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09/26/13 *Come in Silently!!! *Remember to fill out your planner!!!

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Presentation on theme: "09/26/13 *Come in Silently!!! *Remember to fill out your planner!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 09/26/13 *Come in Silently!!! *Remember to fill out your planner!!!

2 Agenda Book Talk: Ender’s Game

3 For today’s quick write, you can continue to write about the memory and song from Tuesday, or you can tell a story about another memory connected to watching a movie.

4 Share!!! *Share your piece with your group. *What do you think you would need to work on to make this a better narrative? (Write it down)

5 Independent Reading *Read your book and do double entry journal notes. *Write down interesting words you are not familiar with and the page they are on.

6 Meet with your book group Review page 5 in student resource book together Each person needs to write one higher level question independently Review and assign lit circle roles

7 What are some basic rules for dialogue? Indent a new paragraph for each new speaker. Put quotation marks around the dialogue Put punctuation inside the quotation marks

8 Try it yourself… Use the handouts on dialogue and the information you used in LASER to add dialogue to your quick write from today. You can also you pages 27 and 45 in the student resource book.

9 Share It! Share it with your group and give one another feedback

10 Debrief Exit Slip: (Answer in complete sentences) What do you need to work on to improve your use of dialogue in a narrative?

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