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PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter.

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Presentation on theme: "PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter Mask Supplied Air Job Hazards Y es Job Hazards Y es Access and EgressMoving Parts Activities of OthersNoise Adverse WeatherRail Movement Chemical ExposureSharp Edges ElectricitySlips, Trips, and Falls FatigueStatic Electricity Fire and ExplosionTrip Injuries Ground ContaminationTrapped Pressure Manual HandlingWorking at Height Other: References / Documents  Unit Safe Upper & Lower Limits Spreadsheet  Unit MSDS Information AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-XX-XXX09.20.20111 of 4 Running PP Mix Tanks Environmental  All samples must be properly labeled and properly discarded. Special Instructions  This procedure describes the steps needed to test samples of the PP Mix Tanks for corrosion, GC analysis, RVP, and Sulfur.  Any problems, notify Shift Supervisor or Duane Chaisson. Running PP Mix Tanks 1Prepare copper strip and place it in a corrosion bomb. Get a GC bomb. 2If product is to be located onto rail cars, get a Vapor Pressure bomb (600# gauge). 3Before sampling the tank, first vent the sample line for a few seconds. 4 Fill the GC bomb (vertical and venting upward) first, then fill the corrosion bomb (and RVP bomb if required). Sampling into the corrosion bomb first, without properly venting the sample line may give a bad result. Scope / Objective Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: Lab Analysis 1Place the corrosion bomb in the 100 F bath. After one hour drain the bomb and rate the copper strip. 2 Attach quick-connect fitting to the GC bomb. Place a bladder on the end of the fitting (it is important to make sure that the bladder is labeled for PP Tanks only). 3 Vent a small portion of the sample into the bladder. Two or three quick bursts into the bladder are sufficient. Clamp the bladder closed. 4 Remove the bladder from the quick-connect and attach it to the sample line on the Gas Chromatograph. Handle the sample line on the GC with great care. 5Unclamp the bladder, allowing the sample to flush the sample loop for 15 seconds. 6Either Carle “C” or Carle “B” can be used to run the GC analysis. EquipmentMaterials and Reagents

2 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-XX-XXX09.20.20112 of 4 Running PP Mix Tanks Continued Lab Analysis Continued 7 Normally the computer is on and Carle “C” is ready to run PP’s, however, if the computer is not on, take the following steps (if the computer is on, skip to Step #8): a.Turn on computer. The Power button is in the middle, near the top. b.Simultaneously press “Control,” “Alternate,” and “Delete”. c.Type password (3000hanover) and press Enter. d.Using the mouse, click “Start,” “Programs,” “HP Chemstations,” and then “Instrument 2 Online”. e.Near the top of the screen are three white rectangles. The middle one reads “CarleC.M.”. Click the down arrow to the right of it, and the “PP’s.M.”. f.On the right window, reading “CarleC.S.,” click the down arrow, and then “PP’s.S.” g.The GC is now ready to run PP’s. 8 Look at the 3 white rectangles near the top of the screen; make sure they read: Method and Run Control, “PP’s.M” and “PP’s.S”. If not, use the mouse and click down arrow to select these choices. 9To start the GC, click on “Run Control”, and then “Run Sequence”. 10 A 2-page report will automatically print after the run has ended. Examine it carefully. a.Check to see if the Propane and Propylene peaks have been properly identified. b.Check for the presence of Ethane (at approximately 33 minutes) and Isobutane (at approximately 9.5 minutes). c.If all peaks have been identified correctly, simply round off the results to the nearest 0.01%. Make sure that the total of all components is exactly 100.00%. d.If any results need to be corrected, use the mouse and click Method and Run Control, then Data Analysis. 11 Many types of problems can occur, but the two most likely are: a.A component (i.e. propane or ethane) has a visible peak but has not been correctly named. b.A peak (i.e. noise or air) has been calculated and needs to be eliminated. 12 To correct problem “A”, use the mouse and click Calibration, then Calibration Table. This calls up the Calibration Table. This table contains the expected retention times (in minutes) for the components in the second column from the left-labeled RT. a.The printed report has the actual times the peaks appeared. The times are printed vertically above the peaks. Type in the actual time next to the component name. Click OK. b.A window will appear with the question: Delete Lines with Zero Amounts? Click No. c.A Warning Table will appear. Click OK. d.In the upper right hand corner of the screen there are 3 icons. Click the center one. This will recalculate the results based upon the changes made to the Calibration Table. e.If you want to print a copy, click Print at the bottom of the screen, or the icon at the far upper right hand of the screen. 13 To correct problem “B”, look at the 3 icons underneath the word Data Analysis, and click the one on the left edge of the screen. You now have some integration Tools that can be used to eliminate unwanted peaks. a.Select the Magnifying Glass (+). This allows you to enlarge any area you may need a better view of. This may not be necessary if you can already see which peak needs to be eliminated. b.To eliminate a peak, select the far right tool with the Red X. Click on the peak(s) you wish to eliminate and recalculate/reprint the results as in Step #12d. c.All mistakes can be easily corrected, don’t be afraid to experiment with the mouse. This is the only way that you will learn how to use it properly. If you eliminate a “good” peak by mistake, click Integrate. This will restore the chromatogram to its original state. Any changes which were made before the “mistake” will have to be repeated. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By:

