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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 1 The Status of TGe S Draft Text Jesse Walker Intel Corporation (503) 712-1849.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 1 The Status of TGe S Draft Text Jesse Walker Intel Corporation (503) 712-1849."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 1 The Status of TGe S Draft Text Jesse Walker Intel Corporation (503) 712-1849

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 2 Agenda Introduction and Goals Major Revisions Open Issues Summary

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 3 Introduction and Goals Review contents of doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/018r3 Review changes Review open problems Goals: Help everyone understand what the document says Solicit comments to improve text and close remaining issues Identify any further changes needed before initiating TG ballot

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 4 Agenda Introduction and Goals Major Revisions Open Issues Summary

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 5 Changes from r2 to r3 Sought to resolve comments Figures finally completed and brought up to date

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 6 Comment Resolution (1) Comment: Clearer separation of crypto and key management wanted –Resolution: Clause 8 reorganized 8.1.3 now describes Upper Layer authentication 8.2 renumbered to permit WEP2 and AES to be moved into 8.2 as 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 Description of crypto algorithm negotiation written as 8.2.4

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 7 Comment Resolution (2) Comment: Negotiation steps unclear and inconsistent –Resolution: Clause 8.1.3 rewritten, and a new clause 8.2.4 written 8.1.3 describes how ESN bit of Capability Information used to control when negotiation for Enhanced Security permitted 8.1.3 gives rules for when an ESN-capable system rolls back to legacy authentication 8.1.3 provides rules for negotiating Upper Layer Authentication 8.2.4 explains parallel decisions for cipher suite selection

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 8 Comment Resolution (3) Comment: Nonce, Realm, Principal name specific to AES –Resolution: Clauses 7, 8, and 9 revised to make these concepts more general and applicable to other authentication mechanisms Comment: ESN Negotiation elements should be optional –Resolution: Language in Clauses 7 and 8 has changed to allow this, where appropriate

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 9 Comment Resolution (4) Comment: Need better discussion of IV selection –Resolution: This has been done in clause 8.2 Comment: The AES key derivation scheme doesnt work –Resolution: Replaced with a PMAC based scheme Comment: Probe Response format not updated to include Enhanced Security elements. –Resolution: There were added to

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 10 Agenda Introduction and Goals Major Revisions Open Issues Summary

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 11 Open Issues (1) Are Deauthentication not used with Enhanced Security? –Recommendation: No, not used 6.1.3: Interaction of Replay Protection and QoS –Recommendation: to be resolved in discussion with TGe Q Monterey editing instructions called for removing rows used by legacy authentication mechanisms –Recommendation: Add text to say these rows may be omitted when peer assert Enhanced Security

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 12 Open Issues (2) notes we have never defined a Multicast key distribution mechanism –Recommendation: Since this clause is descriptive, outline use of 802.1X EAP-Key message for this notes OCB mode may infringe on an IBM patent. –Status: Working with Stuart Kerry to get IP statements

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 13 Open Issues (3) and 8.2.5: Notes a race condition between key negotiation and key usage –Recommendation: Solve this by adding a was- encapsulated parameter to MA- DATAUNIT.indication? Editor missed Kerberos specific language for Nonce, Realm, Principal in Clause 10 –Recommendation: Editor just fixes this 10.3.11: Does SetKeys support multicast keys? How do SetKeys language relate to existing MAC keys mechanisms?

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 14 Open Issues (4) Do we need to update Beacon format to include ESN elements, or do we get these automatically from 802.11d?

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 15 Agenda Introduction and Goals Major Revisions Open Issues Summary

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/147March 2000 TGe SecuritySlide 16 Summary Draft text written faithful to baseline All sections have text, and all Figures up to date Open issues list is limited and focused on limited number of issuess

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