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An RFID-Based Object Localization Framework and System

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1 An RFID-Based Object Localization Framework and System
Kirti Chawla Department of Computer Science University of Virginia Good morning, my name is Kirti and today I am going to present my PhD dissertation talk on – An RFID-Based Object Localization Framework and System

2 Location, Location, Location
Introduction Locate Objects Environments Goal: Locate objects in an environment Attributes: Reliable Accurate (sub-meter) and Fast (seconds) I am addressing the problem of locating objects within an environment in a reliable, accurate and fast manner. Locating objects is an important problem to solve because it occurs in a variety of settings such as locating milk cartons in a warehouse, providing users with location-based insights, etc.

3 Far-field Communication Near-field Communication
RFID Primer Background RFID Reader RFID Tag Far-field Communication Near-field Communication Tags and Readers: Form Factors Operating Frequency Power Source In this research, I’m using an automatic identification technology called RFID for locating objects in indoor environments such as warehouses, hospitals, airports, etc. Before we go further, lets look at the basics of this technology. RFID technology consists of two components – a reader and a tag. Both of these devices can communicate with each other using two different mechanisms – near-field and far-field communication. In near-field communication, tag and reader communicate using electro-magnetic induction coupling of their coils over a short distance. In far-field communication, tag and reader communicate using radio signal backscattering over a long distance. Tags and readers come in a variety of form factors and can operate over a wide-range of frequencies and power sources.

4 Intellectual Contributions
Adaptability  Resilient to environmental conditions / noise Accommodates numerous scenarios  Tag orientation and vendor hardware –agnostic Reliability  Signal strength as a reliable metric  Tag sensitivity influences performance  Tag selection & sorting ensures uniformity  Heuristics enhance accuracy Objects are located using RFID technology by attaching RFID tags to them. I have made several key contributions that impact the adaptability, reliability, and scalability of the RFID-based object localization. For example, my approach can locate arbitrarily oriented tags using different RFID readers. To enhance reliability, my approach selects and sorts the tags. For enabling scalability, my approach makes reference tags optional without sacrificing accuracy. Scalability  Tag selection optimizes range & cost  Improved performance by matching tags to readers  Reference tags are unnecessary

5 Current State of the Art
Background Technologies Mismatched Solutions Techniques Locating objects is an important problem that has been studied extensively from a variety of technologies, techniques and use-cases standpoint. For example, GPS is a location system that uses geo-stationary satellites for locating vehicles. Often, these technologies, techniques, and use-cases are combined in an ad-hoc manner leading to mismatched solutions with limiting constraints. For example, while using GPS to locate objects in an outdoor setting makes perfect sense, the same technology cannot be used in indoor environments due to unavailability of signals. Limiting Constraints

6 Pros/Cons Motivation Pros Cons No Line of Sight Solid Obstacles
Unintended Use Invasive Dark Environment Susceptible Lets look at the pros and cons of using RFID technology for locating objects. On the pros side, RFID can locate objects beyond line of sight, through solid obstacles and in dimly lit environments. Moreover, passive tags cost a few pennies each and enable cost-effective localization. RFID is adaptive to various application requirements. On the cons side, RFID was not invented to locate objects and thus, its harder than usual to derive an unintended functionality. RFID is perceived as an invasive technology that intrudes privacy. Signal strength based RFID localization approaches are susceptible to environmental interferences and occlusions. RFID has a high entry barrier as it requires new hardware to be deployed for locating objects. RFID can only work for specific use-cases and is not a panacea for all localization problems. Cost Effective Adaptive Entry Barrier Targeted

7 Potential New Savings = $ 600 Million / Year
Use-Case: Warehouse Motivation 100, 000 Ft2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. Warehouse-Store 100 People $ 12/Hour 275 Days/Year Workforce Cost 30 Min./Day Avg. Search Time Lets look at a few use-cases where RFID-based localization may be useful. Consider a large-scale warehouse operated by Walmart. There are 4000 such warehouses in US each with a floor-space of 100,000 sq-feet. To manage such a space, about 100 people work for 275 days per year at the cost of 12 dollars per hour. These people spend about 30 minutes per day finding items. Cumulatively, this amounts to 600 million dollars worth of wasted annual productivity. If these items could be found sooner then this loss could be turned into potential new savings. Potential New Savings = $ 600 Million / Year

