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Jeopardy. A firm that has holdings in a variety of unrelated industries.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy. A firm that has holdings in a variety of unrelated industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy

2 A firm that has holdings in a variety of unrelated industries.

3 What is a conglomerate?

4 Forms of communication transmitted electronically and reaching the general public.

5 What is electronic media?

6 A person who, without authority, dispenses justice.

7 What is a vigilante?

8 A shop in which new workers are required to join the union.

9 What is a union shop?

10 A management style based on general agreement.

11 What is consensus decision making?

12 Started his political career in 1946 as an outspoken anti-Communist and later ran for President in 1960.

13 Who was Richard Nixon?

14 Led conservative Southern Democrats—the Dixiecrats– who opposed federal action on civil rights.

15 Who was Strom Thurmond?

16 Republican presidential candidate defeated by Harry Truman.

17 Who was Thomas Dewey?

18 Democratic presidential candidate who lost twice to Dwight Eisenhower.

19 Who was Adlai Stevenson?

20 Attorney who defended the army against McCarthy’s smear attack and destroyed McCarthy as a political power.

21 Who was Joseph Welch?

22 People were moving to these areas due to the greater availability of automobiles, an expanded highway system, and affordable housing.

23 What are the suburbs?

24 Millions of white, suburban, middle- class Americans shared a lifestyle that represented this idea.

25 What is the American Dream?

26 The name of the campaign that helped Truman win the support of thousands of Americans.

27 What is the whistle-stop tour?

28 This was designed to ease the transition from military to civilian life.

29 What is the GI Bill of Rights?

30 This program allowed many Mexicans to enter the US legally.

31 What is the bracero program?

32 The reason why Nixon was an acceptable choice for Eisenhower’s running mate in 1952.

33 What is Nixon had a strong anti- communist reputation that appealed to the conservative wing of the party?

34 Sought to ban the “closed shop”

35 What is the Taft-Hartley Bill?

36 Resulted in the loss of jobs for thousands of workers.

37 What is the false accusations of Communists?

38 Truman’s response to being soft on Communism.

39 What is the Federal Employee Loyalty Program in 1947?

40 The evidence McCarthy had to support his accusations.

41 What is none?

42 The fastest growing post-war industry.

43 What is advertising?

44 The reason why the US gov’t turned over thousands of acres of Native American land to business interests.

45 What is due to the new policy of termination?

46 The way agriculture changed after World War II.

47 What is it became a corporate enterprise?

48 The Voluntary Relocation program.

49 What is as an incentive for Native Americans to leave reservations, the gov’t would help them relocate by providing moving expenses, help find housing and jobs, and temporary living expenses?

50 Communism was a popular idea in the 30’s and 40’s. Why did that change?

51 It changed because of accusations of Communism to discredit Roosevelt and the New Deal—HUAC—Stalin stopping up his terror campaigns, etc.

52 Final Jeopardy

53 How were the lives of baby boomers different from the lives of their parents?

54 Baby boomers lived with unprecedented privileges; many grew up in the suburbs; they were the 1 st generation to be raised on TV, children’s programming, and advertising aimed at children; they enjoyed greater health b/c medical science had learned how to combat childhood diseases such as polio; the influence of Dr. Spock’s ideas on childrearing.

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