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Earth’s Weather by Denise Carroll. The Water Cycle A water cycle is the way water moves from the air to land and back again.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Weather by Denise Carroll. The Water Cycle A water cycle is the way water moves from the air to land and back again."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Weather by Denise Carroll

2 The Water Cycle A water cycle is the way water moves from the air to land and back again.

3 The sun’s heat makes water evaporate into water vapor. The water vapor rises into the air, cools, and condenses into tiny droplets of water. The drops of water come together to form clouds. The water drops become heavy and fall as rain, sleet, snow, or hail. The rain falls or snow melts and flows to rivers, lakes, and oceans. Precipitation Condensation Evaporation is when a liquid changes to a gas. Water Cycle

4 Meteorologists Meteorologists are scientists who use special tools to measure, predict, and study weather conditions.

5 Measuring Weather Conditions A thermometer measures temperature, or how hot or cold the air is. An anemometer measures how fast the wind is blowing. A rain gauge measures how much rain or snow has fallen. A wind vane shows which direction the wind is blowing. It points to the direction the wind is coming from.

6 Think: Why do we need to know the weather conditions each day?

7 Measuring weather conditions helps people. People will know how to dress when they go outside. People can plan outdoor activities or vacations. Scientists can tell people to get ready for bad weather or a big storm. Measuring the weather conditions help scientists predict the weather.

8 Clouds 1.Cumulus 2.Cirrus 3.Stratus   Clouds are made up of millions and millions of small water drops or tiny pieces of ice.   Clouds give us clues about how the weather may change.   We will learn about these three types of clouds.

9 Cumulus Cumulus means heap. These clouds look big and puffy like balls of cotton. When these clouds start piling up and turn dark, they can bring a storm.

10 Cirrus Cirrus means curl. These clouds are very high up in the sky. They look thin or feathery and hold only a little bit of water. We see these clouds when the weather is sunny.

11 Stratus  Stratus means stretched out. These clouds make the whole sky look dark and gray because they cover the sky and block the sun.  Stratus are low, gray clouds that usually bring rain or snow.

12 Preparing for Weather Always listen to the radio and television for weather bulletins. Stock a good supply of food that does not have to be cooked. Store plenty of fresh water. Make sure you have flashlights and extra batteries, candles are not safe. Be sure your pets are safe. Secure loose objects outside your home. Always be calm and patient.

13 Thunderstorms A thunderstorm has rain, thunder, and lightning. When we see big, thick, dark cumulus clouds, we might expect thunder and lightning to come. Lightning produces light and heat - called energy. When the air is heated that quickly, it expands (gets bigger) and then contracts (gets smaller). When the air expands and contracts, it creates an explosion called THUNDER. Lightning safety – Stay indoors away from doors and windows. Do not use the telephone. Take off head sets. Turn off, unplug, and stay away from appliances, computers, power tools, & TV sets.

14 Tornado A tornado is a funnel- shaped cloud that spins very fast. It has very strong winds that can destroy many houses and buildings. It picks up debris or buildings by its swirling winds. Tornado safety – Stay inside away from windows, doors and outside walls. Cover your head and body to protect yourself from flying objects.

15 Hurricane A hurricane begins over warm ocean waters and has winds that are more than 74 mph. It has strong winds, high ocean waves, and lots of rain. It causes floods and destroys many homes and buildings. The hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. Stay indoors, in the center of your home, in a closet or bathroom without windows.

16 Blizzard A blizzard is a storm with heavy snow and strong winds. It is difficult to see outside during a blizzard. Blizzard Safety: Stay indoors. If you go outside after the storm, wear layers of clothing.

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