8 Other Use-Cases Motivation
Locate: Medical Supplies Surgical Instruments Caregivers Patients Hospitals Locate: Guests / Travelers Freight Baggage Airports Other potential application scenarios of RFID-based localization include hospitals for locating medical supplies, surgical instruments, caregivers, and patients and airports for locating guests and travelers, freight, and baggage.

9 Thesis Statement Research
Performance Enhancing Heuristics Empirical Power-Distance Relationships Uniformly Sensitive Tags Reliable High-Performance RFID-based Object Localization Framework and System Here’s my thesis statement: a reliable and high-performance RFID-based object localization framework and system can be developed using uniformly sensitive tags, empirical power-distance relationships, and performance-enhancing heuristics. In the following slide I will describe how different parts of this thesis statement is realized in practice.

10 Localization Framework
Research Collection of Tags Tag Selection Candidate Tags Tag Binning Uniformly Sensitive Tags Empirical Power-Distance Relationship To address the problem of locating objects using RFID, I’ve developed a localization framework comprising of four stages – i.e., Tag selection, Tag binning, Empirical power-distance relationship, and Performance-enhancing heuristics. The first two stages ensure that tags used for localization purposes are uniformly sensitive while third and fourth stage focus on tags’ location estimates and improving those estimates, respectively. This is how the thesis statement mentioned in the previous slide is realized in practice. In the following slides, I will briefly describe each of these stages. Tags’ Location Estimates Performance-Enhancing Heuristics Improved Location Estimates

11 Mobile Robot with onboard reader and multi-tag
Experimental Setup Evaluation RFID Reader Backend Host Tablet Internet Antenna Reference Tag **** show robot and tablet **** Here is an overview of the RFID lab where the localization experiments were conducted. I have developed a track-based robot system for simulating stationary and mobile objects. Also, reader antennas were placed on the sides and the ceiling as shown here. The localization algorithms, models, and heuristics run on the backend host that collects empirical power-distance relationship data to locate the target tags. These location estimates are then forwarded to modern devices such as tablets for visualization purposes. I will now focus on the four stages of the localization framework. Mobile Robot with onboard reader and multi-tag

12 Tag Selection Research
Tag Collection Read Range RSS Read Count Tag Selection Candidate Tags Key Contribution: Tag Selection Process **** show the pile of tags ***** Consider this, different tags can have different performances and yet state-of-the-art RFID localization approaches do not take this into account. This is a critical issue because under-performing tags will cause more readers to be deployed thereby raising the overall solution cost. To mitigate this issue, In the tag selection stage we select the best performing tags from a collection of different tags using read range, received signal strength and read count metrics. Read range is defined as the longest distance a tag can be read from the reader, received signal strength or RSS in short, is the amount of reflected power a reader receives from the tag, and, read count is the number of times a tag is read by the reader in a given time. On a side note, the blue arrow, such as shown here, shows the results of tag selection stage and such markers are used across the talk to show relevant results. Problem: Tags have variable performance Solution: Select tags based on their performance

13 Tag Selection Evaluation
Insight: Select tags on multi-objective criteria Lets look at a result related to the tag selection stage. In this experiment, I take several tags of different types and measure their performance over different power-distance combinations. Here is a graph that shows tag types on the x-axis and their average RSS performance on y-axis. It is evident that tag-14 is best performing tag as it performs consistently over different power-distance combinations.

