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Presenting Work: Graphics and Charts Letts Chapter 14.

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1 Presenting Work: Graphics and Charts Letts Chapter 14

2 Computer Graphics Computer graphics refers to any pictures or graphs produced using a computer.

3 Drawing and Design Packages Drawing and design packages include packages for:  freehand drawing and ‘painting’;  image manipulation;  3-D modelling;  animation.

4 Picture Storage Storage of pictures can be:  pixel based (bit-mapped) - a picture stored as a set of dots;  object based (vector or line) - each picture is stored as a set of shapes.

5 Paint Packages A paint package is a general term for any program which allows freehand drawing and colouring.

6 Computer Aided Design A computer aided design (CAD) system allows the user to produce accurate drawings. Hardware for CAD usually includes:  a microcomputer with a large hard disk and main store;  a graphics tablet with a stylus;  a high resolution monitor;  a plotter or at least a laser printer;

7 CAD and CAM  CAM is computer aided manufacture.  CAD/CAM is a CAD system integrated with a CAM system.

8 Graphs and Charts Graphs and charts are often referred to as “business graphics”. Types of graph include:  a bar chart, made up of rectangular; blocks or bars;  a pie chart, in the form of a circle with lines drawn out from the centre;  a line graph, which has a set of points joined by a line;  a scatter graph, produced when two different quantities are plotted against one another.

9 These types of graphs are used as follows:  bar chart - to show the relative sizes of separate values;  pie chart - to show how something is shared;  line graph - to show how a quantity is changing;  scatter graph - to show how different quantities are related;

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