Airlift (April, 1948 – May, 1949) Soviets cut off access to West Berlin to force West to surrender it to communist East Germany Truman responds with an airlift of supplies to keep W. Berlin free

7 Berlin Airlift (April, 1948 – May, 1949) Allies dropped tons of supplies for 14 months; Stalin forced to give up effort

8 The Marshall Plan

9 NATO vs. Warsaw Pact

10 1948 Election Democrats spilt into three over Civil Rights and Cold War policies Formation of the States’ Rights Party (“Dixiecrats”); opposed to civil rights for black Americans Truman defeats Dewey in an upset

11 The Korean War (1950 – 1953) Communist North Korea invades non-communist South; MacArthur invades at Inchon (Sept. 1950) to drive North past 38 th parallel MacArthur pushes N. Koreans to Chinese border; China enters the war (Nov. 1950) and pushes UN forces back. MacArthur blames Truman publicly.

12 The Korean War (1950 – 1953) Truman reprimands MacArthur April, 1951 – criticizes Truman again, fired from, command; extremely unpopular move MacArthur returns as a hero


14 The New Red Scare An effect of the Cold War; search to eliminate communism from govt. and society Led by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Pete Seeger

15 The New Red Scare Case against Alger Hiss; State Department diplomat, present at Yalta, accused Soviet spy Led by Richard Nixon Hiss convicted of perjury; later proven to be Soviet agent

16 The New Red Scare The Rosenbergs! Accused Soviet spies in the Manhattan Project; executed for treason Protests against “witch hunt” Later proven to be Soviet spies

17 “McCarthyism” Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R – WI) uses public hearings to “expose” hundreds of Soviet agents in the govt. Most are innocent. Senate hearings on Soviet influence on US government

18 “McCarthyism” Little proof offered, mostly accusations Hundreds of careers and people ruined by McCarthy; many others left govt. service

19 “McCarthyism” McCarthy accuses the Army of harboring communists; hearings televised Publicly exposed as a bully and fraud; Senate later censures (reprimands) him; dies 1957

20 1952 Election

21 Foreign Policy Under Eisenhower Enhancement of Truman Doctrine: “rollback” of communism “brinksmanship” – pushing Soviets to accept concessions in arms race Areas of conflict: Central America, Hungary Pres. Eisenhower with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles

22 Other Cold War Issues Sputnik (Oct. 1957): Russians launch first satellite into space; causes panic in US Cuba (Jan. 1959): Fidel Castro takes over Cuba; later announces creation of communist govt., first in this hemisphere

23 The Culture of the Car Car registrations: 1945  25,000,000 1960  60,000,000 2-family cars doubles from 1951-1958 1956  Interstate Highway Act  largest public works project in American history! Å Cost $32 billion. Å 41,000 miles of new highways built. 1959 Chevy Corvette 1958 Pink Cadillac

24 The Culture of the Car First McDonald’s (1955) America became a more homogeneous nation because of the automobile. Drive-In Movies Howard Johnson’s

25 The Culture of the Car The U. S. population was on the move in the 1950s. NE & Mid-W  S & SW (“Sunbelt” states) 1955  Disneyland opened in Southern California. (40% of the guests came from outside California, most by car.) Frontier Land Main Street Tomorrow Land Walt Disney

26 Suburban Living $7,990 or $60/month with no down payment. Levittown, L. I.: “The American Dream” 1949  William Levitt produced 150 houses per week.

27 Suburban Living SHIFTS IN POPULATION DISTRIBUTION, 1940-1970 1940 1950 1960 1970 1940 1950 1960 1970 Central Cities 31.6% 32.3% 32.6% 32.0% Suburbs 19.5% 23.8% 30.7% 41.6% Rural Areas/ 48.9% 43.9% 36.7% 26.4% Small Towns U. S. Bureau of the Census.

28 Suburban Living: The Typical TV Suburban Families The Donna Reed Show 1958-1966 Leave It to Beaver 1957-1963 Father Knows Best 1954-1958 The Ozzie & Harriet Show 1952-1966

29 Television - Family Shows I Love LucyLove The Honeymooners Glossy view of mostly middle-class suburban life. But...

30 Television 1946  7,000 TV sets in the U. S. 1950  50,000,000 TV sets in the U. S. Mass Audience  TV celebrated traditional American values.  Newton Minnow, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, 1961 Television is a vast wasteland.  Newton Minnow, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, 1961 Truth, Justice, and the American way! Sheriff Matt Dillon, Gunsmoke

31 Teen Culture “The King” - Elvis Marlon Brando Marlon Brando James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause (1955) James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Birth of Rock and Roll, Baby!

32 Progress Through Science Atomic Anxieties:  “Duck-and-Cover Generation” “Duck-and-Cover Generation” “Duck-and-Cover Generation” Atomic Testing: à 1946-1962  U. S. exploded 217 nuclear weapons over the Pacific and in Nevada.

33 Progress Through Science UFO Sightings skyrocketed in the 1950s. War of the Worlds HHHH oooo llll llll yyyy wwww oooo oooo dddd u u u u ssss eeee dddd a a a a llll iiii eeee nnnn ssss a a a a ssss a a a a m m m m eeee tttt aaaa pppp hhhh oooo rrrr ffff oooo rrrr w w w w hhhh oooo mmmm ? ? ? ? ???? Plan 9 From Outer Space

34 Other Cold War Incidents May, 1960 – the U2 incident US spy plane shot down over USSR; used as evidence of American spying Pilot on trial; ruins first American-Soviet summit in Vienna in June

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