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Writing a Résumé and Cover Letter

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Résumé and Cover Letter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Résumé and Cover Letter

2 Objective Terms Be able to construct a appropriate resume and cover letter Career objective Curriculum vitae Explanation of intent Letter of application Personal data sheet Résumé Statement of qualifications

3 What is a résumé? A résumé is a written summary of one’s education, experience, and other qualifications. Also known as a Curriculum vitae or personal data sheet

4 Two main purposes of a resume.
Provides information when the person cannot be present. Serves as a permanent record that can be placed into a file or attached to a letter or application form.

5 Qualities of a good resume
A good résumé is easy to prepare. Content is accurate and positively reflect a person’s qualifications. Contains 6 parts.

6 6 parts to a résumé. Personal information Career objective
Education and training Work experience School and community activities References

7 Cover Letter Also known as a letter of application
is a business letter that lets the employer know you want the job It provides an important first impression to the employer

8 Primary elements of a cover letter
Explanation of intent Statement of qualifications Conclusion

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