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Best Practices: Aligning Process, Culture and Tools Michael Jordan Senior Project Manager - Microsoft Consulting Services

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices: Aligning Process, Culture and Tools Michael Jordan Senior Project Manager - Microsoft Consulting Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices: Aligning Process, Culture and Tools Michael Jordan Senior Project Manager - Microsoft Consulting Services

2 Agenda Overview Process Culture Tools Implementing Project Management tools

3 Overview Exciting time for Project Management Broader industry recognition for this role Evolving tools making the job easier Refined process models providing flexible frameworks

4 Overview Challenging time for Project Management Constantly justifying their existence Always providing evidence of benefits Always negotiating PM “admin overhead”

5 Overview Main recurring themes in the industry –Integrating, Communicating and Managing People –Disseminating information –Creating consistency and repetition –Presenting data early for corrective action

6 Process Processes outside of PM lifecycle – where does Project Management fit in? –Opportunity Management –Resource Capacity Planning –Strategic Initiatives PMO role in –Project Management –Program Management –Portfolio Management

7 Process Organization’s Project Management maturity Constantly going through cycles Evolves to maturity and may collapse with change in exec priorities Industry verticals have different focus on maturity needs (Eg: Aerospace/software)

8 Process Complexity of processes and supporting tools

9 Process Controlling the schedule –Most PMs spend time making software fit the deadline date –Best place to demonstrate PM value –Weakest area in PM field –Main area to consolidate organizational standards –Maintain consistency and apply methodology

10 Process Resources and Time Capture –Time capture Project time Non project time Operational time –FTE vs contractors Applying accurate hourly rate Managing accurate overtime costs Maintaining EV reports

11 Culture Managing culture is managing the perceptions to change.

12 Culture Setting all stakeholders expectations Everyone using some form of process/tools Adoption of tools and process Functional redundancy and duplication of efforts As FTE now punching clock cards (time entry) Public view of resource effort and progress

13 Culture Organization’s perception of PMO – demonstrate value Get the organization trained on PM terminology and what to do with reported data Get organization comfortable with hearing bad news early and taking corrective action Provide consistency and make it easier not more difficult

14 Tools Companies want “out of the box” solutions Long term support Less cost Upgrade path Training resources Recognized Industry skills

15 Tools Getting more difficult in virtual teaming Outsourcing (Internationalization) Security Connectivity Collaboration Localization Currencies Languages

16 Tools Provides easy repetitive use Provides value in ability to enable informative decisions Provides ability to standardize processes and methodology Drives consistency

17 Tools PMO budget does not typically cover all costs required to implement the tools Server based tools require technical backend administration which is new and expensive Complexity of integrating tools with others Duplication of functionality – redundant applications

18 Implementing PM Tools Main challenges –Lack of implementation project planning – Ironic! –Under-estimate technical complexity –Under-estimate training readiness –Lack of ownership

19 Implementing PM Tools Organizational challenges –Don’t know what application does –Don’t know their requirements –Not enough time to do gap analysis –Lack of consensus across organizational groups

20 Implementing PM Tools Requirements challenges –Design difficult on high level requirements –Technical specs do not follow company policy or procedures –External integration dependencies –Lack of production data to configure system –All features not functional for testing –Big step into production roll out

21 Implementing PM Tools Operational Challenges –Operations not prepared for maintenance –Operational budget for PMO overlooked –Handoff and ownership - improvised –Help desk - Troubleshooting difficulty –Re-Training for lessons learned

22 Implementing PM Tools Deployment Considerations –Understanding all stakeholder impacts –Operations and maintenance –Configuration Management –IT Governance –Timing –Strategic Initiatives

23 Project Server 2003 Line of Business Systems

24 Thank you Q & A

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