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Going Wireless in Kansas City: Testing Handheld Technology for Public Library Use David King IT/Web Project Manager Kansas City Public Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Going Wireless in Kansas City: Testing Handheld Technology for Public Library Use David King IT/Web Project Manager Kansas City Public Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Going Wireless in Kansas City: Testing Handheld Technology for Public Library Use David King IT/Web Project Manager Kansas City Public Library

2 Overview Project in a Nutshell Current Uses for PDAs What did we test Results of those tests Summary of Findings Future Directions and Goals

3 Why???? New larger building with unstaffed floors Ability to assist customers throughout the building Staff using wireless devices can connect to catalog and databases anywhere in the building!

4 Project in a Nutshell Spent $30,000: 25 iPAQs 25 wireless cards 14 wireless access points 2 barcode scanners

5 Project in a Nutshell Formed a Committee: Cross-section of library staff Charged with testing wireless applications, hardware, and connectivity.

6 What’s an iPAQ? Handheld device made by HP/Compaq PDA Pocket PC Wireless expansion packs


8 Wireless Access Point Contact point for wireless LAN Plugs into a network outlet IEEE 802.11b compliant Wall mountable


10 Barcode Scanner Symbol SPS 3000 Bar Code Scanner Connects with iPAQ as an expansion pack Very portable!



13 Project in a Nutshell Set up email distribution list Created a taskforce intranet site using Microsoft Sharepoint Team Services to aid in communication

14 Current Uses for PDAs Found background research on current PDA uses in library and corporate settings Healthcare, Education, Automotive, Military, Hotels, Manufacturing, Libraries

15 Healthcare Reference material – DSM IV, ePocrates drug database downloaded to PDA Specialized Calculators (ex., cardiac arrest calculator) Patient tracking – bedside notes downloaded to database Checking lab results Prescription writing

16 Education Take attendance Store student contact info Store lesson plans Students: take notes in the field download them later

17 Automotive Diagnostic tools Reference tools (ex., wiring diagrams) Work orders Vehicle history

18 Military Coordinate scheduling information aboard ships Checking email Training and evaluations Electronic clipboards Barcode scanning

19 Hotels Real-time status for rooms Manages guest requests Data entry

20 Manufacturing Production scheduling Work orders Meter readings Inventory with barcode scanners CRM for sales staff Field service and warranty tracking Time clocks

21 Libraries Downloading hours, locations, calendars AvantGo pages and links to PDA reference materials Checking out PDAs in a university setting

22 First Two Meetings Training session Passed out PDAs Brainstorming on what to test Created an assignment list Created a feedback form for committee members to report results

23 What did we test? Traditional PDA functions: Appointment setting Internet accessibility Recording voice reminders Note taking

24 What did we test? Public Service Staff functions: Accessing web-based library catalog Staff communication through email and IM Accessing databases and library services Storing presentations Accessing patron records Recording customer comments In-house use tracking

25 What did we test? Technical Staff Functions: Inventory and weeding Updating items records Barcode scanning IT: PDA screen magnifiers Linking PDA to PC monitor or projector

26 What did we test? Branch library functions: Catalog assistance with patrons Placing requests for patrons Checking materials in and out Circulation duties Discharging material

27 Results Results divided into five broad categories: Basic PDA functionality Working with customers Internet accessibility and email Interacting with library catalog Miscellaneous functions

28 Basic PDA Functionality Appointment setting – everyone liked this feature Note Taking: Stylus entry: works in a pinch Handwriting Recognition Software: one person liked it Foldable/thumbpad keyboards: Thumbpad – no! not much better than stylus Foldable – some adjustment, but works well

29 Working with Customers Roving Reference: Technically worked fine Takes a lot of time to use the stylus Placing PCs strategically around the building is a better option Placing requests for customers: Technically worked fine Had to focus on the PDA rather than the customer Only one person can comfortably view PDA Accessing patron records – worked well

30 Internet Accessibility Only as a last resort Screen is too small for most websites Some services didn’t work (chat feature) Here’s an example





35 Email Two types of access: Pocket Outlook Web-based email Both worked fine Staff prefer familiar desktop version

36 Interacting with the Catalog Inventory and weeding, updating records, and in-house use tracking Barcode scanner was a problem… Our wonderful staff was able to perform each task with the stylus!

37 Misc Other unique ideas appeared… Storing/delivering presentations Recording customer comments – it works, but you need permission, have to remember where the file is stored, etc. Multiple person use of PDA (like at a service desk) – works if you set up PDA properly.

38 Summary of Findings Usual PDA functions worked great Note taking is best with a foldable keyboard PDAs don’t work well as a “roving catalog” lookup tool Internet access works, but screen is small Probably works well with a scanner for inventory, weeding, and in-house use counts

39 Future Direction and Goals Taskforce plans to test tablet PCs and other larger handheld devices Full wireless communication system Wireless VOIP phones Wireless/Fiber PC connections Wireless access on all floors for staff and public 60 wireless laptops in a fancy- schmancy video conferencing room

40 Questions?

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