14 Same Type Tags Collection Uniformly Sensitive Tags
Tag Binning Research Same Type Tags Collection RSS Read Count Tag Binning Uniformly Sensitive Tags Key Contribution: Tag Binning Process *** show two large tags of same type **** Furthermore, state-of-the-art RFID localization approaches assume that tags of same type have similar sensitivities, which is not true. I have discovered that two tags of same type can have vastly different sensitivities due to manufacturing variation. This critical issue impacts the performance of signal strength based RFID localization approaches. To mitigate this issue, In the tag binning stage we sorts the same type tags based on their sensitivity using received signal strength and read count metrics. The result is a Gaussian distribution of tags from which I pick tags about the mean to arrive at uniformly sensitive tags. These uniformly sensitive tags are used in my localization experiments. Problem: Tags have variable sensitivities Solution: Bin tags based on their sensitivity

15 Tag Binning Evaluation
Insight: Sort tags on their RF performance 0.61 meters 1.83 meters 3.05 meters Here’s a result from the tag binning stage. In this experiment, I take 500 tags of tag-14 type and sort them according to their sensitivities. Here is a graph that shows average RSS behavior on the x-axis and number of tags on the y-axis. Colored arrows indicate mean of the Gaussian distributions at different distance levels. I pickup tags about these means and compute an intersection to get the final set of uniformly sensitive tags.

16 Tags are uniformly sensitive
Tag Binning Evaluation 0.61 meters 1.83 meters 3.05 meters Yield: ~70 % (350 out of 500) Tags are uniformly sensitive In essence we get uniformly sensitive tags from different Gaussian distributions and I compute intersection over these sets to arrive at the final set of uniformly sensitive tags. For the tag-14 case, about 70% or 350 out of 500 tags were found to be uniformly sensitive.

17 Friis Transmission Equation
Power-Distance Relationship Research Friis Transmission Equation Transmitted Power: PT RFID Reader Tag-Reader Distance: D Received Power: PR Before we go deeper into the third stage of the localization framework, lets look at the Friis transmission equation that theoretically estimates tag-reader distance using signal strength. This estimate is highly inaccurate in real-world scenarios due to various interferences and occlusions. Thus, empirical power-distance relationship is needed for higher localization accuracy. RFID Tag Problem: RF signal variability renders Friis Eq. useless Solution: Utilize empirical power-distance relationship

18 Environment Dependent
Power-Distance Relationship Evaluation Insight: Empirical power-distance relationship enables higher performance Ideal Friis (N = 2) Ideal Friis (N = 3) Ideal Friis (N = 6) Empirical Environment Dependent Here’s a result that shows the difference between theoretical and empirical power-distance relationship. In this experiment, I theoretically and empirically measure the reader transmitted signal strength needed to detect a tag. Here is a graph shows tag-reader distance on the x-axis and transmitted signal strength needed to detect the tag on the y-axis. Black lines indicate ideal Friis-based estimation using different decay rates, while the red line shows empirical estimation. It is evident that empirical power-distance relationship enables higher accuracy.

19 Power-Distance Relationship Research
Read Count Empirical Power-Distance Relationship TX-Side Algorithms RX-Side Models Uniformly Sensitive Tags Tags’ Location Estimates In essence empirical power-distance relationship involves experimentally determining variation in signal strength as tag-reader distance varies. Here, I take this relationship and split it into two complimentary halves – i.e., transmitting side and receiving side. Consequently, I develop transmitting-side algorithms and receiving-side models that utilize these relationships to help locate objects. I will now focus on transmitting-side algorithms. Problem: Locate objects using empirical power-distance relationship Solution: Utilize TX and RX empirical power-distance relationship

20 Locate Tags: Power-Modulating Algorithms
TX-Side Algorithms Research Locate Tags: Power-Modulating Algorithms Radio Wave Shared Region Since we use uniformly sensitive tags, a key insight is that similarly behaving tags are neighbors. To visualize this, consider a region with RFID reader antennas and two uniformly sensitive tags that are neighbors. I algorithmically determine the minimum transmission signal strength needed to detect these tags and repeat the process from different sides. As the two tags are neighbors they are detected at similar signal strengths. Alternatively, if they are detected at similar signal strengths then they must be neighbors. Antenna Insight: Similarly behaving tags are neighbors

