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Arnaudova Sofija MA, Trajkov Ivan, MA Denkova Frosina, MA Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, Macedonia.

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Presentation on theme: "Arnaudova Sofija MA, Trajkov Ivan, MA Denkova Frosina, MA Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, Macedonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arnaudova Sofija MA, Trajkov Ivan, MA Denkova Frosina, MA Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, Macedonia

2 E M P A T H Y  1909, Titchener (Einfühlung  εμπάθεια)  EMPATHY >capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself.  EMPATHY > capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself. Cognitive component > Cognitive component > being able to know what someone else is feeling Emotional component > Emotional component > being able to feel what someone else is feeling

3 Closeness Emotion EMPATHY Other view AGE PROSOCIALBEHAVIOR

4  Sex  Birth order  Year of study  Quantity and quality of educations

5 A L T R U I S M  1964, case with Kitty Genovese  Altruism  Prosocial behavior  Prosocial behavior =>"voluntary actions that are intended to help or benefit another individual or group of individuals" (Eisenberg and Mussen 1989, 3). This definition refers to consequences of a doer's actions rather than the motivations behind those actions.  Prosocial behavior refers to a pattern of activity altruism is the motivation to help others out of pure regard for their needs rather than how the action will benefit oneself.  Prosocial behavior refers to a pattern of activity, whereas, altruism is the motivation to help others out of pure regard for their needs rather than how the action will benefit oneself.

6  Sex  Birth order  Year of study  Quantity and quality of educations

7 A S S E R T I V E N E S S  Аssertive, assertive behavior  behavior that interact with people while standing up for your rights. Being assertive is to one's benefit most of the time but it does not mean that one always gets what he/she wants. The result of being assertive is that 1) you feel good about yourself 2) other people know how to deal with you and there is nothing vague about dealing with you.  Assertive people have the following characteristics:  They feel free to express their feelings, thoughts, and desires.  They know their rights.  They have control over their anger. It does not mean that they repress this feeling. It means that they control it for a moment and then talk about it later in a logical way.

8 Short term (power, conflict) Long term (bad relations with others) Aggression Assertiveness Short term (avoiding conflicts) Long term(low self esteem ) Passivity

9  Sex  Birth order  Year of study  Quantity and quality of educations



12 PROBLEM Is there connection between empathy, altruism and assertiveness at psychology students? Key words: -level of empathy, altruism, assertiveness -year of study -sex of the students -birth order -quantity and quality of the educations

13 Multy method triangulation

14 Quantitative research  IRI (Index of interpersonal reaction) (Davis,1996)  Scale of altruism (Raboteg-Šarić, 1993)  Scale of assertiveness (Zdravković, 2004) Qualitative research  Focus groups

15 Sample  Students from faculty of Philosophy (2007/08) SWSP PSYCH PEDAG. Sp. Ed. First year Fourth year


17 AltruismAssertivenessEmpathy Altruism -.05.31** Аassertiveness.05--.20** Empathy.31**-.20**-

18 Social Work  Empathy and altruism (р<.01, r=.31)  Empathy and assertiveness (р<.01, r=-.24)  Empathy and altruism (р<.01, r=.39) Psychology  Empathy and altruism (р<.01, r=.31)  Empathy and assertiveness (р<.05, r=-.21)  Empathy and altruism (р<.05, r=.34) Special Education Pedagogy

19 Learning areaNMσF-testp Global empathy Social Work15493.6211.18 Psychology9597.3411.11 Pedagogy7597.9511.38 Special education 5695.9311.18 Total38095.7411.313.45<.05

20 No significant differences Social work (t(227)= -2.73 p<.01) Social work (t(247)= -2.55 p<.05) Psychology (t(247)= -2.55 p<.05) Pedagogy (t(227)= -2.73 p<.01) Social WorkPsychology Special Education Pedagogy

21 Graphical approach of the arithmetical means for the scale of global empathy at students from different learning areas SWSP PSYCH PEDAG. Sp. Ed. Global empathy

22 Learning areaNMσF-testp Altruism Social Work15473.378.57 Psychology9572.817.75 Pedagogy7572.197.98 Special education5676.045.26 Total38073.397.902.89<.05

23 All results are higher at special education students Special education (t(129)= -3.14 p<.01) Special education (t(149)= -2.76 p<.01), Special education (t(208)= -2.18 p<.05) Social workPsychology Special education Pedagogy

24 Graphical approach of the arithmetical means for the scale of altruism at students from different learning areas SWSP PSYCH PEDAG. Sp. Ed. Altruism

25 Learning areaNMσF-testp Assertiveness Social Work15463.547.82 Psychology9563.0810.36 Pedagogy7562.539.57 Special education5664.148.94 Total38063.329.00.40>.05

26 No significant differences Social WorkPsychology DefectologyPedagogy

27 Graphical approach of the arithmetical means for the scale of assertiveness at students from different learning areas SWSP PSYCH PEDAG. Sp. Ed. Assertiveness

28 Year of study NMσt-testp Global empathy First25594.9811.75 Fourth12597.3010.23-1.88>.05 AltruismFirst25572.448.62 Fourth12575.345.74-3.41<.01 AssertivenessFirst25563.098.87 Fourth12563.789.30-.70>.05

29 sexNMσt-testp Global empathy Male5587.6410.45 Female32597.1210.88-6.01<.01 AltruismMale5570.1411.97 Female32573.946.86-3.34<.01 AssertivenessMale5561.807.93 Female32563.579.16-1.35>.05

30 Birth orderNMσt-testp Global empathy Only child2794.3713.95 First born16195.6110.99 Middle born3893.1811.82 Last born15496.7610.991.201.20>.05 Altruism Only child2774.927.45 First born16173.447.33 Middle born3870.0012.23 Last born15473.907.022.93<.05 Assertiveness Only child2770.189.90 First born16162.408.63 Middle born3861.847.61 Last born15463.439.086.40<.01

31 AltruismAssertivenessEmapthy Quantity of educations Altruism -.05.31**.16** Assertiveness.05--.20**.10* Empathy.31**-.20**-.05 Quantity of educations.16**.10*.05- * Correlation significant at level р<.05 ** Correlation significant at level р<.01

32 Quality of educations NMσt-testp Global empathy Useful7796.2311.70 Partly useful7896.639.66 Not useful498.007.44 total15996.959.60.45>.05 Altruism Useful7776.624.56 Partly useful7874.255.73 Not useful468.259.32 total15973.046.548.28<.01 Assertiveness Useful7764.389.72 Partly useful7863.0410.11 Not useful463.752.75 total15963.727.53.45>.05

33 C O N C L U S I O N

34  How much adopted competences prepare the students for adequate practical work?  Are our students concurrent at the labor market and at the,,European countries” after ECT system in the high education?

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