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COMT 4/510 Advanced Interpersonal Communication Perception: Culture and Family.

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Presentation on theme: "COMT 4/510 Advanced Interpersonal Communication Perception: Culture and Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMT 4/510 Advanced Interpersonal Communication Perception: Culture and Family

2 culture = an accumulated pattern of values, beliefs and behaviors, shared by an identifiable group of people who share 1) a common history, and 2) a verbal and nonverbal symbol system.

3 microculture = exists within a culture but has its own distinct norms. co-cultures = several microcultures existing within the framework of a culture.

4 Different cultures have different values. name 10 differences.

5 Peace Individual Religion Wealth Family Security Education Meaning of work

6 Different cultures have different world views. How so?

7 Superior/inferior The beautiful The economy Trickle-down Recreation What is polite Purpose of the military

8 What does it mean to say that each culture is trapped in its own language? Aëëåò ÐçãÝò.

9 Time differences among cultures be on time each thing has its own time hanging loose

10 Spacetime = (length, width, depth) + (past, present and future)

11 Aymara locate the past and present in front of them And the future is behind. Respond.

12 High context vs low context cultures. Do you pay attention to setting as communication?

13 Perceived cultural differences high/low context individualistic/collective challenge authority different norms tendency to approach/avoid others content relational differences

14 Effects of uncertainty about... Feelings attitudes politics activities

15 England suggests that equality is not so much “we are all the same” as it is we are in this together. How our community turns out depends upon all of us.

16 Cultures generate their own symbols, rituals, customs, formats... every culture has its own communication style... Culture and communication are inseparable

17 CT 4/510: Advanced Interpersonal Communication Perception and Family

18 Body Problems body problems involve issues with location in a family

19 body problems control predictableunpredictable body- relatedness dissociated associated other-relatedness monadicdyadic desire lacking productive disciplined (regimentation) dominating (force) mirroring (consumption) communicative (recognition)

20 Stone - impact of family stories. Birthdate/Where were you born? Parents and Grandparents names, What did they do for a living? One memory about each Where did you go to school? what did you like about school? Least?

21 What was your favorite activity as a child? Describe the house/town you grew up in. What made you afraid when you were a child? First date? Describe your best childhood friend. What has changed most in your life?/ What would you change?

22 DeGenova & Rice suggest that parental socialization is one of the strongest influences in determining children's family formation behavior. Respond.

23 From our family we usually learn: how gender is played out how to deal with loss how ethnic differences are perceived how and if affection is shared how family boundaries are managed how to deal with conflict


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