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WebSee: A Tool for Debugging HTML Presentation Failures Sonal Mahajan and William G. J. Halfond Department of Computer Science University of Southern California.

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Presentation on theme: "WebSee: A Tool for Debugging HTML Presentation Failures Sonal Mahajan and William G. J. Halfond Department of Computer Science University of Southern California."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebSee: A Tool for Debugging HTML Presentation Failures Sonal Mahajan and William G. J. Halfond Department of Computer Science University of Southern California

2 Web Applications Online shopping service It takes users only 50 ms to form opinion about your website (Google research - 2012) 2

3 Motivation Presentation of a website –Crucial to make first impression –Capture users’ interest What is a presentation failure? –Web page rendering ≠ expected appearance Impact of presentation failures –Gives negative impression of your business Affects branding efforts –Reduces usability and trustworthiness End user – no penalty to move to another website Business – loses out on valuable customers 3

4 WebSee Underlying technique [ICST ‘15] Goal – Automatically detect and localize presentation failures Detection – Computer vision Localization – Rendering maps 4

5 Process Overview (1. Detection) 5 Test web page screenshot Oracle Visual comparison using PID Apply clustering (DBSCAN) A B C

6 6 Process Overview (2. Localization)

7 R1 Sub-tree of R-tree 7 R2 R3 R4 R5 Process Overview (2. Localization)

8 (100, 400) 8 R2R2 R1R1 tr[2 ] R3R3 tdtd tabl e trtr tdtd Result Set: /html/body/…/tr[2] /html/body/…/tr[2]/td[1] /html/body/…/tr[2]/td[1]/table[1] /html/body/…/tr[2]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[1] /html/body/…/tr[2]/td[1]/table[1]/td[1] Map pixel visual differences to HTML elements Process Overview (2. Localization)

9 /html /html/body /html/body/table... /html/body/table/…/img 1. /html/body/table/…/img... 5. /html/body/table 6. /html/body 7. /html Process Overview (3. Result Set Processing) 9 A B C Report Cluster B Cluster C /html /html/body /html/body/table. /html/body/table/…/img Cluster A

10 Empirical Evaluation 10 7 sec 3 min Detection accuracy = 100% Localization accuracy = 93% Result set size = 23 (10%) Time = 87 sec Running time 1. <>… 2. <>…. 23. <>… Rank of faulty element Rank = 4.8 (2%)

11 Demo 1.Regression Debugging –Current version of the web app is modified Refactor HTML (e.g. convert to layout) –Seed two presentation failures 2.Mockup Driven Development –Front-end developers convert high-fidelity mockups to HTML pages –Use real-world mockup 11

12 Thank you 12 WebSee: A Tool for Debugging HTML Presentation Failures Sonal Mahajan and William G. J. Halfond

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