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Alaska School Leadership Institute 2012 Rural Alaska Principal Preparation Project May 31, 2012 – Communicating a Vision Captain Cook Hotel Anchorage,

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska School Leadership Institute 2012 Rural Alaska Principal Preparation Project May 31, 2012 – Communicating a Vision Captain Cook Hotel Anchorage,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska School Leadership Institute 2012 Rural Alaska Principal Preparation Project May 31, 2012 – Communicating a Vision Captain Cook Hotel Anchorage, Alaska Facilitated By Al Bertani, Senior Design Consultant RAPPS Program Alaska Staff Development Network

2 CREATING A VISION ROADMAP Creating a vision that serves as the glue to hold things together and makes sense to the mind and the heart. CLARIFYING What is the problem you are trying to solve? IMAGINING What’s the vision or goal that describes the new desired state in a compelling way? VISIONING How can the vision be communicated simply, motivate people, and coordinate actions? STRATEGIZING How do you build short and long-term strategies to help catalyze the vision? COLLABORATING Where do good ideas come from – How do you involve others in creating the vision?

3 Communicating A Vision May 31, 2012 Al Bertani, Session Leader Having a strong vision or goal does not ensure that people will intentionally buy-in to make the change/improvement/transformation that is required. Leaders have to examine their communication styles, communication patterns, and how to make the vision “sticky” for people across the organization. Actions speak louder than words so building buy-in requires multiple methods and a commitment to stay on message consistently.

4 COMMUNICATING THE VISION ROADMAP Building buy-in requires multiple communication methods and a commitment to stay on message.. SIMPLIFYING What makes for a simple yet compelling vision? PRACTICING How can you turn your vision or goal into a laser speech? MOTIVATING How do great leaders inspire action? DIAGNOSING How do you meet people individually in the change/improvement/tran sformation? INFLUENCING How can you engage “other influencers” in communicating the vision or goal?

5 HOW LEADERS INSPIRE ACTION TED Talk - Simon Sinek The Golden Circle – Working from the Inside-Out ➨ Why ➨ How ➨ What Biology of the brain – Neo-Cortex and Limbic Systems

6 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION Pitching a New Product ➨ Brainstorm a pitch for the CFL – Light Bulb ➨ CFL bulbs last longer than standard bulbs (7 vs. 1 years) ➨ CFL bulbs consume 75% less energy when operating ➨ CFL bulbs cost more than standard bulbs ($6 vs. $3 – 4 pack) Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

7 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION Step 1Rejoin your partner from yesterday Step 2Find another duo to become a quartet Step 3Take 6 minutes to prepare your pitch Step 4Use 2 minutes each to deliver your pitch Step 5Nominate the best pitch from your quartet

8 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION ➔ Simple ➔ Unexpected ➔ Concrete ➔ Credible ➔ Emotional ➔ Stories Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

9 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION SIMPLE Simplicity is about finding your core message and sharing it in a compact way.  Army Battle Plans – Commander’s Intent  Southwest Airlines – THE Low-Fare Airline  Hollywood Pitches – Speed is Die Hard on a Bus What is the simple message of your vision/goal? Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

10 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION UNEXPECTED Unexpectedness is about grabbing people’s attention.  Surprise them by breaking the pattern  Surprise them by violating their expectations  Surprise gets their attention – Curiosity keeps it How will you capture the attention of everyone to engage them in the improvement agenda? Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

11 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION CONCRETE Sticky ideas are usually concrete – they are expressed in sensory language.  You can picture them in your head  Velcro theory of memory – Placing hooks  Concreteness creates common language How can you make the ideas of your improvement efforts more concrete? Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

12 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION CREDIBLE Credibility makes people believe in your ideas.  Don’t use data only – Use Convincing Ideas  Use the human-scale principle when using data  Testable credential - Are you better off? How can you make your improvement efforts more credible? Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

13 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION EMOTIONAL For an idea to stick, it needs to tap into something people care about.  Talk about the consequences of ideas  Appeal to Self Interest – WIIFY principle  Consequence Models – Identity Models How could you strengthen the emotional appeal of your improvement efforts? Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

14 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION STORY Stories prompt people to act via simulation – showing people how to act – a via inspiration – providing the energy and motivation to act.  Swapping stories is mental training - Visualization  Stories inspire and motivate  Stories help people springboard – see differently What stories can be developed about your improvement efforts? Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

15 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION 1.Work with Your Partner from Yesterday 2.Take 5 minutes to Write Down Your Thoughts 3.Use the Making It Stick Criteria to Shape Your Ideas 4.Deliver Your Laser Speech to Your Partner (3 minutes) 5.Have Your Partner Provide You with Feedback Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

16 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION Evaluate The Laser Speech Using the MIS Criteria Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007 CRITERIACOMMENTS Simple Unexpected Concrete Credible Emotional Story

17 MAKING IT STICK: COMMUNICATING THE VISION How can the vision be communicated simply, motivate people, and coordinate actions? ➨ What makes for a simple yet compelling vision? ➨ How can you turn your vision or goal into a laser speech? ➨ How can you engage “other influencers” in communicating the vision or goal? Drawn From Made to Stick; Heath and Heath; Random House; 2007

18 Our Learning Session… … In Review How do leaders inspire action? What makes an idea stick when its communicated? How could you use your laser speech in your work?

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