21 Locate Tags: Power-Modulating Algorithms
TX-Side Algorithms Research Algorithms Locate Tags: Power-Modulating Algorithms Key Contributions: TX-Side Power-Modulating Algorithms I utilize this insight to develop algorithms for locating the tags. In particular, I layout a region with reference tags at known locations and empirically establish their power-distance relationship. Consequently, I put a target tag at unknown location and repeat the process. I then correlate its empirical power-distance relationship with that of reference tags’ to arrive at its position estimate. Problem: Locate tags using TX RF signal power Solution: Algorithmically modulate TX RF signal power

22 Overall Accuracy: 0.18 meters
TX-Side Localization Accuracy Evaluation Insight: Performance can be improved by denser reference tag deployment Time Overall Accuracy: 0.18 meters Here’s a result of localization accuracy using transmitting –side algorithms. In this experiment, I place a mobile robot having an onboard tag on the track and locate it using the algorithms. Here is a graph that shows different measurement points along the robot’s path on x-axis and average distance on the y-axis. It is evident here that the inferred location estimates closely follow the robot’s actual locations, except at a few places where the reference tags density was not sufficient enough.

23 Density Vs Performance
Evaluation Insight: Localization performance varies with reference tag density Another key result pertaining to TX-side algorithms is showing that reference tags can be counter-productive. In this experiment I use transmitting-side algorithms to measure the localization accuracy while gradually increasing the reference tag density. While reference tags do improve the accuracy, such improvements decrease as the density increases and stops beyond a point of diminishing returns. Using more reference tags beyond that point is counter-productive as the cost of the overall solution increases without significantly improving the accuracy.

24 Tag-Reader Matched Pairs
RX-Side Models Research RFID Reader - A RFID Tag - A Key Contributions: Tag-Reader Matched Pairs RFID Reader - B RFID Tag - B When you have several different tags and readers, its natural that some of them will perform better than the other. Thus, the key insight here is that select tags can be matched to readers using read-range, received signal strength, and read-count metrics for providing higher accuracy. Insight: Match tags to readers for higher performance

25 Locate Tags: RSS Decay Models
RX-Side Models Research Locate Tags: RSS Decay Models Friis Physics Model RSS Decay Model Key Contributions: Tag Orientation Inclusive RSS Decay Models Radial Orientation Axial Orientation I use this key insight to adapt Friis theoretical model to reality. In particular, I model received signal strength decay of the matched tag-reader set with respect to its tag-reader distance. While making these models, I take into account tag’s axial and radial orientation because tag orientation impacts the accuracy. Thus, if models are orientation –agnostic then the objects can be located in an orientation-free manner. Moreover, such model based localization approach does not need reference tags for providing higher accuracy. But, reference tags can still be used to further improve it. Problem: Locate tags using RX RF signal power Solution: Adapt theoretical physics model to reality

26 RSS Decay Models Evaluation
Insight: Orientation-based decay models lead to orientation-agnostic localization Radial Here we see a result of modeling received signal strength decay over tag-reader distance. In this experiment, tag-reader distance is gradually increased while measuring the received signal strength. Here is a graph that shows tag-reader distance on the x-axis, average RSS behavior on the y-axis, and tag’s axial orientation on the z-axis. An important observation here is that received signal strength decay is smooth because we’ve used tags selected through tag selection and binning stages. Also, modeling the decay with respect to tag orientation ensures orientation-free localization.

27 RX-Side Localization Accuracy Evaluation
Insight: Performance can be improved by minimizing RF dead-zones Overall Accuracy: meters Here’s a result of localization accuracy using receiving-side models. In this experiment, I place a mobile robot having onboard tag on the track and locate it using the models. Here is a graph that shows different measurement points along the robot’s path on the x-axis and average distance along the y-axis. It is evident here that the inferred location estimates closely follow the robot’s actual locations, except at a few places where the radio signals were partially available.

28 Scalability: No. of Objects
Evaluation Insight: No. of objects -invariant localization accuracy feasible Here’s a result showing that my approach scales to large number of objects. In this experiment I gradually increase the number of objects to be localized while measuring their accuracies. It is evident that my approach provides sustained localization accuracy as the number of objects increase.