3 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-XX-XXX09.20.20113 of 4 Running PP Mix Tanks Continued Sulfur Analysis 14The GC bomb still contains enough sample to run the Sulfur. This analysis is run using the APS. 15Check both the Argon and Oxygen cylinders. If either cylinder has less than 500# psi, close it and connect a fresh cylinder. 16There is an A/B Switchbox on top of the PC monitor. Switch to B to run LPG samples. 17 Normally the computer is on the Main Workspace Page. If it is not or if the computer freezes up and you have to restart the computer, take the following steps: a.Click Start. b.Click Program. c.Click APS 35 Elemental Analyzer. d.Click APS 35 EC Nitrogen-Sulfur. This takes you to the Main Workspace Page. 18 Click Method on the left-hand side of the screen. This takes you to the Method Page. a.Click Saved As arrow. b.Scroll to gas. c.Click gas. d.Click Done. This takes you to the Main Workspace Page. 19 Click Sample on the left-hand side of the screen. This takes you to the Sample Page. a.Click Calibration. b.Scroll to gas. c.Click gas. 20 Click Saved As. a.Scroll to gas or p-tank. b.Click gas. 21 Set up sample table: a.Click Number of Samples. b.Delete the current number and type in the number of samples you have. A window will appear with the question: “Do you want to replace the existing file?” Click Yes. c.In the Number of Injections, the number should be 3. If not, change it to 3. d.Click Enter Data. A window will appear with the question: “Do you want to replace the existing file?” Click Yes. e.Click on line 1 in the sample under Name. Click until you see the cursor blinking. f.Type in your sample name (i.e. P-6, C3/C4). Click on line 2, this should copy the name on lines 2 and 3. g.Repeat steps E-F if you have more than one sample. 22Click Done. This brings you back to the Main Workspace Page. 23 Prepare sample: a.Empty the old sample out of the gasbag. Attach the bag to the vacuum in the hood and suck the old sample out. b.Attach the quick-connect to the GC bomb. c.Attach the bomb to the gasbag. d.Open the bomb and vent a small portion in the gasbag. e.Close the bomb and remove the bomb from the bag. f.Attach the bag to the APS sample line. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By:

4 Running PP Mix Tanks Continued Sulfur Analysis (continued) 24Click Start. The sample will be analyzed 3 times and then averaged. 25Click Sample. Read result from the Sample Table under the column labeled conc. 26 Shut down the instrument. a.Click Method. b.Scroll to shut down. c.Click shut down. d.Click Done. 27 Fill out PP Tank Analysis Sheet, put the information in the computer, make 20 copies, and deliver the copies to the Truck Rack Operator. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-XX-XXX09.20.20114 of 4

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