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New Product Development Management NPDM 7 Mohsen SADEGHI Department of Graduate School of Management and Economics Sharif University of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "New Product Development Management NPDM 7 Mohsen SADEGHI Department of Graduate School of Management and Economics Sharif University of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Product Development Management NPDM 7 Mohsen SADEGHI Department of Graduate School of Management and Economics Sharif University of Technology

2 Concept Testing


4 Concept Development Process

5 Concept Testing: What is it? Concept testing is: closely related to concept selection different from concept selection in that it is based on data gathered directly from potential customer and relies to a lesser degree on judgments made by the development team.

6 Concept Testing: What for? Go/no-go decisions What market to be in? Selecting among alternative concepts Confirming concept selection decision Benchmarking Soliciting improvement ideas Forecasting demand Ready to launch?

7 A seven-step method Step 1: Define purpose Step 2: Choose a survey population Step 3: Choose a survey format Step 4: Communicate the concept Step 5: Measure customer response Step 6: Interpret results Step 7: Reflect on results and process

8 Define purpose of concept test Write down the questions the team wishes to answer with the test: – Which of several alternative concepts should be pursued? – How can the concept be improved to better meet customer needs? – Approximately how many units are likely to be sold? – Should development be continued? – …..

9 Choose a survey population The underlying assumption is that the survey population reflects the target market. – Ex.: emPower scooter has two main markets: urban consumer college students

10 Alternative Concepts

11 Choose a survey format Face-to-face interaction – Stopping people at the street Telephone – May be targeted to specific individuals Postal mail – Somewhat slower than other methods, often poor response E-mail: – Similar to postal mail except respondents seem slightly more likely to reply than via postal mail Internet – A team may create a Web site for virtual concept testing

12 Communicate the concept Written or verbal description Sketch Photos and renderings Storyboards Video Simulation Interactive multimedia Physical appearance models Working prototypes

13 Verbal description The product is a lightweight electric scooter that can be easily folded and taken with you inside a building or on public transportation. The scooter weighs about 12 kg. It travels at speeds of up to 25 kilometers per hour and can go about 20 kilometers on a single charge. The scooter can be recharged in about two hours from a standard electric outlet. The scooter is easy to ride and has simple controls — just an accelerator button and a brake.

14 Price Include price in concept description?

15 Measure customer response Definitely would buy Probably would buy Might or might not buy Probably would not buy Definitely would not buy

16 Concept Testing Example: Electric Scooter

17 Sketch

18 Rendering

19 3D Solid CAD model

20 Appearance model

21 Storyboard


23 Resemblance to marketing...

24 Working Prototype

25 Beta Prototype

26 Production Product

27 emPower’s Market Decision: Factory Transportation

28 Survey Format PART 1, Qualification – How far do you live from campus? – How do you currently get to campus from home? – How do you currently get around campus? PART 2, Product Description –

29 Survey Format PART 3, Purchase Intent – If the product were priced according to your expectations, how likely would you be to purchase the scooter within the next year?

30 Survey Format PART 4, Comments – What would you expect the price of the scooter to be? – What concerns do you have about the product concept? – Can you make any suggestions for improving the product concept? Thank you.

31 Interpreting the Results: Forecasting Sales Q = N x A x P Q = sales (annual) N = number of (annual) purchases A = awareness x availability P = probability of purchase (surveyed) = Cdef x Fdef + Cprob x Fprob “top box”“second box”


33 Summary Concept testing can verify that customer needs have been adequately met by the product concept, asses the sales potential of a product concept, and/or gather customer information for refining the product concept. Concept testing is appropriate at several points in the development process. Seven step method of testing is recommended: – Define the purpose of the concept test – Choose a survey problem – Choose a survey format – Communicate the concept – Measure customer response – Interpret the results – Reflect on the results and the process

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