29 Heuristics for Improving Localization Accuracy
Research Heuristics Localization Error Key Contributions: Heuristics for Improving Localization Accuracy Target Tag Reference Tag In the final and optional stage, the location estimates provided by the previous stage can be further improved by carefully selecting neighbor reference tags. Towards this end, I’ve developed several heuristics that enable selection of such reference tags. Problem: Assumption that target and reference tag location coincide leads to localization error Solution: Consider neighbor reference tags that minimize localization error

30 Experimental Setup Evaluation
RFID Reader Backend Host Tablet Internet Antenna Target Tag Here’s an overview of Digital Medial Lab were scalability related experiments were conducted.

31 Scalability: Environment
Evaluation Insight: Scale-invariant localization accuracy feasible Overall Accuracy: 0.32 meters *** noise measurements show DML is noisier than Walmart *** Here’s a result showing that my approach scales to larger environment. In this experiment, we locate objects in Digital Media Lab having a larger area than the RFID Lab. It is evident that the inferred location estimates closely follow the object’s actual locations.

32 Comparative Evaluation
Approach Localization Time Test Region (m2) Localization Accuracy (m) Reference Tags Ni et al., 2003 Not Reported 2D, 20 2 Active Bekkali et al., 2007 2D, 9 0.5 – 1.0 Passive Zhao et al., 2007 2D, 20 0.14 – 0.29 Choi and Lee, 2009 2D, 14 0.21 Choi et al., 2009 2D, 3 0.2 – 0.3 Zhang et al., 2010 2D, 36 0.45 Brchan et al., 2012 A few seconds 2D, 22 1-2 TX-Side: Combined Algorithms 1.67 minutes 2D, 8 0.18 RX-Side: Combined Models (without ref. tags) ~4 seconds Not Applicable (with ref. tags) Variable Key Results: Localization Accuracy (Sub-meter) Localization Time (A few seconds) Reference Tags (Optional) Here’s a table that compares the localization performance of my approach with the other state-of-the-art approaches. My approach locates objects with sub-meter accuracy and in a few seconds in noisy indoor environments. My approach does not need reference tags for providing higher accuracy. Moreover, several of these approaches use costly battery-powered active tags for localization, which is not scalable.

33 Summary and Future Work
Conclusion RFID-Based Location System: - Pure RFID reliably locates objects Match tags to readers Tag selection & binning improves tag performance TX/RX empirical power-distance relationship Algorithms, models, and heuristics for object localization Identify / mitigate key localization challenges Future Research Directions: 3D Visualization tools Field testing and commercialization In summary, I’ve developed an indoor GPS like location system using RFID technology that utilizes matching tag-reader pairs, uniformly sensitive tags, and empirical power-distance relationships. I’ve also identified and mitigated key localization challenges. In the future, we plan to develop 3D visualization tools, perform in-depth field testing and focus on commercialization.

34 Deliverables Contributions
Co-directed 10 undergraduate theses and Capstone projects Won the 2011 SEAS Entrepreneurial Concept Competition Placed 2nd at the 2012 Darden Business Competition Best Presentation Award at 2013 IEEE Conference on Localization Journal Publications: Kirti Chawla, Christopher McFarland, Gabriel Robins, and Wil Thomason, An Accurate Real-Time RFID-Based Location System, 2014, In Submission Kirti Chawla and Gabriel Robins, An RFID-Based Object Localization Framework, International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, Inderscience Publishers, 2011, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, pp. 2-30 Conference Publications: Kirti Chawla, Christopher McFarland, Gabriel Robins, and Connor Shope, Real-Time RFID Localization using RSS, IEEE International Conference on Localization and Global Navigation Satellite System, 2013, Italy, pp. 1-6 Kirti Chawla, Gabriel Robins, and Liuyi Zhang, Efficient RFID-Based Mobile Object Localization, IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, 2010, Canada, pp Kirti Chawla, Gabriel Robins, and Liuyi Zhang, Object Localization using RFID, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2010, Italy, pp Patents: Kirti Chawla and Gabriel Robins, System and Method For Real-Time RFID Localization, 2014 Kirti Chawla and Gabriel Robins, Real-Time RFID Localization Using Received Signal Strength (RSS) System and Related Method, US Patent: 61/839,617, 2013 Kirti Chawla & Gabriel Robins, Object Localization with RFID Infrastructure, WIPO Patent: A3, 2012; US Patent: A1, 2013 Here are the accomplishments of this research. I have co-directed 10 undergraduate theses and capstone projects and won numerous entrepreneurship awards. Also, I have published in several international journals and conferences and filed numerous patents. Here are some of my student colleagues that have actively contributed to this research. Thank you and I will be happy to take questions.

35 Object Localization with RFID Infrastructure
USPTO and WIPO Patents Object Localization with RFID Infrastructure

36 Backup Slides

37 Backend: Minimize Misuse Potential New Savings = $ 200 Million / Year
Motivation Back 100, 000 Ft2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. Warehouse-Store 1 Million Items 5 % Misuse Rate $ 1 / Item Reported Misuse Potential New Savings = $ 200 Million / Year

38 Frontend: Improve Turnaround Motivation
Back 100, 000 Ft2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. Warehouse-Store $ 319B Rev/Year $ 79M /Store/Year $ 218K /Store/Day Revenue Generation $ 72 /Day/Person 3K /Store/Day +5 /Store/Day Maximize Utility Potential New Revenue = $ 500 Million / Year

39 Motivation Minimize Misuse Improve Turnaround Save Time
How Our Research Can Affect Your Bottom Line Motivation $ 200 Million / Year Minimize Misuse Improve Turnaround $ 500 Million / Year $ 600 Million / Year Save Time Stimulate Spending $ 4.3 Billion / Year

40 Localization Challenges
Approach Radio Interference Occlusions Tag Sensitivity Tag Spatiality Tag Orientation Reader Locality

41 Reliability through Multi-Tags
Approach RFID Reader Platform Side View Platform Top View Parallel Orthogonal RFID Tag RFID Tag Vertical Horizontal Problem: Optimal tag reads occur at certain orientations Solution: Multi-Tags provide orientation redundancy

42 Reader Output Power Range
Power-Modulating Algorithms Approach Back Reader Output Power Range MAX MID Linear Search Binary Search Parallel Search O(#Tags  #Power-Levels) O(#Tags  Log#Power-Levels) O(#Power-Levels)

43 Minimum Power Selection
Heuristics Framework Approach Back Absolute Difference Minimum Power Selection Localization Error Meta Heuristic Root Sum Square Problem: There can be multiple neighbor reference tags Solution: Select neighbor reference tags using different selection criteria

44 RSS Decay Models Evaluation
Back Insight: Orientation-based decay models lead to orientation-agnostic localization

45 TX-Side Localization Time
Evaluation Back Insight: Faster algorithms provide lower tag detectability

46 Technology Cost Breakup (Post R&D)
Product 100, 000 Ft2 4000 Stores Floor space and Nos. Old Revenue = 79M / Store / Year Warehouse-Store $ 20K (300 Ant.) $ 20K (80 Readers) $ 10K (1M Tags) RFID Hardware Cost Variable (Software) $ 50K (Backend) Software and Misc. Cost New Revenue = 81M / Store / Year Total Cost 1st Year = $ 100K + SLC* + AMC+ / Store Total Cost Nth Year = SLC + AMC / Store; N≥ 2 * Software License Cost, + Annual Maintenance Cost | All costs are current estimates

47 Locate Readers: Proximity-Sensing Algorithm
TX-Side Algorithms Research Locate Readers: Proximity-Sensing Algorithm Problem: Locate readers using TX RF signal power Solution: Sense proximity of neighbor tags

48 Ambient Noise: Frequency
Evaluation RFID Lab (without) RFID Lab (with) D M Lab Walmart

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